Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Guidelines for Deploying Siebel ADM > Business Case Scenarios for Siebel ADM >

Scenario for a Major Functional Update with Full Repository Changes Using ADM

This topic is part of Business Case Scenarios for Siebel ADM.

This topic gives one example of how Application Deployment Manager (ADM) can be used. You may use ADM differently, depending on your business model.

A Siebel administrator reviews the current production deployment on an annual basis, primarily based on the management or executive reviews of the current business practices. At this time, a major functional release is planned to implement the new features and business processes. This major internal release includes customizations and compiled repository objects, as described in Scenario for a Minor Functional Update Using ADM, changes to the database schema, and a full repository update.

In this scenario, due to the large number of repository updates, the repository migration feature is used instead of an ADM package containing repository updates. For more information on running a repository migration, see Going Live with Siebel Business Applications.

In this scenario, in a refreshed test environment, a Siebel administrator runs a repository migration to update the new repository. The administrator then performs other customizations migrations using ADM, as described in Scenario for a Major Functional Update Using ADM.

After reviewing the customization updates in the test environment and verifying the correct application of the customizations, the administrator deploys and activates the ADM package to the production environment in a similar fashion.

The actual length of time to deploy to the production environment depends on the volume of data being deployed and can be determined during the deployment to the test environment, factoring in the differences between the test environment and the production environment.

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