Siebel Public Sector Guide > Administering Benefits Cases > Process of Configuring Appeal Cases >

Configuring Case Categories for Appeal Cases

In the preconfigured Siebel Public Sector application, the Appeal button is enabled only for cases that have a Category field of Benefit. Administrators can enable this button for additional case categories.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Appeal Cases.

To configure the case categories for appeal cases

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools as an administrator.
  2. Select Business Component in the Object Explorer, and then select the HLS Case business component.
  3. Lock this business component so that you can change it.
  4. Navigate to Business Component, then Field in the Object Explorer.
  5. In the Calculated Value column of the CanAppealCategories field, change the value to the following text:

    IIF(([Category]=LookupValue("PUB_CASE_CATEGORY_TYPE","Benefit")) OR
    ([Category]=LookupValue("PUB_CASE_CATEGORY_TYPE","New_Category")) OR
    ([Category]=LookupValue("PUB_CASE_CATEGORY_TYPE","New_Category")) OR

    In this text, New_Category is the value for the Category field of the case. You can designate any number of Category field values.

    NOTE:  The preconfigured value for the Calculated Value column of the CanAppealCategories field is IIF([Category]=LookupValue("PUB_CASE_CATEGORY_TYPE","Benefit"),"Y","N").

  6. Compile the object for your changes into the Siebel Repository File.
  7. Unlock the business component.
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