Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating and Assigning Price Lists > Process of Creating a Price List >

Adding Price List Line Items for Products

This task is a step in Process of Creating a Price List.

A price list line item for a product includes the product name, the product price, and related information. Adding a line item is equivalent to adding a product to the price list.

A line item for a product can appear in multiple price lists. For example, your United States price list might have a line item for the product's retail price in the United States, your Canadian price list may have the product's retail price in Canada, and so on.

NOTE:  Creating a price list line item for a product with components is more complex than creating a line item for a simple product, and it requires additional steps that are not included in this procedure. For more information about products with components, see Setting Up Pricing for Products with Components.

To add a new price list line item for a product

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Pricing screen, then Price Lists view.
  2. In the Price List form, select the price list to which you want to add a line item.
  3. Click the Price List Line Items view tab.
  4. In the Price List Line Items list, click New.

    The Add Products dialog box appears.

  5. Use the Add Products dialog box to add the product to the price list.
  6. If the product is a product with components, then see the instructions in Setting Up Pricing for Products with Components.
  7. Complete the fields in the Price List Item record, and the Price List Line Item Detail form, as described in the following table:

    CAUTION:  If you do not specify a price for a product in its price list line item, then that product may appear in a quote or order without a price, effectively making it free to a run-time user who is buying it. If you depend on other pricing mechanisms to supply a missing price, then be sure to test the results in the run-time environment.



    Select a product name using the Add Products dialog box.

    Price Type

    This field is read-only and displays the price type for this product. Options are One-Time, Recurring, and Usage. The value is based on the product definition. For more information about multiple price types, see Multiple Price Types and Totals.


    When this check box is selected, it means that the product has components. This value is based on the product definition and is read-only.

    List Price

    Enter a list price, the standard price used for most transactions and the most commonly used target price for price adjustments.

    If you enter a promotional price, then it is used instead of this list price.

    The list price is not checked against the Minimum Price and Maximum Price fields when it is first entered, because these fields are usually entered after the list price. When the minimum and maximum prices are entered, the list price is validated against them.

    NOTE:  If the list price, promotional price, and price override are all omitted, then the product may be offered with no price, the equivalent of a zero price.

    Promotional Price

    If you enter a promotional price, then it will be used instead of the list price in all functions that do not explicitly identify the list price as the target price.

    Volume Discount

    Select the volume discount that applies to this line item, if any. More than one volume discount may be available for a given product, and all the volume discounts that can apply to this product are displayed in the drop-down list. For more information, see Creating Volume Discounts.

    Attribute Adjustments

    This field specifies the attribute adjustments record that provides attribute-based pricing adjustments for this line item, if any. For more information, see Creating Attribute Adjustments.

    Start Date and End Date

    If this line item has different effective dates from the price list, then enter the start date when the pricing becomes effective and the end date when it is no longer effective. To enter values in these fields, use the method described in Giving a Product Multiple Prices with Different Effective Dates.

    Product Line

    This field displays the product line to which this line item product belongs. This value is taken from the product information.

    Part Number (Part #)

    This field displays the part number assigned to the line item product. This value is derived from the product information.


    Enter the cost of the line item product. You can use this as the target price for some price adjustment calculations.


    Enter the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) for reference purposes. In some cases, you can use this as the target price for price adjustment calculations.

    Purchase Price

    Enter the purchase price of the line item product. You can use this as the target price for some price adjustment calculations.

    Unit of Measure

    This field displays the unit of measure for the product item. This value comes from the product definition.

    Minimum Price

    If a minimum price value is provided, then Siebel Pricer does not offer a lower price for this line item, unless a run-time user (such as an agent) manually overrides this price.

    As a default, specify a minimum price of zero to prevent amount discounts from resulting in negative number prices.

    The minimum price does not apply to components of products with components.

    Maximum Price

    If a maximum price value is provided, then Siebel Pricer does not offer a higher price for this line item, unless a run-time user (such as an agent) manually overrides this price.

    If a maximum price is provided for a price list line item product and if that product appears as a component in a product with components, then this maximum price will apply to that component product as well.

    % Margin

    Read-only. This is a calculated field that calculates the margin based on the following formula:

    ((List or promotional price) - cost)/List*100

    Pricing Procedure

    Select a custom pricing procedure. The pricing logic in this procedure will be applied to this line item. Before this field is available, you must do the setup work described in Enabling Price List-Specific and Line Item-Specific Pricing Logic.

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