Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Siebel Group Portal >

About Siebel Group Portal

Siebel Group Portal allows insurance carriers to work with employer groups through the Web. It allows carriers to designate a delegated administrator at the employer group company, who enters and updates information about group members. It also allows insurance carriers to share information about group policies and other business information with employer groups through the Web.

  • To set up Siebel Group Portal, you, as the insurance carrier, go through the process of enrolling partner companies. The insurance carrier creates a delegated administrator at the employer group company who can add other employees at this company as group members.
  • Then, the insurance carrier can share members, group policies, and other business information with the employer group company.
    • The insurance carrier's employees work with this information using one of the employee facing applications in Siebel Insurance or Siebel Healthcare.
    • Delegated administrators at the employer group view and work with this information using Siebel Group Portal.
  • The insurance carrier can also use Partner Manager to send alerts, information about special promotions, and Web messages to partners.
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