Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Applets > Configuring Applet Buttons, Controls, and List Columns >

Calling a Method from a Button in an Applet

If Siebel CRM displays a button control in high interactivity, then this button can call a method that comes predefined with Siebel CRM, or a custom method that you define in Siebel Visual Basic, Siebel eScript, or browser script. The Method Invoked property specifies the name of the method that Siebel CRM calls if the user clicks the button control. It might be necessary for you to specify your own custom method in the Method Invoked property. This configuration is the only way to call a Siebel Visual Basic, Siebel eScript, or browser script on a button-click event.

The Runtime property must equal TRUE for a button control. If it does not, then Siebel CRM will not run the method you specify.

To call a method from a button in an applet

  1. In Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer, click Applet.
  2. In the Applets list, locate the applet you must modify.
  3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applets tree, and then click Applet User Prop.
  4. In the Applet User Properties list, add a new record using information from the following table.


    CanInvokeMethod: Name of method


    • Name Of method is the name of the method called.



    You can also define an expression in the Value property. If Siebel CRM evaluates the expression to TRUE in the Siebel client, then it calls the method.

  5. Compile and test your modifications.

    For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

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