Siebel Financial Services Connector for ACORD P&C and Surety Guide > Configuration Roadmap > Creating Integration Objects in Siebel Tools >

Creating External Integration Objects

An external integration object establishes the hierarchy for an ACORD XML message. Each type of message under a service needs its own integration object that defines the body portion of the XML document.

When you create an external integration object, you create a pair of such objects, one for the request portion of the cycle and one for the response portion of the cycle.

Each external integration object is paired with an internal integration object when you configure the DTE map.

To create an external integration object

  1. Lock the project and select the DTD file for the object.

    You select the ACORD_PC_XML_V1_0_0.dtd file.

  2. Create a default or user-defined envelope integration object.

    The steps are described in the preceding section.

  3. Choose a Request Service and Response Service pair.

    For an external integration object, you need to specify a request service and a response service, for example <InsuranceSvcRq> and <InsuranceSvcRs>. These are the service aggregate elements.

  4. Click Next, and then choose the Request Command and Response Command you want to use.

    This screen uses Request Command to identify the ACORD request message. The request message you select is automatically paired with an appropriate response message. For this example, you choose <PersAutoPolicyAddRq>; it is automatically paired with <PersAutoPolicyAddRs>.

    NOTE:  Make a note of the integration object names. You will need to know the names when you configure the DTE map.

    You can change the Integration Object Name for the request and response integration objects for administrative convenience. You should consider establishing a set of naming conventions to make groups of objects easy to recognize. This example uses the default names.

  5. Click Next to display the integration components screen in which you select the message elements to include.

    You will select message elements for the request integration object in this screen, and you will select the message elements for the response integration object in the next screen.

  6. Click the plus symbol (+) to display the message elements.

    This screen displays a visual hierarchy of the message structure. It provides all the available aggregates and elements for the message. The screen starts with all of these selected (included).

  7. Choose the ACORD message components that you want to activate for this integration object.

    Click to select each item. Notice that if you deselect the parent, all the child items are deselected. Reselecting the parent does not reselect the child items, so you can select just a subset of child items.

  8. Click Next to display the second integration components screen, and choose the ACORD message components you want to activate for the response integration object.
  9. Click Next to display the Select Internal Integration Object screen.
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