Siebel Hospitality Guide > Managing Property-Specific Event Quotes > Managing Functions Associated with Quotes >

Validating Functions and Function Line Items for a Quote

The following procedure details how to validate functions and line items associated with quotes.

This task is a step in Managing Functions Associated with Quotes.

To validate functions and function line items for a quote

  1. Navigate to the Quotes screen, then the List view.
  2. In the Quotes list, query for and select the quote record.
  3. In the Quote record, click the link in the Name field.
  4. In the Quotes Functions list, select the function, and verify function information.
  5. In the Function Line Items list, verify line item information, and perform the following actions if the line item is a menu item:
    1. Specify a value in the Course # field. This action identifies the course associated with this line item when the Banquet Event Order is printed.
    2. If necessary, change values in the Service Start Time and Service End Time fields. The default values are the function start and end times, respectively. If the values are changed, the asset inventory status changes to Not Booked, and asset inventory must be booked again for the specified time.
  6. When you have verified function line item information, update the pricing information for nonparticipating properties. To update pricing, enter the value of the line item in the Negotiated Price field for the function line item.
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