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Indicating Affiliations Between Accounts

In addition to specifying affiliations with contacts, accounts can also have affiliations with one another. For example, a hospital can have affiliations with certain pharmacies and referring clinics. Users can use the Account Affiliations view to indicate affiliations between accounts and to indicate whether the relationship is an upward or downward affiliation.

NOTE:  Do not use the Account Affiliations view to indicate a child account of an account, such as a department within a hospital or a subsidiary of an account. To specify this kind of association, see Creating Subaccounts.

The Account Affiliations view includes two lists users can use to distinguish between upward (or peer affiliations) and downward affiliations:

  • Upward or Peer Affiliations list. Indicates an affiliation in which the selected account is the agent of the affiliation, such as an organization responsible for referring patients to another hospital.
  • Downward Affiliations list. Indicates an affiliation in which the selected account is the object of the affiliation, such as an organization receiving referrals from another hospital.

To indicate an affiliation between accounts

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view.
  2. In the Accounts list, drill down on an account.
  3. Click the Account Affiliations view tab.
  4. In Account Affiliations view, scroll down and select one of the following lists:
    • Upward or Peer Affiliations. Indicates an affiliation in which the selected account is the agent of the affiliation, such as an organization responsible for referring patients to another hospital.
    • Downward Affiliations. Indicates an affiliation in which the selected account is the object of the affiliation, such as an organization receiving referrals from another hospital.
  5. In the Upward or Peer Affiliations list or the Downward Affiliations list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

    NOTE:  If the relationship between the accounts is generic or unknown, add the record to the Upward or Peer Affiliations list.

    You can add more than one account at a time by selecting multiple accounts in the Add Accounts dialog box.

To view an account's upward and downward account affiliations

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Explorer view.
  2. Expand the account for which you want to view upward and downward affiliations.
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