Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide > Project Management > End-User Procedures for Project Management >

Creating Projects

End users can create and work with projects in three different areas of the Siebel application:

  • Projects screen. Acting as practice or project managers, end users can view and manage their projects from this screen.
  • Opportunities screen. As sales representatives, end users may want to create a project and fill in the preliminary information as it associates with the opportunity.
  • Accounts screen. As account managers, end users may want to monitor projects at the account level.

The following procedure explains how to create a project using the Projects screen. End users can use similar steps to create projects in either the Opportunities screen or the Accounts screen.

To create a new project using the Projects screen

  1. Navigate to the Projects screen.
  2. From the visibility filter, select the appropriate view.
  3. In the Projects list, create a new record.
  4. Complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Account associated with the project. This could be a customer account for a customer project or an internal account for an internal project. If you associate an opportunity with this project, the Account field is automatically populated with information from the chosen opportunity.


    Indicates the probability of delivering the project on time, according to your organization's criteria. In the Projects list, this field is read-only. You can change the value of this field in the Projects More Info form. By default, available values are Green, Yellow, and Red. Available values are set using the PROJECT_DLVRY_STATUS list of values. Defaults to Green.


    Estimated end date for the project.


    A name of your own choosing to identify the project. Required.


    An asterisk in this field indicates that the current user has been assigned to the project, and has not yet reviewed project details.

    Priority Flag

    A visual indicator that can be used to designate high-priority projects. Each user's priority flag settings are visible only to that user.

    Project #

    Identification code for the project. Automatically populated with a unique value generated by the Siebel application. If you prefer, you can substitute your own unique project identification code.


    Start date for the project.


    Indicates the current state of the project. By default, available values are Active, Cancelled, Closed, Inactive, and Not Yet Active. Defaults to Not Yet Active. Available values are set in the PROJECT_STATUS list of values.

    Access List

    Lists the User IDs of people who are authorized to view or modify project information, depending on the value of the accompanying Access Type field. Automatically populated with User ID of project creator. For more information about access to project information, see Providing Access to a Project.

    Access Type

    Determines whether users must be listed in the project access list to view or modify project information. Available values are as follows:

    • Private. Only users who are specified on the project access list can view and modify project information.
    • Public. Each member of your organization can view and modify project information.
    • Public Read Only. Each member of your organization can view project information, but only those who are specified on the access list can modify information.

    Bill Type

    Indicates how the project will be billed. By default, available values are Fixed Fee, Time & Materials, % of Fees, Non-Billable, and Event Billed. Available values are set in the PROJ_BILLING_TYPE list of values.


    City in which the account associated with the project is located. If you specify a value for Account in the More Info form, the City field is automatically populated with information from the chosen account.


    Indicates the general nature of the selected project. By default, available values are Client Billable, Client Investment, Holiday, Internal, Sick Time, Training, and Vacation. Defaults to Client Billable. Available values are set in the PROJECT_CLASS list of values.

    Cost List

    Specifies the cost list associated with the selected project. The cost list specifies internal costs for specific products, including service products such as consulting services. This field is automatically populated based on the value you choose for Rate List.

    For more information about setting up cost lists, see Overview of Rate List and Cost List Management and Creating a Cost List.


    Country in which the account associated with the project is located. If you specify a value for Account in the More Info form, the Country field is automatically populated with information from the chosen account.


    Date the project record was created. Automatically populated.


    Part of the organization responsible for the project.

    Duration Format

    Units in which project time is tracked. Default values are Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, and Months.

    Marketing Program

    Associate a campaign to the project.


    Sales opportunity associated with the project. If an opportunity is associated with a project, a number of fields autopopulate based on the opportunity's information. For example, Account.


    Organization or organizations within your company that are responsible for the project. Defaults to the organization of the project creator. This allows you to share projects with partners.

    Parent Project

    Indicates the larger project of which the current project is a part, if such a relationship exists.

    Project Type

    Indicates the general nature of the project. Typical values include Infrastructure, Applications Development, Business Development, Deployment and Implementation, Internal Projects, Pro Bono, and so on. Values come from the PROJECT_TYPE LOV.

    Rate List

    Specifies the rate list associated with the selected project. The rate list specifies what you charge for specific products, including service products such as consulting services. When you specify a rate list for a project, the cost list associated with that rate list is automatically associated with the project as well. For more information about setting up rate lists, see Overview of Rate List and Cost List Management and Creating a Rate List.

    Related Projects

    Projects related to the current project. For example, if the current project is similar to another project that was completed recently, you may want to refer to the completed project for reference purposes. Note that access to related projects follows regular security rules: a user must be granted access to a nonpublic project to view information about it.


    Estimated currency amount the project will earn. The value in this field is not calculated from other fields.


    State in which the account associated with the project is located. If you specify a value for Account in the More Info form, the State field is automatically populated with information from the chosen account.

    NOTE:  Beginning with Siebel 7, end users can edit the Project # field. By default, this field is automatically populated with a unique project number generated by the Siebel application. However, end users have the flexibility to substitute their own project identification numbers in this field.

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