Siebel Financial Services Connector for IFX XML Guide > Overview of Siebel Connector for IFX XML > Using the Siebel Connector for IFX XML >

Outbound Data Flow for Siebel Connector for IFX XML

Figure 2 illustrates an outbound data flow as well as an inbound data flow. During an outbound data flow:

  1. When the workflow process is initiated, the FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager extracts data from the Siebel database. It takes as input all the ROW_IDs of the objects.
  2. This data is then used to instantiate the internal integration objects based on the Siebel business objects.
  3. The FINS IFX XML Transaction Manager then returns all the instances retrieved as Siebel property sets.

    A property set is a representation of data in memory in the Siebel internal format. It is used widely by the business services that constitute the connector components.

  4. The internal integration object instances are then passed to the FINS IFX XML Data Transformation Engine (DTE) to transform the internal integration object instances into external integration object instances.

    The FINS IFX XML DTE also adds all necessary IFX-specific command layer attributes into the instances transformed.

  5. The FINS IFX XML Converter converts all external integration object instances into proper XML integration object instances. It also adds the envelope, header, and other sections to the newly converted instance.
  6. Lastly, the XML Hierarchy Converter converts the XML integration object instance from a property set format into a text format.
  7. The message is then sent to external systems using any transport mechanism supported by Siebel EAI.

NOTE:  Figure 2 depicts the connector process using the MQ Series transport adapter. However, the transport mechanism can be HTTP, MSMQ, or any other transport mechanisms supported by Siebel EAI.

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