Siebel Application Integration for Oracle Fusion Middleware Guide > Working with Siebel RESTful Services >

HTTP URI Pattern for Siebel RESTful Services

Siebel RESTful Services execute resource requests that match the following HTTP URI pattern:



  • hostname:port is the DNS name and port number of the server that hosts the Java EE application server. If the server is an instance of an Oracle WebLogic Server, then this host is typically similar to
  • Web_context_root is defined in the Web application deployment plan. The default value is oracle-crm/api.

    NOTE:  The context root is a name that gets mapped to the document root of a Web client and is the starting place from which Oracle WebLogic Server attempts to find servlets or other programs that are to be executed.

  • rest represents the default mapping for the JAX-RS servlet. It is defined in the web.xml deployment descriptor for the Web application.
  • siebel/JNDI_ra_name/IO_name is interpreted by the JAX-RS resource handlers where:
    • JNDI_ra_name identifies the appropriate Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) resource adapter.

      This adapter contains a JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) name that is equal to eis/JNDI_ra_nameConnFactory, where eis is enterprise information systems. Siebel RESTful Services use it to execute the request.

    • IO_name identifies the requested Siebel resource on which to apply the request.
  • modifier is an additional parameter that can modify the behavior of the request. This parameter can include a URI path parameter or URI query parameter.

    For example, the following URI queries a Siebel repository:



    • DNS_name is the host.
    • port is the port number.
    • oracle-crm/api is the Web context root.
    • rest/siebel is automatically part of the URI for Siebel RESTful Services.
    • siebel.JNDI_ra_name is the resource adapter name.
    • PhoenixIO is the integration object name.

      This URI returns the integration objects in the repository as XML.

TIP:   To search for particular integration objects, you use a modifier. For example, if you want to find only those integration objects that start with the letter A, then you can use the following URI:[IntCompName.IntCompFieldName] LIKE 'A*'

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