Siebel Application Integration for Oracle Fusion Middleware Guide > Working with Web Services Using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware > Process of Deploying Inbound Web Services Using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware >

Deploying Siebel Inbound Web Services Using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware

This topic describes how to deploy Siebel inbound Web services using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware.

This task is a step in Process of Deploying Inbound Web Services Using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware.

NOTE:  Before you perform the following procedure, make sure you have deployed an appropriate Siebel Resource Adapter. For information about deploying Siebel Resource Adapters, see Process of Deploying Siebel Resource Adapters Using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware.

To deploy a Siebel inbound Web service using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware

  1. Start Oracle JDeveloper.
  2. From the application-level menu, select File, and then click the New menu item.
  3. In the New Gallery dialog box, perform the following:
    1. In the Business Tier category, select Siebel Application Integration for Oracle Fusion Middleware.
    2. Select the Deployment item, and then click OK.
  4. In the Welcome to the Deployment Wizard screen, click Next.
  5. Select Siebel Inbound Services as the deployment type, and then click Next.
  6. Select one or both of the following options for the inbound deployment type you want to deploy, and then click Next.
    • Inbound Web Service Deployment. This option allows you to deploy the code generated from the Siebel business services or Siebel workflow processes you design as SOAP Web services to Oracle WebLogic Server by way of a WAR file.
    • EJB Deployment. This option allows you to deploy a Siebel business service or a Siebel workflow process as an inbound Enterprise Java Bean.
  7. Select the Siebel inbound services you want to deploy by moving the services from the Available section to the Selected section, and then click Next.

    NOTE:  The path for the generated code is the XSD File Path you specified in the General tab in the SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware Preferences.

  8. Enter the inbound deployment parameters by doing the following:
    1. Enter the Web service version number that you want to use for the deployment. By default, this parameter is set to
    2. Enter the appropriate Siebel Resource Adapter name that you want to use for this deployment. By default, the value from the last Siebel Resource Adapter deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server appears.
    3. Enter the Siebel Resource Adapter Connection Factory JNDI Name that you want to use for this deployment. By default, the value from the last Siebel Resource Adapter deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server appears.
    4. If you are deploying Enterprise Java Beans, then follow the instructions in Step 9 in the Deploying Enterprise Java Beans Using SAI for Oracle Fusion Middleware procedure.
    5. Click Next to continue.
  9. Enter the Oracle WebLogic Server parameters for the service you are deploying, and then click Next. For a description of the parameters, see Siebel Application Integration for Oracle Fusion Middleware: Oracle JDeveloper Online Help.
  10. Review the summary information, and then click Finish to start the deployment.

    NOTE:  If there is an existing archive folder structure with the same name, then a warning appears asking if you want to overwrite it. If you click Yes, then the existing folder structure is overwritten. If you click No, then a dialog box appears in which you can name a new folder structure and save that structure in a directory of your choice.

    Information about successful and failed deployments appears. Click OK to exit.

    NOTE:  If the deployment fails, then check the SiebelDeployExtension.log file. By default, this file is found in C:\JDeveloper\mywork\SFE.

The deployed service is now available in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. From there, you can access the WSDL and import it into a client application to send and receive messages. For information about logging in to Administration Console, see Logging In to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. For information about accessing and using the WSDL, see Accessing WSDLs for Deployed Inbound Web Services in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

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