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Oracle® Audit Vault Server Installation Guide
Release for Linux x86

Part Number E13840-05
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4 Upgrading Oracle Audit Vault Server

This chapter describes the procedure to upgrade an Oracle Audit Vault Server (Audit Vault Server) installation from release or lower to release This chapter covers the following topics:

4.1 Back Up and Recovery of Audit Vault Server

Audit Vault Server upgrade installation does not have the ability to be rolled back, therefore you should take precautions to backup the files before the upgrade is performed until you have tested the upgrade.

Back Up the Database

After cleanly shutting down the instance following the analysis of the database, you should perform a full backup of the database. Complete the following steps:

  1. Sign on to RMAN:

    rman "target / nocatalog"
  2. Issue the following RMAN commands:

    BACKUP DATABASE FORMAT 'backup_directory%U' TAG before_upgrade;
        BACKUP CURRENT CONTROLFILE TO 'save_controlfile_location';


    If you encounter problems with the upgrade and want to abandon the upgrade completely, then you will need to restore the database from this backup. Therefore, make sure you back up your database now as a precaution.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Basics for more information about backing up a database.

Back Up Audit Vault Server Home

Because the upgrade will update files in the Audit Vault Server home, these files should all be backed up or copied to another directory until the patchset has been tested.

Abandon the Upgrade

If the upgrade is not successful, to abandon the upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy (Restore) the Audit Vault Server home files back.

  2. If you completed the steps in Back Up the Database to back up your database, then restore that backup. Complete the following steps:

    1. Log in to the system as the owner of the Oracle home directory of the previous release.

    2. Sign on to RMAN:

      rman "target / nocatalog"
    3. Issue the following RMAN commands:

          REPLICATE CONTROLFILE FROM 'save_controlfile_location';
          RESTORE DATABASE FROM TAG before_upgrade

4.2 Upgrade Requirements

The only requirement to perform an upgrade to Audit Vault Server is that Oracle Universal Installer detects an older release of an Audit Vault Server (release or lower) installed on your system.

4.3 Upgrade Procedure

To upgrade to Audit Vault Server release, you must follow this sequence of steps to shut down Oracle Audit Vault components, perform the server upgrade, perform the collection agent upgrade, then start up Oracle Audit Vault components:

Details of each of these steps follows.

Step 1: Ensure the NLS_LANG Environment Variable Is Not Set

The NLS_LANG environment variable must not be set.

Step 2: Stop All Collectors

You must stop all collectors associated with the Audit Vault Server to which this upgrade installation is being applied.

From the Audit Vault Server home with ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH environment variables properly set for the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command syntax to stop each collector.

avctl stop_collector -collname collector-name -srcname source-name

Step 3: Stop All Collection Agents

You must stop all collection agents associated with the Audit Vault Server to which this upgrade installation is being applied.

From the Audit Vault Server home with ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH environment variables properly set for the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command syntax to stop each collection agent.

avctl stop_agent -agentname agent-name

Step 4: Stop the Agent OC4J

You must stop all agent OC4J associated with the Audit Vault Server to which this upgrade installation is being applied. There is one agent OC4J associated with each collection agent.

From each Oracle Audit Vault collection agent home with ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PATH environment variables properly set for the Oracle Audit Vault collection agent home, use the following command syntax to stop each agent OC4J.

avctl stop_oc4j

Step 5: Stop the Oracle Audit Vault Console

From the Audit Vault Server home with ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH environment variables properly set for the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command syntax to stop the Oracle Audit Vault Console.

avctl stop_av

In an Oracle RAC environment, run the command on all nodes where Audit Vault Server is installed.


In an Oracle RAC environment, do not shut down Enterprise Manager on the remote nodes; otherwise, you will have to manually start up Enterprise Manager on these remote nodes following an upgrade to Audit Vault Server release

Step 6: Shut Down the Oracle Audit Vault Database

From the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command to shut down the Oracle Audit Vault Database.

sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 13 22:51:56 2007
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
SQL> connect sys as sysoper
Enter password:
SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
Oracle instance shut down.
SQL> exit

In an Oracle RAC environment, run the following command from the local node:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl stop database –d AVdatabase name -q
Connect string:  [/ as sysdba] sys/sys password as sysdba

Step 7: Stop the Listener

From the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command to stop the listener. The listener name is usually LISTENER. Perform the lsnrctl status command to determine the name of the listener.

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop Listener-name

In an Oracle RAC environment, run the command on all nodes where Audit Vault Server is installed.

Step 8: Perform the Upgrade to Audit Vault Server Release in the Audit Vault Server Home

Perform the following steps to perform the upgrade installation to Audit Vault Server release in the Audit Vault Server home:

  1. Locate the Audit Vault Server release 10.2.3 media and mount the media.

  2. Start Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) from the directory where the runInstaller program is located.

    cd directory-containing-Oracle-Audit-Vault-Server-Installation-Files
  3. On the Oracle Audit Vault Server Installation Select Installation Type window, when the installer detects an upgradable release, it automatically selects the Upgrade Existing Audit Vault Server Home option and displays the upgradeable home path specifications. If there is more than one upgradable path to upgrade, review the path names, and select the path specification to upgrade. Then click Next.

  4. The Summary Page screen is displayed. Check the space requirements. Note that 662 MB of space is required to upgrade to Audit Vault Server, which includes 117 MB of temporary space. Next, review each of the items that are about to be installed. Click Install.

  5. The Configuration Assistants screen appears and proceeds to apply Audit Vault Server one-off patches and then the Oracle Audit Vault Upgrade Assistant runs some AVCA scripts to continue the release 10.2.3 upgrade installation.

  6. On the End of Installation screen, you should see a message indicating a successful installation. Take note of the URL for the Oracle Audit Vault Console Click Exit to exit the Oracle Universal Installer. Then on the Exit confirmation screen for the prompt "Do you really want to exit?", click Yes to confirm the exit operation.

See Oracle Audit Vault Collection Agent Installation Guide for information on upgrading all Oracle Audit Vault collection agent release or lower collection agents that are associated with your recently upgraded Audit Vault Server installation to release

Step 9: Perform the Upgrade to Oracle Audit Vault Collection Agent Release in the Oracle Audit Vault Collection Agent Homes


All release or lower Oracle Audit Vault collection agents associated with the recently upgraded Audit Vault Server to release can now be upgraded to Oracle Audit Vault collection agent release to maintain compatibility with this most current release of the Audit Vault Server. See the information about upgrading an Oracle Audit Vault collection agent in Oracle Audit Vault Collection Agent Installation Guide for more information.

Step 10: Start All Collection Agents

From the Audit Vault Server home with ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, and PATH environment variables properly set for the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command syntax to start each collection agent.

avctl start_agent -agentname agent-name

Step 11: Start All Collectors

From the Audit Vault Server home with ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables properly set for the Audit Vault Server home, use the following command syntax to start each collector.

avctl start_collector -collname collector-name -srcname source-name

Step 12: Monitor the Oracle Audit Vault System

This step is a reminder to monitor the Oracle Audit Vault system to ensure all Oracle Audit Vault components are running and the system is operational. See the Oracle Audit Vault Administrator's Guide for more information.

4.4 Performing a Silent Upgrade Installation Using a Response File


The basic installation is not supported in silent mode. Silent installation is only supported for the advanced upgrade installation.

Follow these brief steps to perform a silent upgrade installation using a response file:

  1. Make sure all prerequisites are met for the installation of Audit Vault Server and Oracle Audit Vault collection agent.

  2. Prepare the Audit Vault Server response file. A template response file can be found at AV-installer-location/response/upgrade_av.rsp on the Audit Vault Server installation media.

    Prepare the response file by entering values for all parameters that are missing in the first part of the response file, then save the file. Note that for single instance installations, RAW storage is not used. Also note that the CLUSTER_NODES parameter must be specified for installing Audit Vault Server in an Oracle RAC environment. Do not edit any values in the second part of either response file.

  3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to an appropriate value before proceeding with the silent installation. See Section 2.11 for more information.

  4. Invoke Oracle Universal Installer using the following options:

    ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile path_of_response_file

For more information about these options, see Section 1.3.2. For general information about how to complete a database installation using response files, see Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux.

4.5 Post Upgrade Information

Note that after performing an Oracle Audit Vault Server upgrade, because the upgrade is an inplace upgrade, the original directory structure is still in use. This means the ORACLE_HOME, PATH, and LD_LIBARARY_PATH environment variables are the same as they were before the upgrade.

See Section 3.7 for any additional post upgrade installation tasks.