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Using the New Table Wizard to Create a New Table

The New Table Wizard allows you to create a new stand-alone table, extension table, or intersection table. It includes lists that display choices for each type of table and that makes sure you use the correct naming formats. For more information, see Guidelines for Creating a New Table.

To use the New Table Wizard to create a new table

  1. In Siebel Tools, click the File menu, and then click New Object.
  2. On the General tab of the New Object Wizards dialog box, click Table, and then click OK.
  3. In the General dialog box, in the Enter a Name for the New Table field, enter a new table that begins with CX_.

    If you do not enter a name, then the New Table Wizard adds a prefix.

    You must enter the Table Name in uppercase. A mixed case or lowercase name might result in problems if you apply the modifications to some databases.

  4. In the Choose a Project in Which You Wish to Create the Table field, choose a project.

    The New Table Wizard restricts the Project list to only locked projects. The wizard restricts all lists that display in the wizard to objects that belong to locked projects.

  5. In the Select the Type of the Table field, choose from the following options:
    • A stand-alone Table
    • 1:1 Extension Table for a predefined Table
    • 1:M Extension Table for a predefined Table
    • Intersection Table between two existing Tables

      If you choose 1:1 Extension Table for an Existing Table, then the New Table Wizard applies the _X suffix to the table name.

  6. Click Next.

    The subsequent dialog box displays depending on the type of table you are adding.

  7. If you are creating a stand-alone table, then click OK in the Finish dialog box.
  8. If you are creating a one-to-one or many-to-one extension table, then choose the parent table in the Parent Table Specification dialog box, click Next, and then click Finish.

    The wizard restricts the list of available parent tables to Data (Public) tables.

  9. If you are creating an intersection table, then do the following:
    1. Add the parent tables and names of foreign key columns to the parent table in the Parent Table Specification dialog box.

      The New Table Wizard restricts the lists for the Select the First Parent Table field and the Select the Second Parent Table field to all Data (Public) tables. The wizard verifies the names of the Foreign Key columns that you enter. This verification makes sure that they are unique and do not conflict with each other or with other system column names.

    2. Click Next.

      Siebel Tools displays the Finish dialog box that allows you to review the modifications before the wizard creates the objects.

    3. Click Finish to create the table.

      Siebel Tools displays the new table in the Tables list. The name is CX_YOUR_CUSTOM_NAME_X.

  10. Compile and test your modifications.

    For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

Work That the New Table Wizard Performs

If you use the New Table Wizard to create a custom extension table, then this wizard adds a U1 index to the table. The User Key column is empty. Siebel CRM does not support creating a user key on a custom table.

For all tables, the New Table Wizard creates seven system columns and a P1 index on ROW_ID.

For a one-to-one extension table, the wizard sets the Type property to Extension and does the following work:

  • Creates a column for PAR_ROW_ID
    • Sets the User Key Sequence property to 1
    • Sets the Foreign Key Table property to BASE_TABLE_NAME
  • Creates a U1 index that includes PAR_ROW_ID(1) and CONFLICT_ID(2)
    • Sets the Unique and Cluster properties to TRUE
    • Sets the Type property to User Key
    • Sets the User Primary Key property to TRUE

For a many-to-one extension table, the New Table Wizard sets the Type property to Data (Public) and does the following work:

  • Creates the following columns:
    • PAR_ROW_ID
    • TYPE
    • NAME
  • Creates a U1 index that includes PAR_ROW_ID(1), TYPE (2), NAME (3), and CONFLICT_ID (4)
    • Sets the Unique and Cluster properties to TRUE
    • Sets the Type property to User Key
    • Sets the User Primary Key property to TRUE
  • Creates an M1 index on TYPE (1) and NAME (2)
    • Sets the Unique and Cluster properties to FALSE
    • Sets the Type property to System

For an intersection table, the New Table Wizard sets the Type property to Data(Intersection) and does the following work:

  • Creates a TYPE column for added user functionality
  • Creates two Foreign Key columns using names you defined in the wizard
    • Sets the User Key Sequence property to 1 and 2
    • Sets the Foreign Key Table property to Parent Table
  • Creates a U1 index on the two Foreign Keys (1, 2), TYPE (3), and CONFLICT_ID (4)
    • Sets the Unique and Cluster properties to TRUE
    • Sets the Type property to User Key
    • Sets the User Primary Key property to TRUE
  • Creates an F1 index on the Foreign Key to the second parent table
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