Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide > Print Tagging Language > Data Output Tags >

Applet Tag

The Applet tag specifies the applet to be printed.


Any data that appears in your document must be generated from the applets in the view. Therefore, you must create applets that produce the data required for your document.

Use the Applet tag to specify the number of list or form applets within the template and to locate the applet in your document. In the form view, a maximum of two fields for each row are supported.


To use this tag, use the following syntax:

<TAG:Applet name="APPLET NAME" query="QUERY" caption="CAPTION" headerdivider="HEADERDIVIDER" recorddivider="RECORDDIVIDER" wrap="WRAP" grid="GRID" linewidth="THICKNESS" offset="OFFSET" width="WIDTH" sql="SQL_Statement" maxlines="MAXLINES" startat="Number">



(Required) Applet tag indicator.


(Required) Applet name as defined in Siebel Tools.


(Optional) Specifies the query string directly set to the business component supporting the print template.

If the query string is not specified, the currently active query string in the view is applied to expose the relevant records.


(Optional) Specifies whether the captions in the form applets are suppressed.

Valid values are TRUE (default) and FALSE. This parameter does not apply to list applets. Column headings in list applets are always enabled.


(Optional) Specifies whether a divider is printed below the column heading in list applets.

Valid values are TRUE and FALSE (default). This parameter does not apply to form applets.


(Optional) Specifies whether a horizontal divider is printed between records in list applets.

Valid values are TRUE and FALSE (default). This parameter does not apply to form applets.


(Optional) Specifies whether to enable word wrap for text field values.

Valid values are TRUE and FALSE (default). This parameter does not apply to numeric fields.


(Optional) Specifies whether a grid is used to display data in list applets.

Valid values are TRUE and FALSE (default). If TRUE, a grid is drawn between fields, rows, and columns in list applets. This parameter does not apply to form applets.


(Optional) Specifies grid thickness in millimeters.

Valid values are 1-5. The default value is 1, which produces a line 0.2 mm wide. Increasing the value by 1 increases the width by 0.2 mm. A 5 produces a line that is 1 mm wide.


(Optional, absolute mode-only) Specifies the distance, in millimeters, to the right from the left margin. This value can be a number ("40") or a variable that contains a number value ("_X" or "posx").


(Optional) Specifies the width of the applet in millimeters.


(Optional) Where clause for the SQL statement. For example, sql="\"status"\='good'" selects all records where status field is set to good.

NOTE:  Enclose the field name in double quotes and use backslash followed by double quotes to include a double quote within the parameter, then enclose the value in single quotes.


(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of records to print for list applets. This parameter does not apply to form applets.


(Optional) Starts printing from the specified record in the row set.


The following example prints the same applet twice side-by-side starting at record 10 in the list:

  • The first time CS HH Product Bucket List Applet is printed, it is printed with gridlines of 0.4 mm in thickness, and 0 mm from the left edge of the printable area of the page (on the left margin).

    Only records where Status=Defective are displayed. Up to two records are printed (Maxlines="2").

  • The second time CS HH Product Bucket List Applet is printed, it is printed with gridlines where the left side of the applet is positioned 80 mm from the left margin.

    Only records where Status=Good are displayed. Up to two records are printed (Maxlines="2").

<TAG:Applet name="CS HH Product Bucket List Applet" sql="\"Status\"='Defective'" maxlines="2" startat="10" recorddivider="FALSE" wrap="TRUE" grid="TRUE" offset="0" width="75" linewidth="0.4">

<TAG:SETVARIABLE variable="var_equal" name="=">
<TAG:SETVARIABLE variable="var_fieldname" name="\"Status\"">
<TAG:SETVARIABLE variable="var_criteria" name="'Good'">

<TAG:CONCAT variable="var_equal" prepend="<variable>var_fieldname" append="<variable>var_criteria">

<TAG:SETY y="0">

<TAG:Applet name="CS HH Product Bucket List Applet" sql="<variable>var_equal" maxlines="2" startat="10" recorddivider="FALSE" wrap="TRUE" grid="TRUE" offset="80" width="75">

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