Siebel Performance Tuning Guide > Analyzing Siebel ARM Data > Analyzing Siebel ARM Files Using the Siebel ARM Query Tool >

About the Siebel ARM Query Tool

This topic is part of Analyzing Siebel ARM Files Using the Siebel ARM Query Tool.

The Siebel ARM Query Tool is a performance-analysis command-line tool that processes the binary Siebel ARM data produced by the Siebel Server. This tool provides many command-line options that allow you to create complex queries.

Comparison with Siebel ARM Analyzer Tool

The Siebel ARM Query Tool is recommended for use over the Siebel ARM Analyzer Tool, which is described in Analyzing Siebel ARM Files Using the Siebel ARM Analyzer Tool. The Siebel ARM Query Tool processes data faster than the Siebel ARM Analyzer Tool, allows you to create more complex queries, and offers many other benefits summarized in this topic.

Summary of Features of the Siebel ARM Query Tool

Some of the features of the Siebel ARM Query Tool are described below:

  • Source data specification. You can specify individual Siebel ARM files or directories as input for the Siebel ARM Query Tool. For more information about the parameters that allow you to specify input data, see Configuring Input for the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
  • Multiple output formats. You can specify that multiple types of output be produced simultaneously. Supported output formats include .TXT, .XML, and .CSV. For more information about how to specify the output format, see Configuring Output from the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
  • Data filtering capability. You can specify selection filters that include or exclude data from analysis by the Siebel ARM Query Tool. Selection filters provide many ways to specify the types of records you are interested in. Filters are generally not mutually exclusive. That is, you do not need to choose just one filter; you can use multiple filters, in any combinations you require. For more information about using selection filters, see Using Selection Filters with the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
  • Aggregating data. You can specify the order of aggregation for your output. This includes rollup calculations. Aggregation is the grouping of Siebel ARM records that share common attributes and the computing of statistics on the group. For more information about aggregation, see Aggregating Siebel ARM Data with the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
  • Histograms. Histograms are a special type of aggregation. You can use a histogram to aggregate the results that the Siebel ARM Query Tool retrieves when you submit a query on Siebel ARM data that can return too many values if you do not use the histogram. For more information about using histograms, see Generating Histograms with the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
  • Macro language. The Siebel ARM Query Tool supports the use of macros. For more information about using macros, see Using Macros with the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
  • Configurable memory for statistical accuracy. By default, approximately 20 MB of memory is used for the Siebel ARM Query Tool's internal buffer used for statistical calculation. You can increase this amount of memory in order to increase the statistical accuracy of results.

    For example, increasing the amount of memory for the tool to 500 MB reduces the statistical error level from 1% to 0.2%. For more information about configuring memory allocation for the Siebel ARM Query Tool, see Configuring the Siebel ARM Query Tool.

  • For more command-line options for the Siebel ARM Query Tool, see General Commands for the Siebel ARM Query Tool and Configuring the Siebel ARM Query Tool.
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