Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Aggregate Discounts > Process of Creating Aggregate Discounts >

Adding an Aggregate Discount Record

This task is a step in Process of Creating Aggregate Discounts.

To define an aggregate discount, you enter general information about the group of products in the Aggregate Discount record and add all the products in the group to the Discount Details list.

To define an aggregate discount

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Pricing screen, then Aggregate Discounts view.
  2. Add a record to the Aggregate Discounts list, and complete the necessary fields in the record and the More Info form.

    Some fields are described in the following table:



    Enter a name for the aggregate discount.


    Select the currency for the aggregate discount.

    Exchange Date

    If multiple currencies are used for the products in the bundle, then enter the date of the exchange rate that will be used for currency conversion.

    Effective From

    Enter the start date when this discount becomes active.

    Effective To

    Enter the end date when this discount is no longer active.


    Select this check box to activate the aggregate discount.

    The discount is active only if the date of an order is between the Effective From and Effective To dates, and you have selected this check box so the aggregate discount is active.

  3. Click the Discount Details view tab.
  4. For each product in the bundle, add a record to the Discount Details list and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table:

    Product Name

    Select the product.


    If it is a Buy product, then select this check box. For more information, see Buy and Receive Products for Aggregate Discounts.


    If it is a Receive product, then select this check box.

    NOTE:  You cannot select both the Buy and Receive check box in a single record. If you want to make a product both a Buy and a Receive product, then add two records for that product, and select Buy in one and Receive in the other.


    Enter the quantity of the product. For Buy products, this is the minimum quantity that you must buy to receive the aggregate discount. For Receive products, this is the maximum quantity that can receive a discount. For more information, see Buy and Receive Products for Aggregate Discounts.

    Adjustment Type

    Select the type of price adjustment applied to this product. Options are Discount Amount, % Discount, Markup Amount, % Markup, and Price Override.

    Adjustment Amount

    Enter the amount of the Adjustment. How this value is used depends on the selection in the Adjustment Type field:

    • Discount Amount. The adjustment amount is subtracted from the product price.
    • % Discount. The adjustment amount is treated as a percentage of the product price, which is subtracted from the product price.
    • Markup Amount. The adjustment amount is added to the product price.
    • % Markup. The adjustment amount is treated as a percentage of the product price, which is added to the product price.
    • Price Override. The adjustment amount is used as the product price, overriding the original price.
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