Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Applets > Configuring an Applet in Standard Interactivity >

Allowing the User to Edit Multiple Rows in Standard Interactivity

When Siebel CRM displays an applet in Edit List mode in a view, by default only the currently chosen row is editable. To edit other rows, the user must save the current modifications, and then choose the next row to edit. You can configure Siebel CRM to display a list applet in Edit List mode to allow the user to edit all the rows. The user can update multiple rows, and then save all the records with one call to the WriteRecord control.

Allowing the user to edit multiple rows supports a Siebel application that uses standard interactivity. A Siebel application that uses high interactivity implicitly saves the record to the Siebel database if the user navigates between rows of a list applet. The user can edit any row of a list applet. As the user proceeds through the records, Siebel CRM commits these modifications to the database. For more information, see About Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity.

To allow the user to edit multiple rows in standard interactivity

  1. In Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer, click Applet.
  2. In the Applets list, locate the list applet you must modify.
  3. Make sure the applet uses Edit List mode.

    For more information, see Controlling How the User Creates, Edits, Queries, and Deletes CRM Data.

  4. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click List.
  5. In the Lists list, make sure the HTML Multi Row Edit property of the List object contains a check mark.

    It is not necessary to place the WriteRecord control on each row. Siebel CRM only requires one WriteRecord control for the applet.

Limitations with Allowing the User to Edit Multiple Rows

Note the following limitations with allowing the user to edit multiple rows:

  • If an error occurs when the user commits any of the records, then the Siebel Web Engine attempts to commit as many of the records that it can, and then reports errors on all the failed records. The error messages might not include enough information to identify the failed rows.
  • Siebel CRM must be allowed to submit modifications in the current working set of records before the user can navigate to another working set. The user must save these modifications before Siebel CRM calls GotoNextSet, GotoPreviousSet, and so on.

You must only allow the user to edit multiple rows if the following conditions are met:

  • The limitations that this topic describes will not cause a significant affect on Siebel CRM usability.
  • Validation errors in the editable fields of the applet are caught with validation in the client using the browser script.
  • Only one user can update the records that Siebel CRM displays in this applet at any time.
  • The number of records in the applet are small enough that Siebel CRM can display them on a single page without using the Next or Previous controls.

Updating the Quantity field in the Shopping Cart applet is an example of the appropriate use of this feature.

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