Siebel Financial Services Connector for IFX XML Guide > Overview of Siebel Connector for IFX XML >

Business Services for Siebel Connector for IFX XML

All of the connector components are Siebel business services. Business services execute predefined or customized actions in a workflow process. Examples of business services include the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager, Siebel EAI Adapter, and the FINS IFX Converter.

Siebel business services act on property sets passed to them. They perform business logic operations such as interfacing with a database, interfacing to IFX-based systems, or transforming one integration object into another.

Business services have object-like qualities, such as methods, method arguments, and user properties. These elements define how a business service can be used. Although business services can be used to perform many different functions, they all have a standard interface.

Oracle provides many business services, and you can create your own. Business services are defined in Siebel Tools.

This guide describes those business services used to interface to IFX-based systems. For more information on business services in general, read Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

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