Siebel Pricing Administration Guide > Creating Product Promotions >

Creating Product Promotions That Upgrade Existing Promotions

You can design promotions that offer an upgrade to customers who have existing commitments because they have accepted earlier promotions.

For example, if customers have already signed up for a promotion to subscribe to a wireless telephone plan and have commitments to pay $29.95 a month for the next year, then you can create a promotion that offers them a wireless plan with no roaming charges for $39.95 a month. This involves breaking their existing commitment, but they do not have to pay the usual cancellation charge.

You can also offer the new promotion to customers who have accepted any one of many earlier promotions.

To create a promotion that is an upgrade to earlier promotions, define the new promotion as usual, and also use the Upgrade view to enter information about the existing promotions that customers can break without penalty.

By default, the Upgrade Promotion functionality is not feasible for both customizable and non-customizable products. In any case, selecting Upgrade Promotion from Menu in the Upgrade view triggers the workflow functionality by calling the pricing workflow. But if the functionality that is triggered is not exactly what you want, then as a workaround, it is recommended that you change the workflow to get the behavior that you want. For more information about pricing workflows, see Pricing Procedures and Workflow References.

To create a product promotion that upgrades existing promotions

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then Product Promotions view.
  2. In the Product Promotions list, select the promotion.
  3. Click the Upgrade view tab.
  4. Add a record for each earlier promotion that can be broken without penalty and complete the necessary fields, as described in the following table:

    Original Promotion

    Select the earlier promotion that customers can break without penalty.

    Commitment Start

    Specify when the commitment starts for the new promotion. The options are as follows:

    • Original Start. The commitment starts at the same time the commitment for the earlier promotion started.
    • Now. The commitment starts when the customer accepts the new promotion.
    • Original End. The commitment starts when the commitment for the earlier promotion ends.


    Specify the duration of the new promotion. The options are as follows:

    • Original Duration. The duration of the new promotion is the same as the duration of the original promotion.
    • New Duration. The duration of the new promotion is different from the duration of the original promotion. If you select this, then you must enter the new duration in the Commitments view.


    Enter the penalty for upgrading from the old to the new promotion, if any.

    Prorate Plan

    If there is a penalty for upgrading from the old to the new promotion, then select the prorate plan used to prorate this penalty.

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