Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Working with Deal Registrations >

Scenario for Registering a Deal

This topic provides an example of how deal registration might be used. You might use deal registrations differently, depending on your business model.

In this scenario, a partner creates a deal registration. A manufacturing company specializes in the manufacture of a wide variety of electronic components used in personal computers, servers, and software. It uses licensed distributor to sell its products.

A sales manager at one licensed distributor learns of a potential opportunity for a customer that requires several hundred CAD licences. Upon further discussion with the design team at the customer company, the sales manager is certain that their requirements can be met by one of the manufacturing company' products.

The sales manager wants to make sure that the time and effort he spends working on this opportunity is not wasted. The reality of the market is such that many companies compete for one opportunity. As such, he wants to make the manufacturing company aware of the fact that he was the first person to communicate with the design team at this customer about this opportunity. Submitting a deal registration with the manufacturing company makes sure that the opportunity is not poached by another partner or by the direct sales team at the manufacturing company.

The sales manager logs in to Siebel Partner Portal and creates a deal registration for the opportunity with this customer. He submits the deal registration for approval. One or multiple approvers at the manufacturing company review the deal registration. Among the various pieces of information that are reviewed is whether there are any other approved deal registrations for the same opportunity. The approvers find that all conditions have been met, and approve the sales manager's deal registration. He is now guaranteed that he has exclusive rights to this opportunity with this customer. Safe with the knowledge that he is the only person selling the manufacturing company' products to this customer for this specific opportunity, he now invests more time and effort in successfully closing the sale.

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