Siebel Product Administration Guide > Creating Custom Siebel Configurator User Interfaces > Process of Creating a Custom Siebel Configurator User Interface >

Enabling the Multiselect Feature for Siebel Configurator

The multiselect user interface (UI) for Siebel Configurator allows the user to select many product components, and then click the Submit button to validate them all at once. This feature is available only for the high-interactivity Siebel Configurator UI. You enable this feature by selecting the appropriate base and product theme.

If you do not enable this feature, the Siebel Configurator engine validates each product component individually when it is added. This means that the user has to wait for the UI to be refreshed and for the engine to validate the product after each component is added. Power users of Siebel Configurator, who already understand which components are valid, prefer to add many components and validate them all at once.

After the user clicks Submit, Siebel Configurator does the following:

  • Fulfills all requests that are valid and displays the product with all these features incorporated.
  • Lists all the conflicts for requests that are invalid.
  • If any items submitted are invalid, the configuration reverts to the last successful submission.

Then the user can resolve conflicts by selecting Proceed for some features, and clicking the Resolve Conflicts button to submit these selected features for validation.

Alternatively, the user can not resolve these conflicts and instead make new selections in Siebel Configurator for these product features.

At any time during the configuration session, the user can click the Reset button to restore the configuration to what it was at the time of the last successful submit operation.

The multiselect UI base theme restricts the UI control themes that can be used. Use one of the following control themes:

  • With the web template SWT JS (RELATIONSHIP):
    • Check Box with or without price
    • Combo Box with price JS (eCfgControlComboPriceJS.swt) (no add button)
    • Quantity Box JS (eCfgControlQuantityJS.swt) quantity with or without price
    • Radio Buttons with or without price
  • With the web template SWT JS (ATTRIBUTES):
    • Combo Box for Attribute JS (eCfgAttributeComboBoxJS.swt)
    • Radio Button for Attribute JS (eCfgAttributeRadioJS.swt)
    • Edit Box for Attribute JS (eCfgCompAttributeEditJS.swt)

To enable the multiselect feature for the high-interactivity Siebel Configurator UI

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Product Definitions view.
  2. In the Products list, select the desired product.
  3. In the Versions list, click the Workspace hyperlink.
  4. Click the User Interface view tab.
  5. In the User Interface list, in the Base Theme field, select eCfgBaseAutoRepriceMultiJS.swt.
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