4 Loading Data Into a Cache

In this chapter, you learn how to populate a Coherence cache with domain objects that are read from text files. You also learn the most efficient method of loading data into a Cache (in sequence).

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Introduction

This chapter assumes that you have completed "Caching a Complex Object using Java Serialization" and "Caching a Complex Object using Coherence PortableObject".

This chapter also assumes that you are familiar with using java.io.BufferedReader to read text files, java.lang.String.split method to parse text files, and java.text.SimpleDateFormat to parse dates.

The following examples provide brief illustrations of these classes.

  • The code in Example 4-1 illustrates how to use BufferedReader to open and close a text file called myFile:

    Example 4-1 Sample Code to Open and Close a Text File

    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myFile));
       // your reading code here
  • The sample code in Example 4-2 illustrates how to use the String.split method to split a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter. In this case, the delimiter is a comma:

    Example 4-2 Sample Code to Split a String

    String[] parts = stringToSplit.split(",");
  • The sample code in Example 4-3 illustrates how to parse a date expressed as a yyyy-MM-dd formatted string into a java.util.Date instance:

    Example 4-3 Sample Code to Parse a Date

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Date date = sdf.parse(dateAsAString); 

4.2 Populating a Cache with Domain Objects

This exercise demonstrates two ways to create a console application that will populate a Coherence cache with domain objects. The application can use either the Java Serialization or the Coherence com.tangosol.io.pof.PortableObject implementation. The exercise also includes a stopwatch program so you can observe the time savings that the PortableObject implementation provides.

To populate a cache with domain objects:

  1. Create a new project called Lab5.

    See "Creating and Caching Complex Objects" for information on creating a new project.

  2. Download the samples.zip file from the Coherence Library main page:

    The zip file contains the endofdaystocksummaries folder which, in turn, contains several text files with stock price data.

    1. Click the Tutorial Sample Data link on the Oracle Coherence Library main page to download the samples.zip file.

    2. Unzip samples.zip and place the endofdaystocksummaries folder in the \home\oracle\labs\Lab5 directory.

  3. Write a console application (Java class) called CacheLoading to load the entire end-of-day-stock summaries contained in the endofdaystocksummaries folder into a single Coherence cache called "eodss."

    Example 4-4 illustrates a possible solution.

    Example 4-4 Sample Cache Loading Program

    package com.oracle.coherence.handson;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory;
    import com.tangosol.net.NamedCache;
    public class CacheLoading {
        public static void loadPricesFor(String symbol, NamedCache namedCache) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, ParseException {
            SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            String fileName = "./endofdaystocksummaries/" + symbol + ".CSV";
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
            String line = null;
            while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
                String[] parts = line.split(",");
                EndOfDayStockSummary eodss = 
                    new EndOfDayStockSummary(symbol,
                namedCache.put(eodss.getKey(), eodss);
         * @param args
         * @throws IOException 
         * @throws ParseException 
         * @throws NumberFormatException 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NumberFormatException, ParseException {
            NamedCache namedCache = CacheFactory.getCache("eodss");
            String[] symbols = {"AAPL", "BT", "DELL", "GOOG", "HPQ", "JAVA", "MSFT", "ORCL", "YHOO"}; 
    StopWatch st=new StopWatch();
            for (String symbol : symbols) {
                System.out.printf("Loading Symbol %s\n", symbol);
                loadPricesFor(symbol, namedCache);
    System.out.println("elapsed time is:"+st.getElapsedTime());
  4. Create a Java class called EndOfDayStockSummary and copy the code from the EndOfDayStockSummary class from the previous exercise (see "Caching a Complex Object using Java Serialization").

  5. Create a StopWatch Java class to determine how long it takes to put the summaries into the cache and how many may be put per second.

    Example 4-5 illustrates a possible solution.

    Example 4-5 Sample Stopwatch Program

    package com.oracle.coherence.handson;
    public class StopWatch {
        private long startTime;       //time in ms since the EPOC
        private long finishTime;    //time in ms since the EPOC
        private boolean isRunning;    
        public StopWatch() {
            this.startTime = -1;
            this.finishTime = -1;
            isRunning = false;
        public synchronized void start() {
            if (!isRunning) {
                this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                isRunning = true;
        public synchronized void stop() {
            if (isRunning) {
                this.finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                isRunning = false;
        public boolean isRunning() {
            return isRunning;
        public long getElapsedTime() {
            if (isRunning) {
                return System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
            } else if (startTime != -1) {
                return finishTime - startTime;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("StopWatch hasn't been started as yet.  Not possible to determine the elapsed time.");
        public String toString(int count) {
            return String.format("StopWatch{startTime=%d, finishTime=%d, elapsedTime=%d ms (%f sec), rate=%f per sec}",
                                 getElapsedTime() / 1000.0,
                                 (double)count * 1000.0 / getElapsedTime());
        public String toString() {
            return String.format("StopWatch{startTime=%d, finishTime=%d, elapsedTime=%d ms (%f sec)}",
                                 getElapsedTime() / 1000.0);
  6. Run your application using the following cluster configurations:

    1. Run CacheLoader with no cache servers running.

      Figure 4-1 Sample Program Run without a Cache Server

      Sample Program Run without a Cache Server
      Description of "Figure 4-1 Sample Program Run without a Cache Server"

    2. Run CacheLoader with a single cache server running (that is, run cache-server.cmd in a shell).

      Figure 4-2 Sample Program Run with One Cache Server

      Sample Program Run with One Cache Server
      Description of "Figure 4-2 Sample Program Run with One Cache Server"

    3. Run CacheLoader with two cache servers running (that is, run cache-server.cmd in a second shell).

      Figure 4-3 Sample Program Run with Two Cache Servers

      Sample Program Run with Two Cache Servers
      Description of "Figure 4-3 Sample Program Run with Two Cache Servers"

    4. Run the CacheLoading application configured with the following Java Options and with both cache servers running.


      Figure 4-4 Sample Program Run with Two Cache Servers and Local Storage Set to False

      Two Cache Servers and Local Storage Set to False
      Description of "Figure 4-4 Sample Program Run with Two Cache Servers and Local Storage Set to False"

  7. Modify your application to use the PortableObject implementation of the EndOfDayStockSummary class (You can copy the code from "Caching a Complex Object using Coherence PortableObject").

    1. Save the changes and rebuild your application.

    2. Stop all running cache servers.

    3. Edit the lab4-pof-congig.xml file to comment-out the user type Person.

    4. Edit the CLASSPATH environment variable in pof-cache-server.cmd to add the \home\oracle\labs\Lab5\classes directory. Start pof-cache-server.cmd.

    5. Edit the Run/Debug/Profile configuration. Change the Java process to be storage-disabled and also append the following line to the Java Options.

    6. Add additional CLASSPATH entries to the existing project properties.

      Navigate to Tools > Project Properties > Libraries and Classpath > Add JAR/Directory. In your project, add \home\oracle\labs to your CLASSPATH. Execute the application. What effect does this have on throughput?

      Figure 4-5 Sample Program Run with Pof Serialization

      Sample Program Run with Pof Serialization
      Description of "Figure 4-5 Sample Program Run with Pof Serialization"

  8. Use Table 4-1 to enter your results. Observe that the throughput is more efficient when using PortableObject as compared to Serialization.

Table 4-1 Throughput Calculations: Using PortableObject versus Serialization

CacheLoading Application Configuration No Cache Servers: Throughput (per sec) One Cache Servers: Throughput (per sec) Two Cache Servers: Throughput (per sec)

Using the Java serialization version of EndOfDayStockSummary


Using the Java serialization version of EndOfDayStockSummary with local storage disabled



Using the PortableObject version of EndOfDayStockSummary


Using the PortableObject version of EndOfDayStockSummary with local storage disabled



4.3 Querying and Aggregating Data in the Cache

This exercise introduces the concept of querying and aggregating data in a cache. In this exercise:

  • Create a Java class to populate the cache with 10,000 Person objects

  • Query the cache for specific data

  • Aggregate information within the cache and observe the changes in query times when you add cache members (On dual core machines only)

After putting complex objects in the named caches, you look at querying and aggregating information within the grid. The com.tangosol.util.QueryMap interface provides methods for managing the values or keys within a cache. You can use filters to restrict your results. You can also define indexes to optimize your queries.

Because Coherence serializes information when storing, you will have the overhead of deserializing when querying. When indexes are added, the values identified in the index are not serialized and therefore, offer quicker access time. Some of the more useful methods in the QueryMap interface are:

  • Set entrySet(Filterfilter)—Returns a set of entries that are contained in the map that satisfy the filter

  • addIndex(ValueExtractorextractor,booleanfOrdered, Comparator comparator)—Adds an index

  • Set keySet(Filter filter)—Similar to entrySet, but returns keys, not values

It is important to note that filtering occurs at Cache Entry Owner level. In a partitioned topology, filtering can be done in parallel because it is the primary partitions that do the filtering. The QueryMap interface uses the Filter classes. You can find more information on these classes in the API for the com.tangosol.util.filter package.

All Coherence NamedCaches implement the com.tangosol.util.QueryMap interface. This allows NamedCaches to support the searching for keys or entries in a cache that satisfy some condition. The condition can being represented as an object that implements the com.tangosol.util.Filter interface.

The com.tangosol.util.filter package contains several predefined classes that provide implementations of standard query expressions. Examples of these classes include GreaterFilter, GreaterEquals, LikeFilter, NotEqualsFilter, InFilter, and so on. You can use these filters to construct and compose object-based equivalents of almost all SQL WHERE clause expressions.


Coherence does not provide a SQLFilter because it is unlikely that the objects placed in a cache are modeled in a relational manner, that is, using rows and columns (as they are typically represented in a database). Additionally, it is common that objects placed in a cache are not easily modeled using relational models, for example, large blobs.

The Filter classes use standard Java method reflection to represent test conditions. For example, the following filter represents the condition where the value returned from the getSymbol method on an object in a cache (for example, endofdaystocksummary) is for Oracle (ORCL):

new EqualsFilter("getSymbol", "ORCL");

If the object tested with this filter fails to have a getSymbol method, then the test will fail.

A couple of examples will make things clearer:

  • Return a set of people where their last name begins with Sm:

    Set macPeople = people.entrySet( new LikeFilter("getLastName", "Sm"));
  • Return a set containing all open trades:

    Set openTrades = trades.entrySet( new EqualsFilter("isOpen", BOOLEAN.TRUE));

In addition to the entrySet and keySet methods defined by the QueryMap interface, Coherence supports the definition of indexes, using the addIndex method, to improve query performance. Unlike relational database systems, where indexes are defined according to well-known and strictly enforced collections of named columns (that is, a schema), Coherence does not have a schema. Though lacking a formal schema for data allows for significant flexibility and polymorphism, within applications, it means that an approach different from that of traditional database systems is required to define indexes and therefore, increase query performance.

To define the values that are to be indexed for each object placed in a cache, Coherence introduces the concept of a ValueExtractor. A com.tangosol.util.ValueExtractor is a simple interface that defines an "extract" method. If given an object parameter, a ValueExtractor returns some value based on the parameter.

A simple example of a ValueExtractor implementation is the com.tangosol.util.extractor.ReflectionExtractor, which uses reflection to return the result of a method call on an object. For example:

new ReflectionExtractor("getSymbol")

ValueExtractors may be used throughout the Coherence API. Typically, however, they are used to define indexes.

To aggregate and query data in the cache:

  1. Create a Java class to populate the cache with 10,000 random People objects.

    1. Create a JDeveloper project and call it Lab6.

      Figure 4-6 Creating a New Project

      Creating a New Project
      Description of "Figure 4-6 Creating a New Project"

    2. Change the Java process to be storage-disabled when it is run. Right click the new project and select Project Properties. In the project properties dialog box, select Run/Debug/Profile. In the Java Options field, enter these parameters:

      -Dtangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage=false -Dtangosol.coherence.log.level=3

      Figure 4-7 Setting Runtime Parameters

      Setting Runtime Parameters
      Description of "Figure 4-7 Setting Runtime Parameters"

    3. Use the Person class that you created in the earlier lab (Lab4). If the Person class in Lab4 implements PortableObject, then modify the Person.java in Lab4 to use Serialization. Save and rebuild Lab4. Right-click Lab6 and select Project Properties. Select Libraries and Classpath. If you do not have \home\oracle\labs\Lab4\classes in your CLASSPATH, click Add Jar/Directory.

      Figure 4-8 Adding Jars and Directories to Classpath

      Adding Jars and Directoriesto Classpath
      Description of "Figure 4-8 Adding Jars and Directories to Classpath"

    4. Select the \home\oracle\labs\Lab4\classes directory.

      Figure 4-9 Adding Classes to the Classpath

      Adding Classes to the Classpath
      Description of "Figure 4-9 Adding Classes to the Classpath"

    5. Create a new Java class called PopulatePeople. Ensure that it has a main method.

      Figure 4-10 Creating a Java Class

      Creating a Java Class
      Description of "Figure 4-10 Creating a Java Class"

    6. Create the code in the new class to connect to the cache and create 10,000 random Person objects. Hint: Use java.util.Random to generate some random ages.

      Random generator = new Random(); int age = generator.nextInt(100); 

      Example 4-6 illustrates a possible solution.

      Example 4-6 Sample PopulatePeople Class

      package com.oracle.coherence.handson;import com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory;import com.tangosol.net.NamedCache;import com.tangosol.util.extractor.ReflectionExtractor;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Random;public class PopulatePeople {    public PopulatePeople() {    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {                        NamedCache person = CacheFactory.getCache("person");                // add indexes        //person.addIndex(new ReflectionExtractor("getGender"), true, null);        //person.addIndex(new ReflectionExtractor("getAgeDouble"), false, null);                Random generator = new Random();                for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) {            Person p = new Person(i, "Surname" + i, "Firstname" + i,                                  "Address" + i, generator.nextInt(100) + 1,                                  (generator.nextInt(2) == 1 ? Person.FEMALE : Person.MALE) ) ;            person.put(p.getId(),p);            }                System.out.println("The entry set size is " +  person.entrySet().size());            }}
    7. Stop all other cache servers and run cache-server.sh.

    8. Run PopulatePeople from the JDeveloper IDE.

      You should see results similar to the following:

      Figure 4-11 Results of Populating the Cache

      Results of Populating the Cache
      Description of "Figure 4-11 Results of Populating the Cache"

      Can you think of a more efficient way of performing the 10,000 puts? Hint: See the information on bulk loading in Pre-Loading the Cache chapter of the Developer's Guide for Oracle Coherence.

  2. Create a class to perform your queries.

    1. Create a new Java class called QueryExample with a main method.

      Figure 4-12 Creating a Query Class

      Creating a Query Class
      Description of "Figure 4-12 Creating a Query Class"

    2. Use the entrySet method to get the number of males, and the number of males aged 35 and above. Use the size() method to get the number of records returned. You will use the aggregation functions to perform this more efficiently in a later practice.

      Example 4-7 illustrates a possible solution.

      Example 4-7 Sample QueryExample Class

      package com.oracle.coherence.handson;import com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory;import com.tangosol.net.NamedCache;import com.tangosol.util.filter.AndFilter;import com.tangosol.util.filter.EqualsFilter;import com.tangosol.util.filter.GreaterEqualsFilter;import java.util.Set;public class QueryExample {    public QueryExample() {    }    public static void main(String[] args) {                NamedCache person = CacheFactory.getCache("person");                // get a set of all males        Set males = person.entrySet(                        new EqualsFilter("getGender",Person.MALE ));                Set malesOver35 = person.entrySet(                        new AndFilter(                         new EqualsFilter("getGender",Person.MALE ),                         new GreaterEqualsFilter("getAge",35)) );                System.out.println("Total number of males is " + males.size());        System.out.println("Total number of males > 35 " + malesOver35.size());    }}
    3. Stop all running cache servers. Navigate to the \oracle\product\coherence\bin directory. Edit the cache-server.cmd file and modify the -cp entry on the line beginning with $JAVAEXEC -server to remove \home\oracle\labs\Lab4\classes from the CLASSPATH environment variable. Restart your cache server. What happens when you try to run the QueryExample code? You should get an error similar to the following:

      Exception in thread "main" (Wrapped: Failed request execution for
      DistributedCache service on Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2008-12-23
      16:24:48.848, Address=, MachineId=49912,
      Role=CoherenceServer) (Wrapped) readObject failed:
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.oracle.coherence.handson.Person

      What happened and why? When a QueryMap is used, that is, when you use the entrySet method to retrieve a set of entries in the cache that map your request, the request is processed on the storage-enabled members, and then returned to the process that requested the set.

      What happens here is that the Coherence cache server does not know yet about the Person object that you created. You will need to add the Person object into CLASSPATH of the Coherence cache server.

      Edit cache-server.cmd file and add the \home\oracle\labs\Lab4\classes entry in the $JAVAEXEC -server command. The command should look similar to the following:

      $JAVAEXEC -server -showversion $JAVA_OPTS -cp "$COHERENCE_HOME/lib/coherence.jar:/home/oracle/labs/Lab4/classes" com.tangosol.net.DefaultCacheServer $1
  3. Restart your cache server, execute PopulatePeople and QueryExample, and see what happens.

    Figure 4-13 Results of Executing the Query

    Results of Executing the Query
    Description of "Figure 4-13 Results of Executing the Query"

  4. Create a class to perform aggregations on the data in the cache.

    An EntryAggregator (com.tangosol.util.InvocableMap.EntryAggregator) enables you to perform operations on all or a specific set of objects and get an aggregation as a result. EntryAggregators are essentially agents that execute services in parallel against the data within the cluster.

    Aggregations are performed in parallel and can benefit from the addition of cluster members.

    There are two ways of aggregating: aggregate over a collection of keys or by specifying a filter. Example 4-8 illustrates the methods that perform these aggregations.

    Example 4-8 Methods to Aggregate Over Keys or by Specifying Filters

    Object aggregate(Collection keys, InvocableMap.entryAggregator agg)
    Object aggregate(Filter filter, InvocableMap.entryAggregator agg)

    The following example uses a filter.

    1. Create a new Java class in the Lab6 project called AggregationExample. Ensure that it has a main method.

      Figure 4-14 Creating an Aggregation Class

      Creating an Aggregation Class
      Description of "Figure 4-14 Creating an Aggregation Class"

    2. Create a new method in the Person class that you created in the earlier lab [Lab4-Person.java] so that you can use the correct aggregators. Call the method getAgeDouble.

      public double getAgeDouble() 
          { return (double)this.age; }

      Figure 4-15 Creating the getAgeDouble Method

      Creating the getAgeDouble Method
      Description of "Figure 4-15 Creating the getAgeDouble Method"

    3. Stop and start the cache server after making this change.

    4. In AggregationExample.java, write the code to get the following from the cache:

      —Average age of all males

      —Average age of all females

      —Average age

      —Maximum age

      Hint 1: The following code gets the average age for all males:

      Double averageAgeMales = (Double)person.aggregate( new EqualsFilter("getGender",Person.MALE ), new DoubleAverage("getAgeDouble") );

      Hint 2: To query all the objects in a named cache, you can use either (Filter)null or a new AlwaysFilter().

      Example 4-9 illustrates a possible solution.

      Example 4-9 Sample Data Aggregation Class

      package com.oracle.coherence.handson;
      import com.tangosol.net.CacheFactory;
      import com.tangosol.net.NamedCache;
      import com.tangosol.util.Filter;
      import com.tangosol.util.aggregator.DoubleAverage;
      import com.tangosol.util.aggregator.DoubleMax;
      import com.tangosol.util.filter.AlwaysFilter;
      import com.tangosol.util.filter.EqualsFilter;
      import java.math.BigDecimal;
      public class AggregationExample {
          public AggregationExample() {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              Double averageAgeMales = null;
              Double averageAgeFemales = null;
              Double maxAge = null;
              Double averageAge = null;
              int max = 100;
              NamedCache person = CacheFactory.getCache("person");
              long totalTime = 0;
              // create a new query 
              for (int i = 0; i< max; i++) {
                long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
                averageAgeMales = (Double)person.aggregate( 
                                new EqualsFilter("getGender",Person.MALE ),
                                new DoubleAverage("getAgeDouble")
                averageAgeFemales = (Double)person.aggregate( 
                                new EqualsFilter("getGender",Person.FEMALE ),
                                new DoubleAverage("getAgeDouble")
                        maxAge = (Double)person.aggregate( 
                                (Filter)null,   // new AlwaysFilter()
                                new DoubleMax("getAgeDouble")
                averageAge = (Double)person.aggregate( 
                                new EqualsFilter("getGender",Person.FEMALE ),
                                new DoubleAverage("getAgeDouble")
                long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                System.out.println("Total time taken is " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000F + " seconds");
                totalTime += (endTime - startTime);
              System.out.println("Average time is " +  (totalTime / max) / 1000F);
              //System.out.println("Average age of males is " + averageAgeMales);
              //System.out.println("Average age of femals is " + averageAgeFemales);
              //System.out.println("Max age is " + maxAge);
              //System.out.println("Average age  " + averageAge); 
  5. Observe what happens when you add new cache members.

    1. Modify AggregationExample to put in timing information. Run the queries in a loop for 100 times and get an average time. This ensures that garbage collection or normal machine spikes will not influence the results.

      Hint: You can get the current time using the following code:

      long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();

      This line is illustrated in bold font in Example 4-9.

    2. Run your code with one cache server and note the average time.

      Figure 4-16 Aggregation Process Run with One Cache Server

      Aggregation Process Run with One Cache Server
      Description of "Figure 4-16 Aggregation Process Run with One Cache Server"

      Start up a second cache server, allow for the data to be redistributed, and rerun the code. What happens?

      Figure 4-17 Aggregation Process Run with Two Cache Servers

      Aggregation Process Run with Two Cache Servers
      Description of "Figure 4-17 Aggregation Process Run with Two Cache Servers"


      If you do not have a dual core machine, you may not see an improvement in aggregation times. Why do you think this happens? The following are some of the sample timings:
    3. What happens if you increase the number of cache servers to three?

      Figure 4-18 Aggregation Process Run with Three Cache Servers

      Aggregation Process Run with Three Cache Servers
      Description of "Figure 4-18 Aggregation Process Run with Three Cache Servers"

  6. Add indexes to the PopulatePeople class to improve performance. Hints: Find the addIndex method in the Javadoc for the QueryMap interface. Note that when you add indexes, you should see a significant improvement in performance. Un-comment the index code lines and re-run your application.

    // add indexes
    person.addIndex(new ReflectionExtractor("getGender"), true, null);
    person.addIndex(new ReflectionExtractor("getAgeDouble"), false, null);

    Figure 4-19 Aggregation Process Run with One Cache Server and Indexing

    Aggregation Run with One Cache Server and Indexing
    Description of "Figure 4-19 Aggregation Process Run with One Cache Server and Indexing"

    Figure 4-20 Aggregation Process Run with Three Cache Servers and Indexing

    Aggregation Run with Three Cache Servers and Indexing
    Description of "Figure 4-20 Aggregation Process Run with Three Cache Servers and Indexing"