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How a User Key Creates a Unique Set of Values

A user key is a key that specifies columns that must contain unique sets of values. The purpose of a user key is to prevent the user from entering duplicate records. You can use it to determine the uniqueness of records during a data import operation in Enterprise Integration Manager.

The name of the parent table of the user key that contains an _Un suffix designates the user key. For example, S_PROD_INT_U1. Each user key includes User Key Column child objects that define the table columns that must include unique values. For example, BU_ID, NAME, and VENDR_OU_ID in the S_PROD_INT_U1 user key.

A predefined index exists for each predefined user key. This index uses the following format:


You cannot add or modify a user key that resides in a predefined Siebel table or an EIM base table. For help with remapping data to meet your business requirements, see Getting Help From Oracle.

For more information, see About Interface Tables.

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