Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Creating and Maintaining Integration Objects >

Generating Integration Object Schemas

At certain points in your integration project, you might want to generate schemas from an integration object. If you export Siebel integration objects as XML to other applications, then you might have to publish the schemas of such objects so that other applications can learn about the structure of the XML to expect.

To generate an integration object schema

  1. In Siebel Tools, select the integration object for which you want to generate a schema.
  2. Click Generate Schema to access the Generate XML Schema wizard.
  3. Choose the business service to use to generate the schema:
    • EAI XML DTD Generator. Generates a Document Type Definition (DTD).
    • EAI XML XDR Generator. Generates an XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema.
    • EAI XML XSD Generator. Generates an XML Schema Definition (XSD).
  4. Choose an envelope type to use in the schema, either none or Siebel Message Envelope.
  5. Choose a location where you want to save the resulting schema file.
  6. (Optional) Select the Include length information for String type check box to generate simple types for all string elements in the integration object schema.
  7. Click Finish.

The wizard generates the selected type of schema for the integration object. Use this to help you map external data directly to the integration object. The schema serves as the definition for the XML elements you can create using an external application or XML editing tool.

NOTE:  With the EAI XML DTD Generator, elements that appear more than once in the integration object structure are forward declared in the schema. A list of shared elements is generated, for example:

<!-- Shared Element List. These elements are guarenteed -->

<!-- to have the same datatype, length, precision, and scale.-->

<!ELEMENT ErrorMessage (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT ErrorCode (#PCDATA) >

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