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Configuring Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics Integration with Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client

To use the Target List Creator with the Siebel Pharma application in offline mode, Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics must be integrated correctly with the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client. The following tasks explain how to configure and verify the integration between Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics and Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client.

Install Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics

To install Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics, see see Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configure the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client .CFG Settings

The Target List Creator functionality requires a number of settings to be configured correctly in the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client .CFG file.

Make the following changes to the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client .CFG file (ePharma.cfg):

  • In the LOCAL section, change UseExternalCachedContent to FALSE.
  • In the SIEBEL section, change EnableFQDN to FALSE.
  • In the Datasources section, set AnalyticsDataSrc to the name of the ODBC DSN configured for the local Oracle BI Server being used with Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics. The default name for this ODBC DSN is AnalyticsWeb.

Configure the Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics OLTP Database Connection

Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics uses an ODBC DSN to connect to the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client local database and authenticate users.

To configure ODBC DSN to connect to the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client and authenticate users

  1. Create a new ODBC System DSN called SIEBEL_OLTP of type Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0
  2. Obtain the local SQL Anywhere server name by placing the mouse over the SQL Anywhere icon on the Windows task bar when the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client is open.
  3. Enter the local server name in the Servername field under the Database tab of the System DSN ODBC configuration window.
  4. Enter the path to the local Siebel Pharma DBF file in the Database File under the Database tab of the System DSN ODBC configuration window.

Verify Oracle Pharma Sales Analytics Host and Dashboard URL Configuration

Verify that the NQSHost hostname entry in Siebel Integration Administration is set up correctly to work with the integrated Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client.

To verify NQSHost hostname entry in Siebel Integration Administration

  1. Log in to the Siebel Pharma Mobile Web Client as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen > WI Symbolic URL List view.
  3. Search for NQHOST in the Virtual Name field, and verify that the Name field contains the localhost:9762 value.
  4. Verify that the Oracle Pharma Sales Disconnected Analytics dashboard screens have the correct values in the URL fields:
    1. Click the View toggle drop-down list on the Host Administration list, and choose Symbolic URL Administration.
    2. Search for the records with the following Names, and make sure that each of their URL fields has http://NQHOST/Analytics/sawd.dll correctly set:


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