Siebel Product Administration Guide > Smart Part Numbers for Products with Attributes >

Updating a Generation Method with Attribute Changes

When you add or remove attribute definitions for a class, these changes are not propagated to smart part number methods defined on the class. If you modify the list of values domain for an attribute, these changes also are not propagated. You must manually update each smart part number method with changes to attributes.

You do this by validating the smart part number generation method. When you validate a generation method, the application does two things:

  • If you have added or removed attributes, a pop-up message displays and recommends you edit the attribute list you are using for the generation method. For dynamic generation methods, you must modify section definitions and mappings. For predefined methods, you must edit the rows of the matrix.
  • If you have changed attribute values for an attribute, the changes are added to the attribute values available for selection. For dynamic generation methods, you must edit the mappings to reflect the new values. For predefined methods, you must edit the rows of the matrix.

Choose one of the following procedures to validate a smart part number generation method.

To update a dynamic generation method with attribute changes

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Product Classes view
  2. In the Product Classes list, select the desired product class.
  3. Click the hyperlink in the Smart Part Number field of the desired product class.

    A list of the part number generation methods defined on the product class appears.

  4. To edit a generation method name, click the method name in the Name field.

    The Part Number Method view appears.

  5. In Part Number Template, click the menu button and choose Validate Definition.

    If an attribute has been added, removed, or its name has been changed, a pop-up message appears recommending you revise the sections in Part Number Template.

    If an attribute's values have changed, the values available in Attribute Mapping are updated and no pop-up message appears.

  6. Revise the sections defined in Part Number Template as needed.
  7. Add or revise mappings in Attribute Mapping as needed.

The following procedure shows how to update a predefined generation method.

To update a predefined generation method with attribute changes

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Product screen, then the Product Classes view.
  2. In the Product Classes list, select the desired product class.
  3. Click the Part Number Definitions view tab.

    A list of the part number generation methods defined on the product class appears.

  4. To edit a generation method name, click the word Predefined in the Type field.

    The Part Number Method view appears.

  5. In Attributes, click the menu button and choose Validate Definition.

    If an attribute has been added, removed, or its name has been changed, a pop-message up appears recommending you revise the Attributes list.

    If an attribute's values have changed, the values available for automatically generating a matrix are updated and no pop-up message appears.

  6. Revise the Attributes list as needed.
  7. Add, remove, or revise rows in the matrix as needed.

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