Oracle® Beehive Application Developer's Guide Release 1 (1.4) Part Number E13800-01 |
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This module lists all available Oracle Beehive Web services, their methods, and the data types they use.
This section lists Oracle Beehive Web services, categorized by service name.
Provides methods to manage personal or team workspace address books and their contents, such as contacts and groups.
Table A-1 AddressBookService
Method | Return Type |
GetAddressBooks( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] abookList, tns:WSFilter abFilter ) |
tns:WSAddressBook[] |
UpdateAddressBook( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity parent, tns:WSAddressBook abook ) |
tns:WSAddressBook |
DeleteAddressBook( tns:WSEntity abID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
GetContact( tns:WSEntity[] cID, tns:WSFilter contactFilter ) |
tns:WSContact[] |
GetAllContacts( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity abook, xsd:string contactType, tns:WSFilter contactFilter ) |
tns:WSContact[] |
UpdateContact( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity abook, tns:WSContact contact ) |
tns:WSContact |
DeleteContacts( tns:WSEntity[] cIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Provides methods for managing personal or team workspace calendars, task lists, meetings , invitations, tasks, task assignments, reminders and Free/Busy information.
Table A-2 CalendarService
Method | Return Type |
GetCalendars( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] calIDList, tns:WSFilter calFilter ) |
tns:WSCalendar[] |
GetTaskAssignments( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity taskListID, tns:WSEntity[] taskAssignmentIDs ) |
tns:WSTaskAssignment[] |
UpdateTaskAssignment( tns:WSTaskAssignment task ) |
tns:WSTaskAssignment |
DeleteTaskAssignments( tns:WSEntity taskAssignmentIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
UpdateCalendar( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSCalendar calendar ) |
tns:WSCalendar |
DeleteCalendar( tns:WSEntity calID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
GetEvents( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSEntity[] eventIDList, xsd:dateTime startTime, xsd:dateTime endTime, tns:WSFilter eventFilter ) |
tns:WSCalendarEvent[] |
UpdateEvent( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSCalendarEvent calEvent ) |
tns:WSCalendarEvent |
DeleteEvents( tns:WSEntity[] eventIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
UpdateEventSeries( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSEventSeries eventSeries ) |
tns:WSEventSeries[] |
GetEventSeries( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSEntity[] eventSeriesIDList, tns:WSFilter eventSeriesFilter ) |
tns:WSEventSeries[] |
DeleteEventSeries( tns:WSEntity eventSeriesID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
DeleteInvitations( tns:WSEntity[] invitationIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeleteInvitationSeries( tns:WSEntity invSeriesID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
GetInvitationSeries( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSEntity[] invitationSeriesIDList, tns:WSFilter invitationSeriesFilter ) |
tns:WSCalendarInvitation[] |
GetInvitations( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSEntity[] invitationIDList, xsd:dateTime startTime, xsd:dateTime endTime, tns:WSFilter inviteFilter ) |
tns:WSCalendarInvitation[] |
UpdateInvitation( tns:WSCalendarInvitation ci ) |
UpdateInvitationSeries( tns:WSInvitationSeries is ) |
xsd:boolean[] |
GetFreeBusy( tns:WSEntity[] uIDList, xsd:dateTime startTime, xsd:dateTime endTime ) |
tns:WSActorFreeBusy[] |
GetReminders( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] reminderIDList, tns:WSFilter remFilter ) |
tns:WSReminder[] |
UpdateReminder( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSReminder reminder ) |
tns:WSReminder |
DeleteReminder( tns:WSEntity remID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
DeleteTasks( tns:WSEntity[] taskIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
DeleteTaskLists( tns:WSEntity[] taskListIds ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
GetTaskLists( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] taskListIDs ) |
tns:WSTaskList[] |
GetTasks( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity taskListID, tns:WSEntity[] taskIDs ) |
tns:WSTask |
UpdateTask( tns:WSTask task ) |
tns:WSTask |
UpdateTaskList( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSTaskList taskList ) |
tns:WSTaskList |
UpdateRecurringEventSeries( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity calID, tns:WSEventSeries eventSeries ) |
tns:WSEventSeries |
Provides methods that manage Web conferences, including retrieving information about completed and running Web conference sessions.
Table A-3 ConferenceService
Method | Return Type |
DeleteConferences( tns:WSEntity[] confIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeleteTemplate( tns:WSEntity cTemplateID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetConferences( tns:WSEntity uID, xsd:dateTime startTime, xsd:dateTime endTime, tns:WSEntity[] confIDList, tns:WSFilter confFilter ) |
tns:WSConference[] |
GetEndedSessions( tns:WSEntity[] uID, tns:WSEntity[] confID ) |
tns:WSConferenceSession[] |
GetLogEntries( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity confID, tns:WSParticipant p ) |
tns:WSConferenceLogEntry[] |
GetRunningSession( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity confID, tns:WSFilter confFilter ) |
GetTemplate( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity confID, tns:WSFilter templateFilter ) |
UpdateConference( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSConference conf ) |
tns:WSConference |
UpdateConferenceSession( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSConferenceSession cs ) |
UpdateTemplate( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSConferenceTemplate cTemplate ) |
Provides methods that manage devices, which are supported client software installed on computers, such as Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, and mobile devices.
Table A-4 DeviceService
Method | Return Type |
DeleteDevices( tns:WSEntity[] deviceIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetDevicePresence( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity devID, tns:WSFilter devFilter ) |
tns:WSPresence |
GetDevices( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] deviceIDList, tns:WSFilter devFilter ) |
tns:WSDevice[] |
UpdateDevice( tns:WSDevice dev ) |
tns:WSDevice |
Manage threaded, online discussion forums, in which users post messages about a topic within a forum. These methods manage and organize forums, topics, and messages.
Table A-5 DiscussionForumService
Method | Return Type |
DeleteDiscussionForums( tns:WSEntity[] forumIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeleteMessages( tns:WSEntity[] dmIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeleteTopics( tns:WSEntity[] topicIDs ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetDiscussionForums( tns:WSEntity wID, tns:WSEntity[] forumIds, tns:WSFilter dfFilter ) |
tns:WSForum[] |
GetLastPost( tns:WSEntity wID, tns:WSEntity fID, tns:WSEntity topicID, tns:WSEntity dmFilter ) |
GetMessages( tns:WSTopic topic, tns:WSEntity[] dmIDList, tns:WSEntity dmFilter ) |
tns:WSDiscussionMessage[] |
GetTopics( tns:WSEntity forumID, tns:WSEntity[] topicIDs, tns:WSFilter topicFilter ) |
tns:WSTopic[] |
PostMessage( tns:WSEntity parentMessage, tns:WSDiscussionMessage dm ) |
UpdateDiscussionForum( tns:WSEntity parentForum, tns:WSForum forum ) |
tns:WSForum |
UpdateTopic( tns:WSEntity fID, tns:WSTopic topic ) |
tns:WSTopic |
Provides methods for managing documents in personal or team workspaces.
Table A-6 DocumentService
Method | Return Type |
CancelCheckoutDocument( tns:WSEntity docID ) |
CheckinDocument( tns:WSEntity docID, xsd:string versionName ) |
tns:WSVersion |
CheckoutDocument( tns:WSEntity docID, xsd:string checkoutComment ) |
tns:WSVersion |
GetDocuments( tns:WSEntity[] docIDList, tns:WSProjection projection ) |
tns:WSDocument[] |
GetDocumentsInFolder( tns:WSEntity folderID, tns:WSFilter docFilter ) |
tns:WSDocument[] |
GetContent( tns:WSEntity[] contentIDList ) |
tns:WSContent[] |
GetContentOfDocs( tns:WSEntity[] contentIDList ) |
tns:WSContent[] |
UpdateDocument( tns:WSEntity docID, tns:WSDocument doc, tns:WSContent content, tns:WSConflictResolutionMode conflictResolutionMode ) |
tns:WSDocument |
UpdateVersion( tns:WSVersion version ) |
tns:WSVersion |
DeleteDocuments( tns:WSEntity[] docIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Provides methods for managing messaging and document folders in personal or team workspaces.
Table A-7 FolderService
Method | Return Type |
GetFolders( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] fIDList, tns:WSFilter folderFilter ) |
tns:WSFolder[] |
GetSubFolders( tns:WSEntity containerID, tns:WSFilter folderFilter ) |
tns:WSFolder[] |
UpdateFolder( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSFolder folder ) |
tns:WSFolder |
DeleteFolders( tns:WSEntity[] folderIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Provides methods for managing object metadata and data relationships, as well as provides cross artifact capabilities, searching, and notification capabilities.
Table A-8 GeneralArtifactService
Method | Return Type |
CopyArtifact( tns:WSEntity newParent, tns:WSArtifact artifact ) |
tns:WSArtifact |
MoveArtifact( tns:WSEntity newParent, tns:WSArtifact artifact ) |
tns:WSArtifact |
tns:WSTag[] |
tns:WSTag |
tns:WSBond[] |
UpdateBond( tns:WSBond bond ) |
tns:WSBond |
DeleteBonds( tns:WSEntity[] entityList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
LoadLinks( tns:WSEntity[] entityIDs, tns:WSProjection linkProjection ) |
tns:WSLink[] |
GetLinksInFolder( tns:WSEntity folderID, tns:WSFilter linkFilter ) |
tns:WSLink[] |
GetLinksToEntity( tns:WSEntity entityID, tns:WSFilter linkFilter ) |
tns:WSLink[] |
tns:WSRoleDefinition[] |
tns:WSRoleDefinition[] |
UpdateLink( tns:WSLink link ) |
tns:WSLink |
DeleteLinks( tns:WSEntity[] linkList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetExternalArtifacts( tns:WSEntity[] externalArtifactIDList ) |
tns:WSExternalArtifact[] |
UpdateExternalArtifact( tns:WSEntity parent, tns:WSExternalArtifact externalArtifact ) |
DeleteExternalArtifacts( tns:WSEntity[] externalArtifactIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetEffectiveLocks( tns:WSEntity entity ) |
tns:WSLock[] |
UpdateLock( tns:WSLock lock ) |
tns:WSLock |
DeleteLocks( tns:WSEntity[] entityList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeleteTags( tns:WSEntity[] tagIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
UpdateSubscription( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSSubscription sub ) |
tns:WSSubscription |
DeleteSubscriptions( tns:WSEntity[] subIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetSubscription( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity notID, tns:WSFilter subFilter ) |
tns:WSSubscription |
GetSubscriptionList( tns:WSEntity eID, tns:WSFilter subFilter ) |
tns:WSSubscription[] |
GetSubscriptionTemplates( xsd:string subscriptionType ) |
tns:WSSubscriptionTemplate[] |
FindArtifacts( xsd:string searchString, tns:WSFilter filter, xsd:int maxCount, xsd:int start, xsd:int end ) |
tns:WSSearchResult[] |
FindTags( xsd:string[] tagNameList ) |
tns:WSTag[] |
FindAllTags( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity artifactType ) |
tns:WSTag[] |
FindCategories( xsd:string[] categoryNameList ) |
tns:WSCategory[] |
FindAllCategories( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity artifactType ) |
tns:WSCategory[] |
FindRelatedArtifacts( tns:WSEntity artifactID, xsd:string artifactType ) |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
FindAllArtifactsWithTags( tns:WSEntity uID, xsd:string artifactType, xsd:string tagName ) |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
FindArtifactsModifiedSince( tns:WSEntity uID, xsd:dateTime date, xsd:string artifactType ) |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
FindArtifactsWithTags( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntityType artifactType, xsd:string[] tagNames ) |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
FindArtifactsLargerThan( xsd:int size ) |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Provides methods for directly managing personal, workspace, or system groups without having to navigate through scope details such as enterprise, organization and workspace.
Table A-9 GroupService
Method | Return Type |
GetGroup( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSProjection projection ) |
tns:WSGroup |
tns:WSGroup[] |
GetGroupsForUser( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSProjection projection ) |
tns:WSGroup[] |
GetEffectiveGroupsForUser( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSProjection projection ) |
tns:WSGroup[] |
GetAllUsersGroup( tns:WSProjection projection ) |
tns:WSGroup[] |
CreateGroup( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSGroup gID ) |
tns:WSGroup |
DeleteGroup( tns:WSEntity gID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
UpdateGroup( tns:WSGroup grp ) |
tns:WSGroup |
Provides methods to retrieve, modify, and delete users and groups in the system. To retrieve the members of a group, specify a FULL projection type with the GetGroup method. To retrieve the members of a workspace, specify a FULL projection in a filter with the GetWorkspaces method.
Table A-10 MembershipService
Method | Return Type |
tns:WSUser[] |
UpdateUser( tns:WSUser wsUser ) |
tns:WSUser |
DeleteUser( tns:WSEntity uID ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
GetDelegatedPrincipals( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity userFilter ) |
tns:WSUser[] |
WhoAmI( ) |
tns:WSUser |
Provides methods for managing personal or team workspace email and instant messages.
Table A-11 MessageService
Method | Return Type |
GetContentData( tns:WSEntity emailID, xsd:base64Binary partIdentifier, xsd:int size ) |
xsd:base64Binary |
tns:WSMessageBox |
GetMessageBoxes( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity[] mdIDList, tns:WSFilter msgFilter ) |
tns:WSMessageBox[] |
UpdateMessageBox( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity parentMBid, tns:WSMessageBox mbox ) |
tns:WSMessageBox |
DeleteMessageBoxes( tns:WSEntity[] mbIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetEmailMessages( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity msgBoxID, tns:WSEntity[] msgIDList, tns:WSFilter msgFilter ) |
tns:WSMessage[] |
GetNewMessages( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity msgBoxID, tns:WSFilter msgFilter ) |
tns:WSMessage[] |
GetUnreadMessages( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSEntity msgBoxID, tns:WSFilter msgFilter ) |
tns:WSMessageHeader[] |
UpdateMessages( tns:WSMessage[] msgList ) |
tns:WSMessage[] |
SendMessage( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSMessage msg ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
DeleteEmailMessages( tns:WSEntity[] msgIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
SendInstantMessage( tns:WSInstantMessage instantMsg ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
GetInstantMessage( xsd:string clientSideID, xsd:string conversationID ) |
tns:WSInstantMessage[] |
SaveDraft( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSMessage msg, tns:WSEntity draftFolderId ) |
tns:WSResultStatus |
Provides methods to manage user preferences stored on the server and leveraged by Oracle Beehive clients.
Table A-12 PreferenceService
Method | Return Type |
ActivatePresenceProfile( tns:WSEntity prefProfileId ) |
DeletePreferenceProfiles( tns:WSEntity[] prefProfIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeletePreferences( tns:WSEntity[] prefProfIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
GetActivePreferenceProfile( tns:WSEntity uID ) |
GetPreferenceProfiles( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSFilter prefFilter ) |
tns:WSPreferenceProfile[] |
UpdatePreference( tns:WSEntity prefHolder, tns:WSEntity prefProfile ) |
tns:WSPreference |
UpdatePreferenceProfile( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSPreferenceProfile prefProf ) |
Provides methods to manage a user's presence information, subscribe to other user's presence, and view the XMPP roster
Table A-13 PresenceService
Method | Return Type |
GetPresence( tns:WSEntity watchable ) |
tns:WSPresence[] |
GetPresences( tns:WSEntity[] watchables ) |
tns:WSPresence[] |
tns:WSPresence[] |
tns:WSSubscriptionRoster[] |
RequestPresenceSubscription( tns:WSEntity watchavke ) |
: |
SetPresence( tns:WSPresenceContactMethod contactMethod ) |
: |
SetSubscriptionStatus( tns:WSEntity watchable, tns:WSEntity status ) |
: |
DeletePresenceSubscription( tns:WSEntity watchable ) |
: |
UpdateActivities( tns:WSActivity[] activitiesToAdd, tns:WSActivity[] activitiesToRemove ) |
: |
Provides methods for managing personal or team workspaces and their top-level folders.
Table A-14 WorkspaceService
Method | Return Type |
GetWorkspaces( tns:WSEntity uID, xsd:string wspType, tns:WSFilter wspFilter ) |
tns:WSWorkspace[] |
GetWorkspaceTemplates( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSFilter wspTemplateFilter ) |
tns:WSWorkspaceTemplate[] |
GetTrashItems( tns:WSEntity uID ) |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
UnDeleteItems( tns:WSEntity[] artifactList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
PurgeTrash( tns:WSEntity[] wIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
DeleteWorkspaces( tns:WSEntity[] wIDList ) |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
UpdateWorkspace( tns:WSEntity uID, tns:WSWorkspace wksp ) |
tns:WSWorkspace |
UpdateWorkspaceMembers( tns:WSEntity workspace, tns:WSWorkspaceParticipant[] workspaceParticipants ) |
tns:WSWorkspace |
Provides methods to manage personal or team workspace address books and their contents, such as contacts and groups.
Table A-15 GetAddressBooks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Null, a user ID or workspace ID; if null the logged in user is assumed. |
abookList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
An array of address book identifiers. If this parameter is null, then default address book for the uID will be assumed. If this is specified, then specifying uID is not required. |
abFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-16 GetAddressBooks Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSAddressBook[] |
If uID is null, it returns an array of address books for the user currently logged in. If uID denotes a user, then an array of address books for the specified user is returned. If uID denotes a group or workspace, then the address books of that group or workspace are returned. If the abookList parameter is specified, then uID is ignored. The first element is always the default address book. |
Table A-17 UpdateAddressBook Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User or workspace. The logged in user is assumed if it is null. |
parent |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of an existing address book. If it is null and uID is null as well, then logged in user's default address book is assumed as parentAB. If this is specified then uID is ignored. If an existing address book is to be moved from one parent to another, then parentAB should be the old (existing) parent with a valid entity ID and the new parent should be specified in the abook parameter. |
abook |
tns:WSAddressBook |
Information about a new or existing address book. If the address book is new, then there is no entity ID provided in abook; otherwise, the entity ID in abook must be a valid identifier of an already existing address book. This parameter cannot be null. |
Table A-18 UpdateAddressBook Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSAddressBook |
The new or updated address book is returned. If the address book is new then an entity ID is created and set in the output parameter. |
If abook is new, for instance, it does not contain an entity ID, then a new address book is created for uID. This new address book is created in the workspace of uID if parentAB is null; otherwise it is created as a sub-address book of parentAB.
If abook denotes an existing address book, for instance, contains a valid entity ID, then the existing address book is updated according to the information provided in abook. If parentAB specifies the old parent, the service will re-parent the existing abook.
Table A-19 DeleteAddressBook Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
abID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of an existing address book. |
Table A-20 DeleteAddressBook Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-21 GetContact Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
cID |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid identifiers for contacts defined in the system. |
contactFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-22 GetContact Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSContact[] |
Detailed information for the contacts in cID. |
Table A-23 GetAllContacts Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace identifier. If it is null, the logged in user is assumed. |
abook |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of a valid address book in the system. If it is null, the default address book is assumed for uID. |
contactType |
xsd:string |
May be null, but if defined, then all contacts of the specified resource type are requested. |
contactFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-24 GetAllContacts Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSContact[] |
List of contacts for the given user and the address book. If contactType was specified, then all contacts of the given type, for instance, person, group, or resource, are returned. If a retrieved contact is a user, group, or resource in UDS, retrieve its details by calling the GetUsers method (in MembershipService) or GetGroup (in GroupService) for a group, with the contact's entity information. |
Table A-25 UpdateContact Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace identifier. If it is null the logged in user is assumed. |
abook |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid address book identifier; If null, default address book for uID is assumed. |
contact |
tns:WSContact |
New or existing contact. If the contact is new, then the entityID attribute of contact must be null; otherwise the entityID attribute must be a valid identifier of an already existing contact. |
Table A-26 UpdateContact Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSContact |
The new or updated contact is returned. If the contact is new then an entity ID is created and set in the output parameter. |
If the contact is new, then it is created in the given address book of the specified user.
If the contact already exists (for instance, the entity ID attribute points to a valid existing contact), then the information for that contact is updated in the given address book of the specified user using the information provided in the contact parameter.
Table A-27 DeleteContacts Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
cIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid contact identifiers in the system. |
Table A-28 DeleteContacts Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Provides methods for managing personal or team workspace calendars, task lists, meetings , invitations, tasks, task assignments, reminders and Free/Busy information.
Table A-29 GetCalendars Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Calendar for uID; if null the default calendar is assumed. |
calFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-30 GetCalendars Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCalendar[] |
Calendar information for the given user/group/workspace and calendar. |
Table A-31 GetTaskAssignments Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
taskListID |
tns:WSEntity |
Task list ID. |
taskAssignmentIDs |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of task assignment IDs to retrieve. |
Table A-32 GetTaskAssignments Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSTaskAssignment[] |
Task assignments for the given user or those that correspond to the given list of task assignment IDs. |
Table A-33 UpdateTaskAssignment Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
task |
tns:WSTaskAssignment |
Updated task assignment. |
Table A-34 UpdateTaskAssignment Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSTaskAssignment |
Updated task assignment. |
Table A-35 DeleteTaskAssignments Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
taskAssignmentIDList |
tns:WSEntity |
List of task assignment IDs to be deleted. |
Table A-36 DeleteTaskAssignments Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded for a particular task assignment, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-37 UpdateCalendar Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calendar |
tns:WSCalendar |
New or updated calendar for uID. If new, the entity ID is not set in calendar; otherwise, it must point to a valid calendar for uID. |
Table A-38 UpdateCalendar Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCalendar |
New or updated calendar for the user, with the entity ID set if new. |
Table A-39 DeleteCalendar Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier in the system. |
Table A-40 DeleteCalendar Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-41 GetEvents Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier for uID; if null, the default calendar is assumed. |
eventIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of IDs of events. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Beginning of valid time interval. If null, all events are considered. |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End of valid time interval. If the endTime is null, but the startTime is specified, than the events beginning from the startTime will be returned. |
eventFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-42 GetEvents Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCalendarEvent[] |
List of calendar events for the given user/group/workspace, calendar, and time interval. |
Table A-43 UpdateEvent Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier for uID; if null, the default calendar is assumed. |
calEvent |
tns:WSCalendarEvent |
Specifies a new or existing calendar event for the given user and calendar. If new, the entity ID is not set in calEvent; otherwise, the entity ID points to a valid calendar event for the given user and calendar (uID and calID are ignored in this case). |
Table A-44 UpdateEvent Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCalendarEvent |
New or updated calendar event, with the entity ID set if it was newly created. |
Table A-45 DeleteEvents Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
eventIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Identifies a list of calendar events to be delete from the system. |
Table A-46 DeleteEvents Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-47 UpdateEventSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier for the user; if null, the default calendar is assumed. |
eventSeries |
tns:WSEventSeries |
Event series to update. |
Table A-49 GetEventSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier for the user; if null, the default calendar is assumed. |
eventSeriesIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of calendar event series in the system. |
eventSeriesFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-50 GetEventSeries Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSEventSeries[] |
List of event series for the given user and calendar. |
Table A-51 DeleteEventSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
eventSeriesID |
tns:WSEntity |
Calendar event series identifier existing in the system. |
Table A-52 DeleteEventSeries Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-53 DeleteInvitations Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
invitationIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of invitation IDs to be deleted. |
Table A-54 DeleteInvitations Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-55 DeleteInvitationSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
invSeriesID |
tns:WSEntity |
Invitation series ID to be deleted. |
Table A-56 DeleteInvitationSeries Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-57 GetInvitationSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier for uID; if null, the default calendar is assumed. |
invitationSeriesIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of invitation series identifiers. If this is not null, then uID and calID are ignored. |
invitationSeriesFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-58 GetInvitationSeries Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCalendarInvitation[] |
List of calendar invitation series for the given user/group/workspace and calendar. |
Table A-59 GetInvitations Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid calendar identifier for uID; if null, the default calendar is assumed. |
invitationIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of event identifiers. If this is not null, then uID and calID are ignored. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start of a valid time interval. If null, all invitations are considered. |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
The end of a valid time interval. If end time is null, but start time is specified, then it will return invitations starting from the start time. |
inviteFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-60 GetInvitations Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCalendarInvitation[] |
List of calendar invitations for the given user/group/workspace and calendar and time interval. |
Table A-61 UpdateInvitation Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
ci |
Updated calendar invitation for the logged in user. |
Table A-63 UpdateInvitationSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
is |
Updated calendar invitation series for the logged in user. |
Table A-65 GetIsBusy Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid users or resources; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
time |
xsd:dateTime |
Valid time. |
Table A-67 GetFreeBusy Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid users/resources in the system; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start of valid time interval. Cannot be null. |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End of valid time interval. Cannot be null. |
Table A-68 GetFreeBusy Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSActorFreeBusy[] |
List of freebusy information for the given users/resources specified in uIDList that are within the specified time interval. |
Table A-69 GetReminders Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace, identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
reminderIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of reminder IDs. |
remFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-70 GetReminders Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSReminder[] |
List of reminders for the user/group/workspace or the list of reminders specified by reminderIDList. |
Table A-71 UpdateReminder Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace; if null; the logged in user is assumed. |
reminder |
tns:WSReminder |
New reminder or reminder to update. The uID will be used for new reminders. The reminder will be added to the personal workspace of that user. |
Table A-72 UpdateReminder Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSReminder |
The updated (or newly created) reminder. |
Table A-73 DeleteReminder Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
remID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of Reminder existing in the system |
Table A-74 DeleteReminder Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-75 DeleteTasks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
taskIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Task(s) existing in the system |
Table A-76 DeleteTasks Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-77 DeleteTaskLists Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
taskListIds |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of task lists existing in the system |
Table A-78 DeleteTaskLists Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-79 GetTaskLists Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
taskListIDs |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of task list identifiers for uID. If null, then all task lists is assumed. |
Table A-80 GetTaskLists Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSTaskList[] |
Details of the tasklist(s) for the user. |
Table A-81 GetTasks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
taskListID |
tns:WSEntity |
Specific task list identifier for uID. If null, then default task list is assumed. |
taskIDs |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Specific task identifier(s) for uID to retrieve. If null, then all task are retrieved. |
Table A-82 GetTasks Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSTask |
Details of tasks of the specified task list for the user. |
Table A-83 UpdateTask Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
task |
tns:WSTask |
Task to be updated. If the task's taskInfo's artifactID's id field is null, this will be a newly created task. |
Table A-85 UpdateTaskList Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
taskList |
tns:WSTaskList |
Task list to be updated. If the taskLists's taskListInfo's artifactID's id field is null, this will be a newly created task list. |
Table A-87 UpdateRecurringEventSeries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
calID |
tns:WSEntity |
If specified, this is the calendar where the eventSeries resides. If null, the default calendar for the user is assumed. |
eventSeries |
tns:WSEventSeries |
EventSeries to be updated or created. If eventSeriesId is null, a new EventSeries will be created. Otherwise, this will be an update. |
Table A-88 UpdateRecurringEventSeries Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSEventSeries |
Newly updated or created EventSeries. |
Provides methods that manage Web conferences, including retrieving information about completed and running Web conference sessions.
Table A-89 DeleteConferences Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
confIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of existing conferences in the system. |
Table A-90 DeleteConferences Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-91 DeleteTemplate Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
cTemplateID |
tns:WSEntity |
Existing template in the system. |
Table A-92 DeleteTemplate Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-93 GetConferences Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start time of a valid time interval. |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End time of a valid time interval. |
confIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid conferences; if this parameter is not null, uID, startTime, and endTime are ignored. |
confFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-94 GetConferences Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSConference[] |
List of conferences either for confIDList or uID scheduled in the given time interval. |
Table A-95 GetEndedSessions Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity[] |
User or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
confID |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Existing conference; if null, the default conference for uID is assumed. If null, uID is ignored. |
Table A-96 GetEndedSessions Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSConferenceSession[] |
List of ended sessions for the conference. |
Table A-97 GetLogEntries Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace; if null the logged in user is assumed. |
confID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid conference; if null, the default conference for uID is assumed. |
p |
tns:WSParticipant |
Participant; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
Table A-98 GetLogEntries Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSConferenceLogEntry[] |
Conference log entry for the participant. |
Table A-99 GetRunningSession Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
confID |
tns:WSEntity |
Existing conference; if null, the default conference for uID is assumed. |
confFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-101 GetTemplate Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
confID |
tns:WSEntity |
Existing conference; if null, the default conference is assumed. |
templateFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-103 UpdateConference Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
conf |
tns:WSConference |
New or existing conference. If new, the entity ID is null; if the entity ID is not null, it must point to a valid conference for uID. The parameter uID is ignored if the entity ID is not null. |
Table A-104 UpdateConference Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSConference |
New or updated conference; the entity ID is set if it is new. |
Table A-105 UpdateConferenceSession Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
cs |
New or existing conference session. If new, the entity ID is null; if the entity ID is not null, it must point to a valid conference session for uID. The parameter uID is ignored if the entity ID is not null. |
Table A-106 UpdateConferenceSession Outputs
Type | Description |
New or updated conference session; the entity ID is set if it is new. |
Table A-107 UpdateTemplate Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
cTemplate |
New or existing conference template; if new, the entity ID is not set. |
Provides methods that manage devices, which are supported client software installed on computers, such as Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, and mobile devices.
Table A-109 DeleteDevices Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
deviceIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid device IDs. |
Table A-110 DeleteDevices Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-111 GetDevicePresence Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
devID |
tns:WSEntity |
Device ID. If it is null, all devices are considered for the user. If it is specified, then uID is not required. |
devFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-112 GetDevicePresence Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSPresence |
List of presence information for the device(s). |
Table A-113 GetDevices Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
deviceIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Device ID. If null, all devices are considered for the user. If this is specified, then uID is not required. |
devFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-114 GetDevices Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSDevice[] |
List of device information for the user. |
Table A-115 UpdateDevice Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
dev |
tns:WSDevice |
New or existing device in the system. If it is new, this value is null. otherwise, it is the ID for an existing device. |
Manage threaded, online discussion forums, in which users post messages about a topic within a forum. These methods manage and organize forums, topics, and messages.
Table A-117 DeleteDiscussionForums Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
forumIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of forums in the system. |
Table A-118 DeleteDiscussionForums Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-119 DeleteMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
dmIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of messages in the system. |
Table A-120 DeleteMessages Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-121 DeleteTopics Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
topicIDs |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of topics existing in the system. |
Table A-122 DeleteTopics Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-123 GetDiscussionForums Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
wID |
tns:WSEntity |
Workspace. |
forumIds |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of discussion forums. |
dfFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-124 GetDiscussionForums Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSForum[] |
If wID is specified, list of discussion forums in that workspace. If formunIds is specified, list of discussion forums as specified in that list. |
Table A-125 GetLastPost Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
wID |
tns:WSEntity |
Team workspace. If null, fID cannot be null. |
fID |
tns:WSEntity |
Forum. If null, then wID cannot be null. If specified, fID is ignored. |
topicID |
tns:WSEntity |
Topic. If specified, both wID and fID are ignored. |
dmFilter |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
Table A-127 GetMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
topic |
tns:WSTopic |
Topic. If null, dmIDList must be specified. |
dmIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of discussion messages. If specified, all other arguments are ignored. |
dmFilter |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
Table A-128 GetMessages Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSDiscussionMessage[] |
List of discussion messages specified by dmIDList, or those contained in the specified topic. |
Table A-129 GetTopics Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
forumID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of an existing forum. |
topicIDs |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of topic IDs to retrieve. |
topicFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Optional parameter specifying a predicate involving filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-130 GetTopics Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSTopic[] |
List of topics retrieved from the specified forum or specified topic IDs. |
Table A-131 PostMessage Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
parentMessage |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of discussion message under which to post a new message. To post a message in the root level of a topic, use the message retrieved from WSTopic.getFirstPost(). |
dm |
New discussion message; its entity ID is null. |
Table A-133 UpdateDiscussionForum Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
parentForum |
tns:WSEntity |
Forum in which a forum may be created. |
forum |
tns:WSForum |
New or existing topic if entityID is set. |
Provides methods for managing documents in personal or team workspaces.
Void return type
Table A-138 CheckinDocument Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
docID |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
versionName |
xsd:string |
None |
Table A-140 CheckoutDocument Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
docID |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
checkoutComment |
xsd:string |
None |
Table A-142 GetDocuments Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
docIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of document identifiers in the system. |
projection |
tns:WSProjection |
Defines the amount of data that is returned with an object. |
Table A-144 GetDocumentsInFolder Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
folderID |
tns:WSEntity |
Folder identifier in the system. |
docFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-145 GetDocumentsInFolder Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSDocument[] |
List of documents retrieved |
Table A-146 GetContent Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
contentIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of document identifiers in the system. |
Table A-150 UpdateDocument Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
docID |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
doc |
tns:WSDocument |
New or existing document in the system. If new, the entity ID of this value is null; otherwise, the entity ID points to the document that is to be updated. |
content |
tns:WSContent |
Specifies the content of a document. This is an optional argument and required only if the content of a document needs to be specified during creation or needs to be updated during update |
conflictResolutionMode |
None |
Table A-151 UpdateDocument Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSDocument |
The newly created or updated document, with the entity ID set if new. |
Table A-154 DeleteDocuments Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
docIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Document IDs to be deleted |
Provides methods for managing messaging and document folders in personal or team workspaces.
Table A-156 GetFolders Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace identifier; if null the logged in user is assumed. |
fIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Valid folder ID in the system; if null all folders for uID are considered. If fID is specified then uID is not required. |
folderFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-157 GetFolders Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSFolder[] |
Folders for the given user, group, or workspace. If fID is not null then the folder type object is returned which contains documents/subfolder info. |
Table A-160 UpdateFolder Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User or workspace identifier. The logged in user is assumed if it is null. |
folder |
tns:WSFolder |
ID of an existing folder. If it is null and uID is null as well then logged in uIDs default folder is assumed as this ID. If this is specified then uID is ignored. The parentID sub-attribute of the folderInfo attribute of this argument should be non-null. |
Table A-161 UpdateFolder Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSFolder |
The new or updated address book is returned. If the address book is new, then an entity ID is created and set in the output parameter. |
If folder is new (does not contain an entity ID), then a new folder is created for uID. This new folder is created in the workspace of uID if parentFolderID is null; otherwise it is created as a sub-folder of parentFolderID.
If folder denotes an existing folder (contains a valid entity ID), then the existing folder is updated according to the information provided in folder. If the parentFolderID is specified then the service will then re-parent the existing folder.
Table A-162 DeleteFolders Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
folderIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of folder identifiers in the system |
Table A-163 DeleteFolders Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
Status of the delete operation |
Provides methods for managing object metadata and data relationships, as well as provides cross artifact capabilities, searching, and notification capabilities.
Table A-164 CopyArtifact Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
newParent |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid artifact container in Oracle Beehive |
artifact |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact object in Oracle Beehive to be copied |
Table A-166 MoveArtifact Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
newParent |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid artifact container in Oracle Beehive |
artifact |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact to be moved |
Table A-168 GetTags Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace ID. If null the logged in user is assumed. |
tagFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-169 GetTags Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSTag[] |
Array of tags defined for the user, group or workspace, depending on uID. |
Table A-170 UpdateTag Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace ID. If null the logged in user is assumed. |
tag |
tns:WSTag |
New or existing tag. If new, there is no entity ID set; else, it is the ID of a valid tag. |
Table A-172 GetBonds Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
entityID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of a valid entity in the Oracle Beehive system |
bondFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-173 GetBonds Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSBond[] |
Bonds associated with the entity ID, subject to the filter. |
Table A-174 UpdateBond Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
bond |
tns:WSBond |
Valid bond in the Oracle Beehive system |
Table A-176 DeleteBonds Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
entityList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid entities |
Table A-177 DeleteBonds Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-178 LoadLinks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
entityIDs |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Valid entity |
linkProjection |
tns:WSProjection |
None |
Table A-180 GetLinksInFolder Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
folderID |
tns:WSEntity |
Folder identifier |
linkFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-181 GetLinksInFolder Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSLink[] |
List of links contained in the specified folder. |
Table A-182 GetLinksToEntity Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
entityID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity identifier |
linkFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-183 GetLinksToEntity Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSLink[] |
List of links to the specified entity. |
Table A-184 GetRoleDefinitions Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSRoleDefinition[] |
List of role definitions. |
Table A-185 GetWorkspaceRoleDefinitions Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSRoleDefinition[] |
List of workspace role definitions. |
Table A-186 UpdateLink Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
link |
tns:WSLink |
Valid link. Its reference and linkInfo.parentID properties must point to valid entities. |
Table A-188 DeleteLinks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
linkList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid entities |
Table A-189 DeleteLinks Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-190 GetExternalArtifacts Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
externalArtifactIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid external artifacts |
Table A-191 GetExternalArtifacts Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSExternalArtifact[] |
External artifacts associated with externalArtifactIDList, subject to externalArtFilter. |
Table A-192 UpdateExternalArtifact Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
parent |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid entity |
externalArtifact |
New external artifact if the entity ID of this value does not exist, an existing external artifact otherwise |
Table A-194 DeleteExternalArtifacts Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
externalArtifactIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of external artifacts |
Table A-195 DeleteExternalArtifacts Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-196 GetEffectiveLocks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
entity |
tns:WSEntity |
Specifies the entity on which locks are being queried. |
Table A-197 GetEffectiveLocks Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSLock[] |
List of effective locks on the entity specified in the input. To determine whether a lock is directly applied on an entity, call WSEntity.getLocks(). For example, WSDocument.getLocks(). |
Table A-198 UpdateLock Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
lock |
tns:WSLock |
Lock identifier that is being modified or created. |
Table A-200 DeleteLocks Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
entityList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of locks to be deleted. |
Table A-202 DeleteTags Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
tagIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of tags to be deleted. |
Table A-204 UpdateSubscription Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of any entity that is accessible to the logged in user. |
sub |
tns:WSSubscription |
New or existing subscription for the user. If the subscription is new, there is no entity ID set; otherwise entity ID points to a valid subscription for the entity. |
Table A-205 UpdateSubscription Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSSubscription |
The new or updated subscription information is returned. If the subscription is new then an entity ID is created by the system and set in the output parameter. |
Table A-206 DeleteSubscriptions Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
subIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of IDs of valid subscriptions to be deleted. |
Table A-207 DeleteSubscriptions Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-208 GetSubscription Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace identifier; if null the logged in user is assumed. |
notID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of notification in the system. If it is specified then uID is not required. |
subFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-209 GetSubscription Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSSubscription |
The subscription corresponding to the notification. |
Table A-210 GetSubscriptionList Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
eID |
tns:WSEntity |
Any entity identifier in the system; cannot be null. |
subFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-211 GetSubscriptionList Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSSubscription[] |
List of subscriptions for the given entity for the logged in user. |
Table A-214 FindArtifacts Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
searchString |
xsd:string |
Metadata search string |
filter |
tns:WSFilter |
Predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
maxCount |
xsd:int |
Maximum artifacts to return in one call. |
start |
xsd:int |
The first number of a range of integers; lowest value is 1. The method will retrieve this range. |
end |
xsd:int |
The last number of a range of integers; the largest value is maxCount. The method will retrieve this range. |
Table A-215 FindArtifacts Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSSearchResult[] |
Items that match the search criteria. |
Table A-220 FindCategories Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
categoryNameList |
xsd:string[] |
List of category names that exist in the system |
Table A-221 FindCategories Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCategory[] |
All items matching the search criteria |
Table A-222 FindAllCategories Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User, group, or workspace ID |
artifactType |
tns:WSEntity |
Type of artifact |
Table A-223 FindAllCategories Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSCategory[] |
Items matching the search criteria. If an artifact type is specified, then all categories defined for that type are returned. |
Table A-224 FindRelatedArtifacts Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
artifactID |
tns:WSEntity |
Artifact in the system |
artifactType |
xsd:string |
Artifact type |
Table A-225 FindRelatedArtifacts Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Items related to artifactID and of the specified type. |
Table A-226 FindAllArtifactsWithTags Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
artifactType |
xsd:string |
None |
tagName |
xsd:string |
None |
Table A-228 FindArtifactsModifiedSince Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User ID |
date |
xsd:dateTime |
Date |
artifactType |
xsd:string |
Artifact type, such as email or document |
Table A-229 FindArtifactsModifiedSince Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Artifacts that have been modified since the specified date and have the specified artifact type. |
Table A-230 FindArtifactsWithTags Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User ID |
artifactType |
tns:WSEntityType |
Artifact type, such as email or document |
tagNames |
xsd:string[] |
Name of tag |
Table A-231 FindArtifactsWithTags Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Artifacts with the specified tag. |
Table A-232 FindArtifactsLargerThan Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
size |
xsd:int |
Size of the artifact |
Table A-233 FindArtifactsLargerThan Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Artifacts larger than the specified size. |
Provides methods for directly managing personal, workspace, or system groups without having to navigate through scope details such as enterprise, organization and workspace.
Table A-234 GetGroup Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Group identifier. |
projection |
tns:WSProjection |
Specify FULL projection type so that the group returned by this method will also have a list of its members (the returned group's memberIDList property will contain a list of its members) |
Table A-235 GetGroup Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSGroup |
Information about the group specified by uID. |
Table A-236 GetGroups Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
groupFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-237 GetGroups Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSGroup[] |
List of groups in the system that satisfy the predicates specified by groupFilter. |
Table A-238 GetGroupsForUser Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of user. |
projection |
tns:WSProjection |
None |
Table A-239 GetGroupsForUser Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSGroup[] |
List of groups to which the user, specified by uID, belongs. |
Table A-240 GetEffectiveGroupsForUser Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of user. |
projection |
tns:WSProjection |
None |
Table A-241 GetEffectiveGroupsForUser Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSGroup[] |
List of groups to which the user, specified by uID, directly or indirectly belongs. |
Table A-243 GetAllUsersGroup Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSGroup[] |
The all users group of the enterprise. |
Table A-247 DeleteGroup Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the delete operation succeeded, the result status returned has an error code 0, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-248 UpdateGroup Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
grp |
tns:WSGroup |
Detailed information about an existing group. It must contain the entity ID of an existing group. |
Table A-249 UpdateGroup Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSGroup |
The updated group is returned. If the group is new then an entity ID is created and set in the output parameter. |
Provides methods to retrieve, modify, and delete users and groups in the system. To retrieve the members of a group, specify a FULL projection type with the GetGroup method. To retrieve the members of a workspace, specify a FULL projection in a filter with the GetWorkspaces method.
Table A-250 GetUsers Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of user IDs. If null, then the filter is applied to retrieve the user list. If uIDList is not null, then the filter is ignored. Both uIDList and userFilter cannot be null. |
userFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. |
Table A-251 GetUsers Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSUser[] |
If uIDList is specified, then the user information of the uIDList elements are returned. Otherwise, the filter is applied to retrieve user information. |
Table A-252 UpdateUser Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
wsUser |
tns:WSUser |
New or updated information about a user in the system. |
Table A-253 UpdateUser Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSUser |
The updated information for a user in the system. |
Table A-254 DeleteUser Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of an existing user in the system. |
Table A-255 DeleteUser Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
Status of the delete operation, with error code 0 if the operation succeeded and an error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-256 GetDelegatedPrincipals Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User. |
userFilter |
tns:WSEntity |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-257 GetDelegatedPrincipals Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSUser[] |
List of users that have delegated to the uID. |
Provides methods for managing personal or team workspace email and instant messages.
Table A-259 GetContentData Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
emailID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
partIdentifier |
xsd:base64Binary |
None |
size |
xsd:int |
None |
Table A-261 GetInbox Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
msgFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. In this filter's projection, you may specify these attributes specific to message boxes: MESSAGEBOX_NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT, MESSAGEBOX_MESSAGE_COUNT, MESSAGEBOX_SUBFOLDER_LIST, and MESSAGEBOX_UNREAD_MESSAGE_COUNT. |
Table A-262 GetInbox Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSMessageBox |
Retrieves the inbox of the logged in user. |
Table A-263 GetMessageBoxes Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
mdIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid message box for the user, group, or workspace. If null, default message box is assumed. If mbID is specified then uID is ignored. |
msgFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. In this filter's projection, you may specify these attributes specific to message boxes: MESSAGEBOX_NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT, MESSAGEBOX_MESSAGE_COUNT, MESSAGEBOX_SUBFOLDER_LIST, and MESSAGEBOX_UNREAD_MESSAGE_COUNT. |
Table A-264 GetMessageBoxes Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSMessageBox[] |
List of message boxes specified by mbIDList is returned. If mbID is null then the default message box for the user, group or workspace is returned. |
Table A-265 UpdateMessageBox Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
parentMBid |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of an existing message box; if null the inbox for uID is assumed. If this specified then uID is ignored. |
mbox |
tns:WSMessageBox |
New or existing message box for the user, group, or workspace; if new, entity ID is not set. |
If mbox is new (for instance, does not contain an entity ID) then a new message box is created in the workspace of uID if parentMBid is null; otherwise it is created as a sub-message box of parentMBid. If mbox denotes an existing message box (for instance, contains a valid entity ID) then mbox is updated according to the information provided in mbox.
Table A-267 DeleteMessageBoxes Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
mbIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid message boxes in the system. |
Table A-268 DeleteMessageBoxes Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-269 GetEmailMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
msgBoxID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of the inbox or sub-inbox. If left unspecified, the default inbox is used. |
msgIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of message identifiers. If null, all messages for uID are considered. |
msgFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-270 GetEmailMessages Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSMessage[] |
Details of the messages identified by msgIDList |
Table A-271 GetNewMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group, or workspace; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
msgBoxID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of the inbox or sub-inbox. If left unspecified, the default inbox is used. |
msgFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-272 GetNewMessages Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSMessage[] |
List of new messages for the given user. |
Table A-273 GetUnreadMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user, group or workspace. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
msgBoxID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of the inbox or sub-inbox. If left unspecified, the default inbox is used. |
msgFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-274 GetUnreadMessages Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSMessageHeader[] |
List of unread message headers for the given user. |
Table A-275 UpdateMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
msgList |
tns:WSMessage[] |
List of messages to be updated |
Table A-277 SendMessage Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity from which the message is sent, which may be a user or workspace). If it is a workspace, the user must have proper permissions. If null, the logged in user is assumed. |
msg |
tns:WSMessage |
Newly created message to be sent. |
Table A-278 SendMessage Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the send operation succeeded an error code of zero is returned in the status, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-279 DeleteEmailMessages Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
msgIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Array of email message IDs. |
Table A-280 DeleteEmailMessages Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-281 SendInstantMessage Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
instantMsg |
tns:WSInstantMessage |
Newly created message to be sent. |
Table A-282 SendInstantMessage Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus |
If the send operation succeeded an error code of zero is returned in the status, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-283 GetInstantMessage Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
clientSideID |
xsd:string |
Currently unused |
conversationID |
xsd:string |
Currently unused |
Table A-284 GetInstantMessage Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSInstantMessage[] |
All instant messages, which are sent to the logged-in user in a 30 second time frame. |
Table A-285 SaveDraft Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Existing user identifier in the system. |
msg |
tns:WSMessage |
Message to save. |
draftFolderId |
tns:WSEntity |
The folder in which to save the draft message. If null, a folder named "Drafts" (case ignored) will be used if it exists at the root level of the user's personal workspace. The name of this folder may be specified (as opposed to its ID). |
Provides methods to manage user preferences stored on the server and leveraged by Oracle Beehive clients.
Table A-287 ActivatePresenceProfile Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
prefProfileId |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of preference profile. |
Table A-289 DeletePreferenceProfiles Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
prefProfIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of preference profiles to delete. |
Table A-290 DeletePreferenceProfiles Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-291 DeletePreferences Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
prefProfIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of preferences to delete. |
Table A-292 DeletePreferences Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-293 GetActivePreferenceProfile Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of an existing user. |
Table A-295 GetPreferenceProfiles Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of an existing user. |
prefFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list |
Table A-296 GetPreferenceProfiles Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSPreferenceProfile[] |
List of preference profiles of the specified user. |
Table A-297 UpdatePreference Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
prefHolder |
tns:WSEntity |
User in the system; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
prefProfile |
tns:WSEntity |
New or existing preference profile for the given user. |
Table A-298 UpdatePreference Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSPreference |
New or updated preference object. If new, there is no entity ID set in pref. with the output entity ID set if new. |
Table A-299 UpdatePreferenceProfile Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
User identifier in the system; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
prefProf |
New or existing preference profile for the given user. If new, there is no entity ID set in prefProf; otherwise the entity ID must point to a valid preference profile for the user. |
Table A-300 UpdatePreferenceProfile Outputs
Type | Description |
The new or updated preference profile is returned, with the output entity ID set if new. |
Provides methods to manage a user's presence information, subscribe to other user's presence, and view the XMPP roster
Table A-301 GetPresence Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
watchable |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user and/or group identifier; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
Table A-302 GetPresence Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSPresence[] |
Presence info for the user or group. |
Table A-303 GetPresences Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
watchables |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid user and/or group identifiers; if null, the logged in user is assumed. |
Table A-304 GetPresences Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSPresence[] |
List of presence info for the users or groups. |
Table A-307 RequestPresenceSubscription Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
watchavke |
tns:WSEntity |
None |
Table A-313 DeletePresenceSubscription Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
watchable |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or group identifier. |
Table A-315 UpdateActivities Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
activitiesToAdd |
tns:WSActivity[] |
List of activities to add. |
activitiesToRemove |
tns:WSActivity[] |
List of activities to remove. |
Provides methods for managing personal or team workspaces and their top-level folders.
Table A-317 GetWorkspaces Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Either a user identifier or a valid workspace ID in the system. |
wspType |
xsd:string |
None |
wspFilter |
tns:WSFilter |
Parameter that specifies a predicate, which involves filterable attributes to reduce the size of the returned list. You may specify one or more of the following attributes: isnew, isread, isunread, createdby_id, createdon_date, modifiedon_date, modifiedby_id, label_id, name, delivered_time, size, to. Specify FULL projection type in this filter so that the workspaces returned by this method will also have a list of its members (each of the returned workspace's memberIDList property will contain a list of its members) |
Table A-318 GetWorkspaces Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSWorkspace[] |
Details of the workspace identified by wID, or list of workspaces visible for a uID. |
Table A-322 GetTrashItems Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
If uID is null or a user, then a list of artifacts in the Trash folder of a user's personal workspace is returned If uID is a workspace, then a list of artifacts in the Trash folders of the team workspaces visible to the logged in user is returned. |
Table A-323 UnDeleteItems Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
artifactList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of artifacts in the Trash folder |
Table A-324 UnDeleteItems Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the undelete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-325 PurgeTrash Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
wIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Workspace IDs whose trash will be purged. |
Table A-326 PurgeTrash Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the PurgeTrash operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-327 DeleteWorkspaces Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
wIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of valid workspace identifiers in the system. |
Table A-328 DeleteWorkspaces Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSResultStatus[] |
If the delete operation succeeded, then the result status has an error code of zero, and a non-zero error code and error message otherwise. |
Table A-329 UpdateWorkspace Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
uID |
tns:WSEntity |
Valid user or group ID in the system. If null the logged in user is assumed. |
wksp |
tns:WSWorkspace |
New or existing workspace. If it is new, then there should be no entity ID set in w; otherwise, the entity ID points to the workspace that is to be updated. |
Table A-330 UpdateWorkspace Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSWorkspace |
The newly created or updated workspace. If new the entity ID is returned in workspace |
Table A-331 UpdateWorkspaceMembers Inputs
Input Name | Type | Description |
workspace |
tns:WSEntity |
Existing workspace. |
workspaceParticipants |
tns:WSWorkspaceParticipant[] |
List of workspace participants |
Table A-332 UpdateWorkspaceMembers Outputs
Type | Description |
tns:WSWorkspace |
Updated workspace with new list of workspace participants. |
This section lists the types used by Oracle Beehive Web services methods.
The activity in which the user is engaged. Usually this refers to some calendar activity. Other users who consume this information can decide whether it is appropriate to initiate a conversation or communicate with that user.
Table A-333 WSActivity Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start of a valid time interval. |
note |
xsd:string |
id |
xsd:string |
activityType |
xsd:WSActivityType |
reference |
tns:WSEntity |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End of a valid time interval. |
WSActorFreeBusy Description
Table A-334 WSActorFreeBusy Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
freeBusyIntervals |
tns:WSFreeBusyInterval[] |
actor |
tns:WSEntity |
Container of contacts. It can contain sub-address books in a hierarchical manner.
Table A-335 WSAddressBook Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
isDefault |
xsd:boolean |
Whether it is the default address book |
contactInfo |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of contacts in the address book |
subAddressBookInfo |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
List of sub-address books |
addressBookInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact level information about the address book |
Filterable Parameters
addressBookInfo, subAbookInfo
The WSArtifact type contains more detailed information about a particular object. The WSArtifact type does not represent a specific entity or object.
Table A-336 WSArtifact Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
parentID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifies the parent of the artifact |
owner |
tns:WSEntity |
No longer used. |
categoryApplicationList |
tns:WSCategoryApplication[] |
viewerPropertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
isRead |
xsd:boolean |
Whether the artifact has been read. |
creationDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Date the object was created in the system. |
isNew |
xsd:boolean |
True if the artifact is new; a new artifact is one that has come into existence since the last time a user viewed the artifact's folder. |
propertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
List of properties associated with the entity. |
categoryList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of identifiers of categories associated with the artifact. |
isLink |
xsd:boolean |
Whether the artifact is a link. |
creator |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity that created the artifact. |
tagIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of identifiers of the tags associated with the artifact. |
lastModifiedDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time this artifact was last modified. |
artifactID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity information for the artifact. |
size |
xsd:int |
Size of the artifact |
hasReminder |
xsd:boolean |
True if the object has a reminder associated with it. |
lastModifiedBy |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity who last modified this object. |
Filterable Parameters
This list includes parentID, hasReminder, and creationDate
Table A-337 WSAttribute Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
defaultValue |
xsd:string |
type |
xsd:string |
description |
xsd:string |
allowedValues |
tns:WSProperty[] |
isMandatory |
xsd:boolean |
name |
xsd:string |
id |
xsd:string |
Table A-338 WSAttributeApplication Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
value |
xsd:string |
attributeTemplate |
tns:WSAttribute |
Table A-339 WSAttributeDefinition Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
maximumValue |
xsd:anyType |
value |
xsd:anyType |
defaultValue |
xsd:anyType |
aggregate |
xsd:boolean |
valueType |
minimumValue |
xsd:anyType |
description |
xsd:string |
allowedValues |
tns:WSProperty[] |
maximumInclusive |
xsd:boolean |
name |
xsd:string |
minimumInclusive |
xsd:boolean |
id |
xsd:string |
Table A-340 WSAttributeTemplate Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
maximumValue |
xsd:anyType |
value |
xsd:anyType |
defaultValue |
xsd:anyType |
prompted |
xsd:boolean |
valueMissing |
xsd:boolean |
final |
xsd:boolean |
id |
xsd:string |
allowedValues |
tns:WSProperty[] |
forceDefault |
xsd:boolean |
minimumValue |
xsd:anyType |
attributeDefinition |
mandatory |
xsd:boolean |
maximumInclusive |
xsd:boolean |
minimumInclusive |
xsd:boolean |
Defines a relationship. Each entity can be bonded to any number (including zero) of other entities by a variety of bond types.
Table A-341 WSBond Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
bondType |
xsd:string |
bondedEntityList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of entities bonded together by the relationship defined by bondType. |
bondInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about the bond. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
List of contacts in any instant messaging client. It is a people list with whom a user communicates frequently through instant messaging and chats. The user can also keep track of the presence status of those on the list. It allows third-party and client applications to obtain and add data to it or retrieve data from it.
Container of time management artifacts. It holds a user's calendar event objects and calendar invitations. Calendar events are created and/or owned by the user. There could be other participants that can be added to the calendar event object. For every participant added to the event, the system automatically creates a calendar invitation object; this invitation object resides in the participant's calendar. The participant then updates the invitation object to update the participation status (for example, accept or reject). Because the invitation object has a reference to the originating calendar event object, a two-way asynchronous synchronization and update of information can happen. A user can have multiple calendars. The default calendar is the one where events get created by default. Also, the default calendar is accessible from the personal workspace of the user.
Table A-343 WSCalendar Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
timeZone |
xsd:string |
Time zone of the calendar. |
preferenceProfiles |
Preference profile used for this calendar. |
includeInFreeBusy |
xsd:boolean |
If true, include in calculations of freebusy. |
calendarType |
xsd:string |
Not used |
ownerID |
tns:WSEntity |
Information about the owner of this calendar. |
calendarInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact information for the calendar. |
properties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Properties associated with the calendar. Properties are key=value pairs. |
sensitivity |
tns:WSSensitivity |
Security attribute. A user may manage the access privileges of a calendar with this attribute. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes except sensitivity and preferenceProfile
Time slot entries in an user's calendar. They denote, among other things, a time slot for a particular purpose. The purpose could be a meeting, a Web conference, or any other activity. Calendar events created in a particular user's calendar become entities that are owned by that user. The owner can then add any other user or group as participants to the calendar event.
Table A-344 WSCalendarEvent Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
participantList |
tns:WSParticipant[] |
Participants invited to attend this event. |
participantInvitationList |
tns:WSCalendarInvitation[] |
The invitations of the participants invited to attend this event. |
viewerPrivateProperties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
List of properties for the viewer of the calendar. |
groupPrivateProperties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
List of properties for the group to which the viewer belongs. |
status |
xsd:string |
Status of the event, for instance TENTATIVE, CANCELED, or CONFIRMED. |
propertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Properties associated with this meeting. |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End of valid time interval. |
iCalPriority |
xsd:int |
The priority, if this is an iCalendar event. |
xsd:AnyURI |
URI associated with this meeting. |
recurringEventSeries |
tns:WSEventSeries |
The event series associated with this event. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start of valid time interval. |
location |
tns:WSLocation |
Location of the meeting. |
eventType |
priority |
tns:WSPriority |
Priority of calendar event. |
duration |
xsd:dateTime |
Valid time interval. |
sensitivity |
tns:WSSensitivity |
Security attribute. A user may manage the access privileges of a calendar event with this attribute. |
eventInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Information about the event object. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes except sensitivity, recurrenceRule, and participantInvitationList
Table A-345 WSCalendarEventParticipant Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
resolvedName |
xsd:string |
addressable |
tns:WSEntity |
role |
status |
resolvedAddress |
xsd:string |
external |
xsd:boolean |
Enumeration. Value of MEETING, DAY_EVENT, HOLIDAY, or UNSET
Objects that are created for every calendar event. They are located in the participant's default calendar. These calendar invitation objects are owned by the participant. The participant can update the status or act on the invitation. The calendar invitation contains a reference to the calendar event that was created by the event host.
Table A-346 WSCalendarInvitation Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
inviteePriority |
tns:WSPriority |
Priority of the invited participant. |
isRecurring |
xsd:boolean |
True if this event reoccurs. |
inviteInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact information for the invitation. |
recurringEventSeries |
tns:WSEventSeries |
The event series with which this calendar invitation is associated. |
inviteeICalPriority |
xsd:int |
Priority for the invitee if this is an iCalendar event. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start of valid time interval. |
source |
tns:WSCalendarEvent |
The event associated with this invitation. |
invitee |
tns:WSParticipant |
Information about the invited participant. |
properties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Properties associated with the invitation. |
inviteeParticipantStatus |
xsd:string |
Status of the invited participant, one of ACCEPTED, DECLINED, NEEDS_ACTION, or TENTATIVE |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End of valid time interval. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Classifies an entity under a structured taxonomy. The metadata administrator primarily creates and makes them available to all users within the enterprise. Categories are hierarchical in nature. The names of the categories within a category hierarchy must be unique. A category holds the category level attributes shared by all entities, classified by the category. It uses one category application object per entity to hold the instance level attributes.
Table A-347 WSCategory Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
subCategoryList |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Artifact information about the subcategories of this category. |
categoryInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact information about this category. |
attributeTemplateList |
tns:WSAttributeTemplate[] |
superCategory |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact information about the category to which this category belongs. |
attributeDefinitionList |
tns:WSAttributeDefinition[] |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Table A-348 WSCategoryApplication Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
category |
tns:WSEntity |
attributeApplicationList |
Set of users, groups, and organizations that share a common set of workspaces and are governed by a common set of policies.
Table A-349 WSCommunity Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
userList |
tns:WSUser[] |
Users that belong to community. |
groupList |
tns:WSGroup[] |
Groups that belong to community. |
organizationList |
tns:WSOrganization[] |
Organizations that belong to community. |
workspaceList |
tns:WSWorkspace[] |
Workspaces shared by members of community. |
A conference contains the current status and other information. A conference can be associated with one or more sessions, but only one of the sessions can be running at any moment. Attendees privileges in a conference are specified by an associated conference setting object.
Table A-350 WSConference Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
confInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about the conference |
xsd:anyURI |
status |
xsd:string |
Table A-351 WSConferenceLogEntry Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
property |
tns:WSProperty |
session |
conference |
tns:WSConference |
entryTime |
xsd:dateTime |
participant |
tns:WSParticipant |
Contains the transcripts for a conference. A conference session can end with a different result, which is captured in the session ending status. The conference transcript is made available after the end of a conference session. A transcript can contain visual and audio information collected during the session. The transcript document is a media file, identified by the media type of the document, which can be replayed by third-party media players.
Table A-352 WSConferenceSession Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
conferenceSessionEndStatus |
xsd:string |
recording |
tns:WSDocument[] |
conference |
tns:WSConference |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
A conference setting includes a conference configuration (properties) and user rights. Conference settings are comprised of a conference roles section and a conference property list. The conference roles section contains a list of roles created only for the lifetime of the conference instance. The roles are used to assign permissions to participants. A conference property is a special type of property that can hold special values, such as permissions and participants.
Table A-353 WSConferenceSetting Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
keys |
xsd:string[] |
conferenceRoles |
tns:WSRole[] |
confTemplate |
tns:WSEntity |
conferenceProperties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Specifies a set of initial conference settings. It can hold a predefined set of groups, properties, and permissions.
Table A-354 WSConferenceTemplate Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
conferenceSettings |
templateInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
attributeList |
tns:WSAttribute[] |
Enumeration, may have a value of OVERWRITE, ABORT, CREATE_UNIQUE, or VERSION_OVERWRITE.
An artifact that refers to an addressable entity. It is an entry in an address book.
Table A-355 WSContact Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
workPhones |
xsd:string[] |
List of work phone numbers. |
im_usernames |
xsd:string[] |
Instant Message usernames. |
userID |
tns:WSEntity |
If this contact is an internal user, entity information for that user. |
userType |
tns:WSUserType |
type |
tns:WSContactType |
homePhone |
xsd:string |
Home phone number for this contact. |
resource |
tns:WSResource |
If the Contact is an internal Resource, information for that Resource. |
firstName |
xsd:string |
First name of contact. |
lastName |
xsd:string |
Last name of contact. |
info |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact information for this contact. |
groupID |
tns:WSEntity |
If this contact is a Group, entity information for that group. |
emailAddresses |
xsd:string[] |
E-mail address of contact. |
cellPhones |
xsd:string[] |
List of cell phone numbers of contact. |
mailingAddresses |
xsd:string[] |
List of mailing addresses of this contact. |
isBuddy |
xsd:boolean |
True if this contact is on the logged in user's buddy list. |
isAutoCreated |
xsd:boolean |
True if a contact is auto-created. Auto-created contacts are automatically managed by the server based on the org-chart and cannot be created or deleted by clients. These contacts are mostly read-only. Currently, you can only change the nickname. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes except userID, groupID, and isBuddy
Enumeration, may have a value of USER, GROUP, RESOURCE, PERSON, or UNSET. A USER contact type represents a user that appears in the corporate directory. These are enterprise users, extended-enterprise users, and users marked with the "external" flag. A PERSON contact type represents an external contact who does not have a record in UDS.
Content of an entity, such as a document, notification, or message.
Table A-356 WSContent Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
emailContentData |
tns:WSMessage |
contentEncoding |
xsd:string |
Encoding of content. |
contentId |
xsd:string |
contentType |
xsd:string |
partList |
tns:WSContent[] |
List of parts of data, of any assortment of media types, which constitutes this content object. |
containingDocumentID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity, such as document, that consists of this content object. |
partIdentifier |
xsd:base64Binary |
multiContentType |
xsd:string |
characterEncoding |
xsd:string |
Character encoding of content. |
contentLanguage |
xsd:string |
Language of content. |
data |
xsd:base64Binary |
Data of content. |
contentDispositionType |
xsd:string |
size |
xsd:long |
Size of document in bytes. |
mediaType |
xsd:string |
Type of media. |
name |
xsd:string |
WSDateTime Description
A terminal from which a person can interact with the system, either to collaborate, communicate or manage resources. There is no assumption as to how the device is connected to the system.
Table A-358 WSDevice Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
device |
tns:WSEntity |
deviceClass |
xsd:string |
os |
xsd:string |
manufacturer |
xsd:string |
model |
xsd:string |
propertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
provisioningStatus |
processor |
xsd:string |
deviceID |
xsd:string |
Discussion semantics to the message. The parent of the discussion message is the topic that contains the discussion message.
Table A-359 WSDiscussionMessage Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
dmInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this discussion message. |
annotationList |
tns:WSMessageAnnotation[] |
inReplyToMessageID |
tns:WSEntity |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Specific type of self-contained artifact (usually a file) that represents the result of certain end-user applications (such as a word processor)
Table A-360 WSDocument Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
documentInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this document. |
checkoutComments |
xsd:string |
versionHistory |
tns:WSVersion[] |
List of version of document |
isCheckedOut |
xsd:boolean |
content |
tns:WSContent |
version |
tns:WSVersion |
Current version of document. |
mimeMultipartType |
xsd:string |
MIME content-type string. |
checkedOutBy |
tns:WSEntity |
contentID |
tns:WSEntity |
Content of document. |
representativeVersion |
tns:WSVersion |
Version of document users will typically access. |
partDocumentIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Multipart document's part IDs of simple contents. |
locks |
tns:WSLock[] |
size |
xsd:long |
Size of document. |
path |
xsd:string |
author |
tns:WSUser |
Author of document. |
sensitivity |
tns:WSSensitivity |
Security attribute. A user may manage the access privileges of a document with this attribute. |
Table A-361 WSEmailParticipant Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
resolvedName |
xsd:string |
addressable |
tns:WSEntity |
resolvedAddress |
xsd:string |
external |
xsd:boolean |
Top-level scope for all entities.
Table A-362 WSEnterprise Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
attributeList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Attributes associated with enterprise. |
timezoneList |
xsd:string[] |
List of time zones associated with enterprise. |
Contains basic information of an Oracle Beehive object such as its name, its description, and a unique ID to locate it in the system. The entity object for Web services provides this basic information that can be passed to another method to get its details.
Table A-363 WSEntity Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
type |
xsd:string |
description |
xsd:string |
A user-supplied description for the entity. It can be changed. |
name |
xsd:string |
A user-supplied name for the entity. It can be changed. |
id |
xsd:string |
A unique identifier for the entity. Created by the Oracle Beehive system when the entity is created and can never be changed, duplicated, or re-used. |
Filterable Parameters
An enumeration for the parameters that can be used to filter a return list of this type in Web service methods
A set of recurring calendar events.
Table A-364 WSEventSeries Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
eventSeriesId |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity information for the EventSeries. |
exclusionRule |
xsd:string |
Rule to exclude particular dates. |
events |
tns:WSCalendarEvent[] |
Events in this series. |
recurrenceDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Recurrence date. |
recurrenceRule |
xsd:string |
iCalendar date time recurrence rule string. |
exclusionDate |
xsd:dateTime |
eventType |
xsd:string |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Artifact that is located outside of the system. Oracle Beehive simply records its location (such as a URI) instead of the content itself.
Table A-365 WSExternalArtifact Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
artifactInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about the external artifact. |
uri |
xsd:AnyURI |
Location (URI) of external artifact). |
contentEncoding |
xsd:string |
Content encoding of external artifact. |
mediaType |
xsd:string |
Media type. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Used to subset a result list returned by a "get" Web service method such as getAllContacts in AddressBookService. A filter consists of two (optional) lists of predicates and a list of sort criteria. The MatchAllList list of predicates returns true if all of its predicates are satisfied. The MatchAnyList list of predicates returns true if any of its predicates are satisfied. If anyAllListRelation is AND, then an entity will be selected by the filter only if MatchAllList and MatchAnyList return true. If anyAllListRelation is OR, then an entity will be selected by the filter only if MatchAllList or MatchAnyList return true.
Table A-366 WSFilter Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
anyAllListRelation |
May have a value of AND or OR. Default is AND. |
matchAnyList |
tns:WSPredicate[] |
Returns true if any of its predicates are satisfied. It is equivalent to a logical OR operator. |
projection |
tns:WSProjection |
Defines the amount of data that is returned with an object. |
matchAllList |
tns:WSPredicate |
Returns true if all of its predicates are satisfied. It is equivalent to a logical AND operator. |
sortCriteriaList |
tns:WSSortCriteria |
Sort criteria for the result list of the filter |
Container of other entities. It may contain other artifacts and sub-folders.
Table A-367 WSFolder Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
folderInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this folder. |
versioningType |
xsd:string |
Type of versioning used by folder. |
containedArtifactList |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Artifacts that this folder contains. |
preferenceProfileList |
tns:WSPreferenceProfile[] |
List of preference profiles associated with this folder. |
locks |
tns:WSLock[] |
List of preference profiles associated with this folder. |
filterExpression |
xsd:string |
Expression to filter contents of folder. |
subFolderInfoList |
tns:WSArtifact[] |
Additional information about subfolders of this folder. |
sensitivity |
tns:WSSensitivity |
Security attribute. A user may manage the access privileges of a folder with this attribute. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Collection of other discussion topics and other forums
Table A-368 WSForum Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
forumInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this forum. |
msgCount |
xsd:int |
Number of messages in forum. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Returned when querying a user's free-busy information for a time period. The tuple of time interval periods and their statuses are stored in this data type and can be accessed through the accessor methods of the appropriate Web service.
Table A-369 WSFreeBusyInterval Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
freeBusyType |
xsd:string |
Indicates whether this interval is a time during which the user or resource is FREE, BUSY, OUT_OF_OFFICE, or other valid status. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start of valid time interval. |
endTime |
xsd:dateTime |
End of valid time interval. |
A defined collection of users or resources.
Table A-370 WSGroup Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
subGroupInfo |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Immutable. List of identifiers for the subgroups of this group |
creator |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity who created the group. |
groupInfo |
tns:WSEntity |
Immutable. Unique identifier for the group. |
parentID |
tns:WSEntity |
lastModifiedDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time that the group was last modified. |
creationDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time when the group was created. |
memberIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Immutable. Members (users or groups) who belong to this Group. |
lastModifiedBy |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity that last modified the group. |
dynamicQueryString |
xsd:string |
If not null, then this group is dynamic |
Filterable Parameters
groupInfo, SubGroupInfo
Message that is part of a one-on-one, synchronous and text-based conversation.
Table A-371 WSInstantMessage Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
type |
xsd:string |
msg |
tns:WSMessage |
Message text of instant message. |
conversationID |
xsd:string |
Currently unused. |
clientsideID |
xsd:string |
Currently unused. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
WSInvitationSeries Description
Table A-372 WSInvitationSeries Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
recurrenceStartDate |
tns:WSDateTime |
inviteePriority |
tns:WSPriority |
invitationSeriesId |
tns:WSEntity |
inviteeEffectiveTransparency |
invitee |
tns:WSEntity |
invitations |
tns:WSEntity[] |
originalInclusionRule |
xsd:string |
includeTimes |
tns:WSDateTime[] |
inviteeParticipantStatus |
organizer |
explicitlyModifiedOn |
xsd:dateTime |
ICalPriority |
xsd:int |
inviteeICalPriority |
xsd:int |
xsd:anyURI |
location |
tns:WSLocation |
priority |
tns:WSPriority |
primary |
xsd:boolean |
attachments |
xsd:boolean |
transparency |
status |
multipleInstances |
xsd:boolean |
inviteeTransparency |
excludeTimes |
tns:WSDateTime[] |
participants |
seriesUpdateMode |
source |
tns:WSEntity |
eventType |
recurrenceRule |
xsd:string |
duration |
xsd:long |
multipleParticipants |
xsd:boolean |
Symbolic link to an artifact for the purpose of including the same artifact in more than one folder or workspace. Privileges on the referenced artifact are inherited only from the primary folder or workspace of the referenced artifact (not from the link or container of the link).
Table A-373 WSLink Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
linkInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this link. |
reference |
tns:WSEntity |
Reference to entity to which the link refers. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
A locale designates a particular combination of language and region.
Table A-375 WSLocation Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
timeZone |
xsd:dateTime |
Time zone of location. |
longitude |
xsd:float |
Longitude of location. |
description |
xsd:string |
Description of location. |
propertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
List of properties associated with location. |
latitude |
xsd:float |
Latitude of location. |
name |
xsd:string |
Name of location. |
altitude |
xsd:float |
Altitude of location. |
Identifiable object of a certain lock type. A user may hold multiple locks of different types on the same entity. If the entity is a container of artifacts (such as an AddressBook for Contacts), then the lock is applied to all artifacts in the container
Table A-376 WSLock Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
lockType |
xsd:string |
ALL, DAV, UserRequest |
lockedEntity |
tns:WSEntity |
Null if unlocking a locked one |
creator |
tns:WSEntity |
Creator of lock. |
timeout |
xsd:dateTime |
Duration of time before lock is removed from entity. |
lockID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of lock. |
createdOn |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time lock was created. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Enumerated type. May have one of the following values: EQ (equals), NEQ (not equal to), LE (less than or equal to), GE (greater than or equal to), LT (less than), GT (greater than), CONTAINS, DOESNOTCONTAIN, STARTSWITH, or ENDSWITH
Unit of conversation. It holds the contents in the body attribute.
Table A-377 WSMessage Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
receiverIDList |
tns:WSEmailParticipant[] |
List of those to whom the message is sent. |
replyToList |
tns:WSEmailParticipant[] |
List of those to whom to send a reply. |
inReplyToMessageID |
xsd:string[] |
If the message is a reply to an earlier message, this will refer to that earlier message. |
bccReceiverIDList |
tns:WSEmailParticipant[] |
List of those to whom the message is BCC'd. |
senderID |
Who sent the message. |
messageType |
tns:WSMessageType |
ccReceiverIDList |
tns:WSEmailParticipant[] |
List of those to whom the message is CC'ed. |
msgInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Artifact information about this message. |
flags |
tns:WSMessageFlag[] |
subject |
xsd:string |
Subject of the message. |
size |
xsd:long |
Size of the message in bytes. |
priority |
tns:WSPriority |
body |
tns:WSContent |
Body of message. |
deliveredTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time at which the message was delivered. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Table A-378 WSMessageAnnotation Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
name |
xsd:string |
Name of message annotation. |
attributeList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Attributes associated with message annotation. |
Table A-379 WSMessageBox Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
msgCount |
xsd:int |
Number of messages in the message box (or inbox). |
msgBoxInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this message box. |
newMsgCount |
xsd:int |
Number of messages that are new. |
msgSubBoxList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Subfolders within the message box. |
unreadMsgCount |
xsd:int |
Number of messages that are unread. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Holds the header information and meta-data for the message. The sent time of the message is represented by the user's created-on time of the artifact.
Table A-380 WSMessageHeader Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
receiverIDList |
tns:WSParticipant[] |
List of participants that received this message. |
optionalMessageID |
xsd:string |
Currently unused. |
msgInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this message header. |
flags |
xsd:string[] |
size |
xsd:long |
Size of message. |
priority |
tns:WSPriority |
Message priority. |
senderID |
tns:WSEntity |
ID of user who sent the message. |
messageType |
tns:WSMessageType |
deliveredTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time when message was delivered. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
An organization is a scope under an enterprise. Organizations can be nested to form hierarchies.
Table A-381 WSOrganization Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
scopeInfo |
tns:WSScope |
Information about this organization. |
parent |
tns:WSCommunity |
Community under which this organization is nested. |
Represents someone involved in messaging activity, conferences or calendar events.
Table A-382 WSParticipant Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
participantID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity associated with the user, if the participant is a user. |
groupID |
tns:WSEntity |
Group entity associated with this participant, if this participant is a group. |
participantStatus |
xsd:string |
externalUserKey |
xsd:string |
Information for users outside of the system. For example, it may be the email address for an outside user. |
role |
properties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Properties related to this participant. |
workspaceID |
tns:WSEntity |
Workspace associated with this Participant, if the Participant is a Workspace. |
A permission is a privilege granted on an entity.
Table A-383 WSPermission Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
roleGrantee |
tns:WSRole |
Role that is being granted the permission |
grantPrivileges |
xsd:string |
Type of access, one of DELETE, DISCOVER, EXECUTE, READ, WRITE |
targetWSEntity |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity to which the user will be granted or denied privileges |
userGrantee |
tns:WSUser |
User that is being granted the permission |
denyPrivileges |
xsd:string |
Type of access, one of DELETE, DISCOVER, EXECUTE, READ, WRITE |
Enumeration. Value of Coordinates, PhysicalSpecification, or UNSET
Condition on a certain parameter for the purpose of filtering result sets. A predicate is defined as a triple of parameter (for example, NAME), parameter value (for example, JOE), and operation (for example, CONTAINS).
Table A-384 WSPredicate Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
paramValue |
xsd:string |
The value you want to find |
paramName |
xsd:string |
Enumeration consisting of the kind of value you want to filter. One of the following: isnew, isread, isunread, createdby_id, createdon_date, modifiedon_date, modifiedby_id, label_id, name, delivered_time, size, to |
operation |
A user's system, system behavior, UI, presentation, and interactivity customizations are stored in preference objects.
Table A-385 WSPreference Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
prefProperties |
tns:WSPreferenceProperty[] |
List of properties associated with the preference object. |
prefID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity associated with the preference object. |
sensitivity |
tns:WSSensitivity |
Security attribute. A user may manage the access privileges of a preference object with this attribute. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes except sensitivity
A set of preferences, which a user has specified, that are related to a particular type of activity or circumstance. Users can maintain multiple preference profiles and switch between them. For instance, a user may have a regular preference profile and a business travel preference profile. That user may switch profiles depending on the time of usage.
Table A-386 WSPreferenceProfile Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
isActive |
xsd:boolean |
True if the user wants to use the preferences specified by this preference profile. |
preferences |
tns:WSPreference[] |
List of preference the user has specified. |
sensitivity |
tns:WSSensitivity |
Security attribute. A user may manage the access privileges of a preference profile with this attribute. |
profileID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity associated with this preference profile. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
A user's system, system behavior, UI, presentation, and interactivity customizations are stored in preference objects.
Information about a user's location, status, availability, connectedness and ability to converse at a given point of time is captured as a user's presence. Since the Oracle Beehive system has access to such information about internal users only, only their presence is made available by Oracle Beehive. For external users, such information is not available.
Table A-388 WSPresence Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
activities |
tns:WSActivity[] |
modificationTimeStamp |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time when the presence was last updated. |
contactMethods |
tns:WSPresenceContactMethod[] |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
A ranking of the importance of entities in a set. The higher the priority, the more important the entity. For example, when the entity is a message and the priority is high, it is an urgent message.
Defines the amount of data that is returned with an object.
Table A-391 WSProjection Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
projectionType |
tns:WSProjectionType |
requiredAttributes |
tns:WSAttributeName[] |
Enumeration, may have a value of FULL, META, BASIC, or EMPTY.
A name-value pair representing some characteristic of an entity.
Table A-392 WSProperty Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
value |
xsd:string |
Value of the property |
valueType |
values |
xsd:string[] |
name |
xsd:string |
Name of the property |
Controls the total amount of space that can be allocated within a scope. Since the deletion of artifacts only moves the artifacts to workspace trash, the deleted artifacts still count against a workspace quota until archived or expunged.
Table A-393 WSQuota Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
hardQuota |
xsd:int |
Once the hard quota is reached, no more create or update (with more bytes) operations will be allowed until the quota breach is resolved |
quotaThreshold |
xsd:int |
Amount quota may be exceeded before a warning is sent. |
softQuota |
xsd:int |
When the soft quota is breached, a warning event will be raised |
Entity that is used to trigger a reminder action at some timed event. It associates a timed trigger on the entity, which can set off an event. A timed trigger can be defined relative to the time of an operation, such as create, update, check-in, or checkout or to a scheduled event (usually a future event), such as the start time of an calendar occurrence, due date of a task, or end time of a conference. A timed trigger can also be defined by absolute time, independent of any operation.
Table A-394 WSReminder Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
ruleID |
tns:WSEntity |
Rule associated with reminder. |
relativeTriggerOffset |
xsd:dateTime |
Duration of time to wait after occurrence of an event (defined by ruleID) to trigger the reminder action. |
nextAbsoluteTrigger |
xsd:dateTime |
An additional date and time to trigger the reminder action. |
reminderInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information associated with this reminder. |
absoluteTrigger |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time to trigger the reminder action. |
status |
xsd:string |
associatedArtifactID |
tns:WSEntity |
Specifies the associated artifact's entity ID. (Reminders can be associated to any artifact in the system.) |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Table A-396 WSReminderRule Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
reminderAction |
tns:WSReminderAction |
reminderCondition |
An allocatable entity limited in capacity for performing an action or being acted upon (resources are usually not sharable at one time).
Table A-397 WSResource Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
externalResourceCapacity |
xsd:int |
Capacity of external resource, for example, the capacity of a conference room. |
isInternalResource |
xsd:boolean |
True if it is an internal resource, which is a non-user participant in the system. |
location |
tns:WSLocation |
Location of resource. |
internalResourceInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
If it is an internal resource, artifact information associated with the resource. |
resourceId |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity information for this resource. |
Status of executing Web service methods
A role is a named set of permissions
Table A-399 WSRole Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
memberList |
tns:WSGroup[] |
Member ID list for the role |
permission |
tns:WSPermission |
List of permissions associated with the role |
name |
xsd:string |
Name of the role |
Table A-400 WSRoleDefinition Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
permissions |
tns:WSPermission |
roleDefinitionId |
tns:WSEntity |
Instruction of the form IF/THEN. A rule is evaluated to either true or false by evaluating the associated condition(s), and appropriate action can be taken depending on the result.
Table A-401 WSRule Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
conjunctive |
xsd:boolean |
rule |
xsd:string |
ruleDefinition |
tns:WSEntity |
description |
xsd:string |
actions |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Actions to be taken depending on the result of conditions. |
conditions |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of conditions to evaluate to true or false. |
Defines a logical, administrative region. A workspace in Oracle Beehive is a scope.
Table A-402 WSScope Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
policyList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of policies that define the scope. |
template |
tns:WSEntity |
description |
xsd:string |
Description of scope. |
roleList |
tns:WSRole[] |
List of roles associated with this scope. |
quota |
tns:WSQuota |
Quota of scope. |
propertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
List of properties associated with the scope |
categoryList |
tns:WSCategory[] |
Categories associated with scope. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
The result of a keyword-based search in the Oracle Beehive system
Table A-403 WSSearchResult Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
searchResultList |
tns:WSSearchResultItem[] |
List of items that match the search criteria |
hitCount |
xsd:int |
Number of hits in the result |
Denotes an item in a keyword-based search result in Oracle Beehive.
Table A-404 WSSearchResultItem Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
searchPropertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
List of properties associated with the artifact |
artifact |
tns:WSArtifact |
An artifact that matches the search criteria |
searchResultID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier for the search result |
There are four levels of sensitivity, confidential, private, public, and normal, for any artifact, entity address, or attribute.
Public: Artifacts or attributes marked as Public are accessible to all users in the system, including external users with guest access to the workspace.
Normal: Artifacts or attributes marked as Normal are by default accessible to other users. Other users have access according to the standard access control definition.
Confidential: Artifacts or attributes marked as Confidential are not viewable by default to other users in the system unless as denoted through delegation.
Private: Artifacts or attributes marked as Private are not accessible to any other users on the system including the designates. For instance, an e-mail message (from a family member), calendar event (a doctor's appointment), and document (a personal resume) can be marked as private and not exposed to any other user unless the owner changes the sensitivity level from Private to some other setting.
Sort criteria of a result list. The sort criteria is defined in terms of a parameter (for example, NAME) and the sort order (for example, ASCENDING or DESCENDING).
User-defined instruction for the Oracle Beehive system to perform a certain action if an event and a given set of conditions occur. It allows a user to prescribe how to automatically react or notify the user when some events occur on an entity.
Table A-407 WSSubscription Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
conjunctive |
xsd:boolean |
attributeValues |
tns:WSProperty[] |
subscriptionTemplate |
tns:WSEntity |
subscriptionState |
xsd:string |
subscriber |
tns:WSEntity |
attachedTo |
tns:WSEntity |
subscriptionInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about the subscription. |
subscriptionRules |
tns:WSRule[] |
ruleIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of rules defined in the subscription |
priority |
xsd:int |
Filterable Parameters
All attribute names
Table A-409 WSSubscriptionRosterElement Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
watchable |
tns:WSEntity |
status |
xsd:string |
Template used to create subscriptions.
Table A-410 WSSubscriptionTemplate Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
attributeIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of attributes of the subscription to be created with this template. |
templateInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about the subscription to be created. |
ruleIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of rules defined in the subscription to be created. |
Represents a name that can be directly attached to an entity for the purpose of classifying the entity. A single tag can be applied to any number of entities and any entity can support any number of tags.
Table A-411 WSTag Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
tagInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about the tag. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Represents an action-item or assignment such as an item of work assigned to an individual.
Table A-412 WSTask Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
taskInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this task. |
taskStatus |
xsd:string |
ICalPriority |
xsd:int |
Integer in the range zero to nine. Zero is undefined. One is highest priority; nine is lowest. |
propertyList |
tns:WSProperty[] |
Properties associated with this task. |
xsd:AnyURI |
URI associated with this task. |
startTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Time that task should be started. |
location |
tns:WSLocation |
Location of task. |
dueTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Time that task is due. |
taskSeries |
tns:WSEventSeries |
If this task is associated with an EventSeries this will be populated. |
priority |
tns:WSPriority |
Priority of task. |
assignees |
xsd:Participant[] |
Participants who are assigned this task. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
An assignment of a task to a participant, with related details such as start and end times, priority, and percent complete.
Table A-413 WSTaskAssignment Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
taskAssignmentInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
assigneeDueTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Due time of the task specified by the assignee. |
assigneePercentComplete |
xsd:int |
How much of the assignment is complete, from 0 to 100. |
assigneePriority |
tns:WSPriority |
taskDueTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Due time of the task. |
assigneeStartTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start time of the task specified by the assignee. |
taskStartTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Start time of the task. |
assigneeCompleted |
xsd:dateTime |
If the assignment is complete, this will contain the date when it was completed. |
assigneeICalPriority |
xsd:int |
Integer in the range zero to nine. A value of zero specifies an undefined priority. A value of one is the highest priority, nine the lowest. |
properties |
tns:WSProperty[] |
assigneeParticipantStatus |
recurringEventSeries |
tns:WSEventSeries |
Event series associated with this task assignment. |
source |
xsd:string |
ID of the TaskAssigment source. |
assignee |
tns:WSEntity |
Participant assigned to the task specified by this task assignment. |
assigneeTimeSpent |
xsd:dateTime |
Amount of time spent by the assignee on the task. |
assigneeTimeAllocated |
xsd:dateTime |
Amount of time allocated by the assignee to spend on the task. |
priority |
tns:WSPriority |
Priority of the task assignment. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Container of task management artifacts such as tasks and task assignments.
Table A-414 WSTaskList Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
assignments |
tns:WSTaskAssignment[] |
Task assignments associated with this task list. |
timeZone |
xsd:TimeZone |
Time zone of task list. |
taskIDs |
tns:WSTask[] |
Tasks associated with this task list. |
owner |
tns:WSEntity |
Owner of task list. |
taskListInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this task list. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Enumeration, may have a value of ABSOLUTE_TRIGGER, START_TRIGGER, END_TRIGGER, or UNSET.
Represents a conversation among forum members; it is structured as a collection of discussions messages. The discussions semantics may impose that the topic messages be sorted in chronological order or threaded by reply.
Table A-416 WSTopic Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
topicInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
Additional information about this topic. |
discussionMessageList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of messages contained in topic. |
relatedArtifactID |
tns:WSEntity |
msgCount |
xsd:int |
Number of messages in topic. |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
An entity that can perform actions upon other entities, usually a human. Processes or the services themselves may need to act on the system, but they are considered to be system actors and not users.
Table A-417 WSUser Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
systemActor |
xsd:boolean |
userWorkspaces |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Workspaces to which the user belongs |
userType |
tns:WSUserType |
Immutable. Type of user. |
contactDetails |
tns:WSContact |
Contact information of the user. |
primaryEmailAddress |
xsd:string |
Primary e-mail address of the user. |
userRoles |
tns:WSRole[] |
Roles that the user has in Oracle Beehive |
userIdentifier |
xsd:string |
Immutable. Entity ID for the user. |
userInfo |
tns:WSEntity |
Immutable. Entity ID for the user. |
firstName |
xsd:string |
First name of the user. |
lastName |
xsd:string |
Last name of the user. |
Filterable Parameters
userInfo, userType, firstName, lastName, emailAddress
WSUserType Description
Defines attributes of a versionable artifact, which represents a specific version of an artifact.
Table A-419 WSVersion Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
versionInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
versionedDocID |
tns:WSEntity |
versionLabel |
xsd:string |
versionNumber |
xsd:int |
Enumeration, may have a value of AUTO, DISABLED, MANUAL, or UNSET.
Scope that defines a logical scope of work for users. All workspaces must have a name. Each workspace is addressable individually. A workspace may be a personal workspace for an individual user or a group workspace for a set of members.
Table A-420 WSWorkspace Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
directoryListed |
xsd:boolean |
addressbookIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of address books associated with workspace. |
defaultCalendar |
tns:WSCalendar |
categoryList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
tagIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of tags associated with workspace. |
versioningType |
tns:WSVersioningType |
Versioning type. |
defaultAddressBook |
tns:WSAddressBook |
isPublished |
xsd:boolean |
True if workspace has been published. |
scopeInfo |
tns:WSScope |
Scope information of workspace. |
emailAddress |
xsd:string |
E-mail address associated with workspace. |
defaultTaskList |
tns:WSTaskList |
workspaceID |
tns:WSEntity |
Entity denoting the workspace. The name attribute of the entity is not optional and must be present. |
lastModifiedBy |
tns:WSEntity |
User or entity who last modified workspace. |
parentID |
tns:WSEntity |
Identifier of the parent community |
discussionForumIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of discussion forums associated with workspace. |
categoryApplicationList |
tns:WSCategoryApplication[] |
List of categories associated with workspace. |
calendarIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of calendars associated with workspace. |
inboxID |
tns:WSEntity |
Workspace inbox. |
workspaceType |
xsd:WSWorkspaceType |
Type of the workspace. |
creationDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Date and time workspace was created. |
tasklistIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of tasklist(s associated with workspace. |
memberIDList |
tns:WSWorkspaceParticipant[] |
List of tasklist(s associated with workspace. |
defaultForum |
tns:WSForum |
creator |
tns:WSEntity |
lastModifiedDate |
xsd:dateTime |
Last date and time workspace was modified. |
locks |
tns:WSLock[] |
List of reminders associated with workspace. |
reminderList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
List of reminders associated with workspace. |
libraryIDList |
tns:WSEntity[] |
Folder for artifacts |
Filterable Parameters
All attributes
Table A-421 WSWorkspaceParticipant Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
roleDefinitions |
tns:WSRoleDefinition[] |
roles |
tns:WSRole |
member |
tns:WSEntity |
Defines a workspace
Table A-422 WSWorkspaceTemplate Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
workspaceTemplateType |
xsd:string |
contactInfo |
xsd:string |
workspaceTemplateInfo |
tns:WSArtifact |
authorCreationTime |
xsd:dateTime |
copyrightInfo |
xsd:string |
templateID |
xsd:string |
author |
xsd:string |
transportableFormat |
xsd:base64Binary |