Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > CHAMP Planning > Process of Using the Siebel PRM CHAMP Planning Module >

Creating Partnership Initiatives

This task is a step in Process of Using the Siebel PRM CHAMP Planning Module.

After you have created the appropriate CHAMP metrics, you can begin the CHAMP planning.

The first step in CHAMP planning is to create initiatives to outline your high-level partnership strategies.

A partnership initiative is a large-scale or general business strategy that involves working with partners. For example, if a computer manufacturer wants to work with its partners to penetrate the untapped market segment of financial services, it might create an initiative named Foray into Financial Services. It might use existing partners, such as value-added resellers, to work on this initiative or form new partnerships with partner companies that have experience in this industry.

As part of creating an initiative, you specify which partners participate in it.

To create an initiative, you go through the following process:

  • Add an initiative
  • Add partners as participants in the initiative

Adding an Initiative

To create initiatives, you must first add an initiative.

Use the following procedure to add an initiative.

To add an initiative

  1. Navigate to the CHAMP Planning screen.

    The Initiatives view is displayed by default.

  2. In the Partnership Initiatives list, add a new record.
  3. Enter the information in the following table in the fields of the new record and the fields of the More Info form.


    Enter a name for the initiative.


    Enter a description of the initiative for your own use.


    Select the period for which this initiative is valid.

    Start Date

    The start date of the selected period is entered automatically, based on your selection in the Period field. This is a read-only field.

    End Date

    The end date of the selected period is entered automatically, based on your selection in the Period field. This is a read-only field.

    Target Market

    Select the market segments toward which this initiative is targeted.

    Target Amount

    Enter the target amount of money you expect this initiative to generate.

    Target Quantity

    Enter the target quantity you expect the initiative to achieve. For example, if the goal of the initiative is to get new customer accounts, enter the number of new accounts you hope to get.

    Actual Amount

    After the period of the initiative has ended, you enter the actual amount of money this initiative generated.

    Actual Quantity

    After the period of the initiative has ended, you enter the actual quantity this initiative achieved.


    This read-only field indicates whether the initiative is still active. It is automatically set to True on the start date and set to False after the end date.

Adding Partners as Participants in an Initiative

Participants in an initiative are partner companies that are best positioned to work on the initiative. You might also form new partnerships with companies that are especially qualified to work on the initiative.

You must add these partners as participants in the initiative.

To add a partner company as a participant in an initiative

  1. Navigate to the CHAMP Planning screen.

    Initiatives view is displayed by default.

  2. In the Partnership Initiatives list, drill down on the name of the initiative to which you want to add partners.
  3. Click the Initiative Participants view tab.

    The Initiative Participants list appears.

  4. In the Initiative Participants list, add a new record.

    The Add Partner dialog box appears.

  5. Choose one or more partners and click OK.

    The partners are added to the Participating Partners list.

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