Siebel Product Administration Guide > Designing Products with Components >

Refreshing the Customizable Product Work Space

If a product with components contains relationships of type Dynamic Class, refreshing the work space copies a new instance of these product classes into the relationships. This means a fresh copy of all the products in the class become part of the product with components instance.

For example, the number of products in a class has changed. You have defined a relationship of type Dynamic Class that specifies this product class. When you refresh the work space, the revised product class is copied to the relationship from the product table. When you view the relationship in the User Interface view or in Validate mode, the new products display.

Relationships of domain type Class and Product are not updated from the product table when you refresh the work space.

Refreshing the work space updates the products or attributes in a product with components. The configuration rules, resource definitions, link definitions, and scripts that are part of the product with components are not updated to reflect changes. You must manually make these updates.

For more information about relationships of type Dynamic Class, see Adding Products as Components Using the Dynamic Class Domain.

NOTE:  To use this procedure, the Structure Type field of the product must be set to Customizable.

To refresh the work space

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Products view.
  2. In the Products list, select and lock the desired product with components.
  3. In the Customizable Product link bar, click Structure.
  4. From the Structure view menu, select Refresh Dynamic Class.
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