Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Siebel Agent Portal > Sharing Data with Partners >

Viewing a Partner's Policies and Quotes

When agents at your partner companies sell policies to customers, they can enter the information about quotes and policies using Siebel Agent Portal.

You can use the Siebel Insurance Partner Manager to view this information, including quotes to customers and policies sold to customers.

Partner agents enter quotes for group policies in the Group Policies screen of Siebel Agent Portal, and when these quotes are purchased, they are converted to policies. This is similar to the way that your own employees enter quotes and group policies in Siebel Insurance or Siebel Healthcare. You can view these policies in the Group Policies screen of the Partner Manager.

NOTE:  The Group Policies must be licensed separately from the Partner Manager.

Partner agents enter quotes for all types of personal policies in the Personal Policies screen of Siebel Agent Portal. This is done by using the Type field to specify the type of policy, and when these quotes are purchased, they are converted to policies. Depending on what type of policy they specified, you can view personal policies in the Auto Policies screen, Individual Health Policies screen, PUL Policies screen, Property Policies screen, or Life and Annuity screen of the Partner Manager.

You can also view all of a partner company's policies, regardless of type, by using the Partner Operations screen. Policies are listed in this screen only if the partner organization is the organization of the policy.

You can also view all of an individual agent's policies by using the Agents screen. This is particularly important when you are working with independent agents, who are not part of a partner company. For more information about policies, see Siebel Insurance Guide.

The procedure that follows uses the example of auto policies. To view other types of policies for a partner company, use a similar procedure but begin by navigating to the Group Policies screen, Individual Health Policies screen, PUL Policies screen, Property Policies screen, or Life and Annuity screen instead of navigating to the Auto Policies screen.

To view a partner company's auto policies and quotes

  1. Navigate to the Auto Policies screen.
  2. From the Show list, choose All Policies/Quotes across Organizations.
  3. Click the Query button.

    A query form appears.

  4. In the More Info form, click the More icon.
  5. In the More Info form, in the Organization field, click the Select icon.

    The Pick Organization dialog box appears.

  6. In the Pick Organization dialog box, select the Organization of the partner company and click OK.
  7. In the Policies/Quotes list, click Go to run the query.

    All of the partner companies auto policies and quotes appear.

To view all of a partner company's policies and quotes

  1. Navigate to the Partner Operations screen.
  2. In the Partners list, select the company whose policies you want to view.
  3. Click the Policies view tab.

    All of that company's policies and quotes appear.

To view all of an agent's policies and quotes

  1. Navigate to the Agents screen.
  2. In the Agents list, select the agent whose policies you want to view.
  3. Click the Policies/Quotes view tab.

    All of that agent's policies and quotes appear.

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