Where can I get an advanced example of managing Coherence via JMX?

Coherence Example JMX Web Console

Attached to this section is an example Coherence JMX web console that illustrates viewing and manipulating Coherence MBeans via JMX APIs. Simply expand the attached JAR file and read the README.txt file for detailed usage instructions.

Additional Information
Error formatting macro: toc: java.lang.NullPointerException

This information is also included in the README.txt file in the attached archives.


To build the example JMX web console, you must have the following software installed:

You must also have a Java EE application server installed.

Build Instructions

  1. Update set-env.cmd (or set-env.sh if you are building on UNIX) to reflect your system environment.
  2. Open a command shell and execute set-env.cmd (or source set-env.sh if you are building on UNIX).
  3. Run ant build.
  4. Deploy the jmx-console.war file found under the build directory to your application server. Be sure to start your application server JVM with the necessary Coherence Management Framework overrides.
    For example:
  5. To remove build artifacts from your filesystem, run 'ant clean'.

jmx-console.jar (application/octet-stream)