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About Sales Methods in Siebel Sales Handheld

A sales method is a formalized approach or methodology used during the sales process. A sales method can encompass all activities associated with the sales process, from prospecting to forecasting to closing deals. This approach allows sales representatives to use the most appropriate method for opportunities.

The application administrator will create and implement the sales stages your company uses, and then establish values in your Siebel application that represent these methods and stages. A recommended business practice is to designate a default sales method in your Siebel application. This practice allows a sales method to be associated with each opportunity and aids in charting and reporting accuracy.

Sales methods can differ within a company. For instance, a sales method for managing a complex multimillion dollar opportunity can include 15 stages, while a sales method for a simple low-dollar opportunity can require only four stages.

For more information about creating or implementing sales stages, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

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