Siebel Clinical Trial Management System Guide > Setting Up a Clinical Trial > Tracking and Revising Team Assignment History >

Remove Team Members from the Team of a Protocol

When you remove a team member from the protocol, the team member is removed from either the Protocol, or from all protocols, regions and sites belonging to the protocol.

When a member is removed from the team of a Protocol (either manually or through Position Rollup or Position Rolldown), the End Date of the team member's record, if present, is overridden with the system date. However, if the record is already read-only, the initial End Date is not updated. The Position Rolldown mechanism automates the update of the End Date of the assignment records as if they are manually removed from the Team of the sites and regions.

NOTE:  The system prompts whether to remove the member from only the Protocol or from All (Protocol, Region, and Sites belonging to the Protocol).

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