Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing Guide > Special Pricing Authorization > Process of SPA Quote and Claim Management >

Submitting an SPA Quote (Distributor)

Distributors submit SPA quotes through the Partner Portal or using EDI. Quote information can be imported from external systems into Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing by using Siebel eAI. For more information about Siebel EAI, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

An SPA quote may contain multiple line items and every line item represents a special pricing request for individual components. The distributor must first create and save the SPA quote before adding line items to it. Once the quote is complete, the distributor submits it to the supplier.

This task is part of Process of SPA Quote and Claim Management.

To create an SPA quote through the Partner Portal

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the SPA Quotes screen.
  2. In the form beneath the SPA Quotes list, click New to create an SPA quote, and enter information about the quote. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Registration ID

    Approved design registration that is associated with the components in question.

    End Customer

    OEM manufacturer in whose end products the components will be used.

    Resale Customer

    Resale customer is the customer actually buying the part. It is often a contract manufacturer. A contract manufacturer produces the final, finished product on behalf of an OEM manufacturer (end customer).

    Total Exposure

    Sum of all Total Line Item Cost field values for all approved line items.

    Last Name

    Contact at distributor organization. This field is auto-populated with the login name, or it can be modified.

  3. Click Save.
  4. Drill down on the new SPA quote and create a new record in the Line Item Detail form beneath the Line Items list.
  5. Enter information about the line item. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Component for which the distributor is requesting special pricing.


    Total number of units for which the distributor is requesting special pricing.

    Competitor Name

    Name of the competitor for the component listed in the line item.

    Competitor Product

    Name of the competitive product.

    Competitor Part Price

    Price of the competitive product.

    Purchase Cost

    Price the distributor originally paid to purchase the components.

    Requested Cost

    Special (reduced) pricing that the distributor is requesting.

    Authorized Cost

    Cost authorized by the supplier.

    Book Cost

    Price at which the component was originally sold to the distributor by manufacturer.


    The manufacturer's suggested retail price.

    Requested Resale Price

    Resale price at which the distributor wishes to sell the components.

    Suggested Resale Price

    Resale price suggested by the manufacturer.

    Total Line Item Cost

    Quantity of the line item multiplied by the difference between the authorized and requested costs.

To submit an SPA quote

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the SPA Quotes screen and select an SPA quote of status In Progress.
  2. Set the status to Submitted and click Save.

    The SPA quote is automatically assigned to the partner manager responsible for the given distributor. For information on how to set up the partner manager, please see About Setting Up Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing and Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide.

    NOTE:  The Line Items view for the SPA quote becomes read-only. To enter or change line items, set the status to Recalled and click Save. The line items can then be modified.

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