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ASI Workflows for Quotes and Orders

This topic documents the workflow processes that are used to call the ASIs for quote and order processes. It is not necessary to modify these workflows, but you can modify them to suit your business model.

Get Order Status ASI

This workflow queries the outside application to retrieve the latest information on the order. It returns the new information and synchronizes the order on the current application.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Query Order By Id. Queries for the order on the current application using the object id. Returns an order property set containing all the order information.
  2. Isolate Integration ID. In the next step, the workflow will use a query by example. Query by example will take the property set and look for an order with the same exact values for the fields in the property set. If the order has changed on the outside application, then those values will no longer match. The workflow needs to query by a value that will not change, the integration ID. Isolate Integration Id takes in a property set and removes all the fields, except the integration ID
  3. External Order Proxy. Using the property set, which only has an integration ID, this step queries by example on the outside applications. After it finds the order with that integration ID, it returns an order property set containing all the order information.
  4. Synchronize Order. Takes the order property set returned by the previous step and synchronizes it with the order in the current application.

Submit Order ASI

This workflow submits the order to the outside application to synchronize the information between the two applications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Query Order By Id. Queries for the order on the current application using the object id. Returns an order property set containing all the order information.
  2. External Order Proxy. Calls insert on the outside application, passing in the order property set. This step returns an order property set, which will contain any changes the outside application made to the order.
  3. Synchronize Order. Takes the order property set returned by the previous step and synchronizes it with the order in the current application.

Submit Quote ASI

This workflow submits the quote to the outside application to synchronize the information between the two applications.

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Query For Quote By Id. Queries for the quote on the current application using the object id. Returns a quote property set containing all the quote information.
  2. External Quote Proxy. Calls insert on the outside application, passing in the quote property set. This step returns a quote property set, which will contain any changes the outside application made to the quote.
  3. Synchronize Quote. Takes the quote property set returned by the previous step and synchronizes it with the quote in the current application.

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