Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Managing Pharma Samples >

Submitting an Interim Count

Sales representative can submit interim reports frequently so that there is no major sample count difference between what the Siebel Business Application reports and what the sales representative reports. The period remains open if an interim sample count is submitted.

To submit an interim count report

  1. Navigate to the Samples screen, then the Inventory Count view.

    The LS Pharma Inventory Periods List Applet should display only the currently active inventory period. Some fields are described in the following table.


    Last Count Conducted By

    The person who conducted the count last time.

    Last Count Date

    Date which the physical count was conducted.

    Reviewed By

    User who reviewed the last inventory report.

    Start Date

    Start date of the inventory period.

    Submit To

    Defaults to the setting in the Sample Compliance screen. You can edit this setting, if required.

  2. Enter values for each of the samples in the Physical Count column in the LS Pharma Inventory Count List applet.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Name of the sample.

    Lot #

    Lot number of the sample, if applicable.

    Expiration Date

    Expiration date of the sample.

    Cut Off Date

    Automatically calculated based on the field expiration date and short days

    Opening Balance

    Opening balance of the sample in the current inventory period.

    Last Count

    Sales representatives manually count the number of samples they have. This column represents the number of samples counted prior to submitting an interim count or closeout count.

    Physical Count

    Sales representatives can count the number of samples and enter values for each record.

  3. Click Interim Count to create an interim count report.

    The Interim Count button is enabled if you are a primary auditor and you have selected an active inventory period.

    NOTE:  If a report is submitted but not yet approved, then you cannot submit a new report. Also, if a closeout count is approved but not acknowledged, then both the Interim Count and Closeout Count buttons are disabled. Both the buttons will be disabled if there is no value entered in the count column.

    If signature and approval flows are enabled, then the person who is submitting the interim report must sign and the report goes through an approval process. For more information about the approval process, seeEnabling Approval and Signature Processes.

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