Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications > About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications >

Requirements for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications

Uninstallation of Siebel Business Applications software is subject to various requirements.

This topic is part of About Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications.

The following requirements apply to uninstalling Siebel Business Applications software:

  • Use documented methods. To successfully uninstall, you must use the supported methods documented in this chapter and observe all of the requirements and limitations that apply for uninstalling each module. Review this entire chapter before you uninstall any software.
  • Before a full uninstallation, you must remove configuration data. For Siebel Enterprise Server components and Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) that were previously configured using Siebel Configuration Wizards, you must perform wizard tasks to remove the configuration data before you uninstall the Siebel software. For detailed information, see Process of Removing Configuration Data.
  • You must have the required access. When you uninstall an instance of Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Web Server Extension, you must either be the same user or be a user in the same group as the user who performed the installation. This requirement applies to both full uninstallation and rollback uninstallation.
  • Do not delete installation directories until you have performed a full uninstallation. Do not delete the installation directories for any Siebel module until after you have performed a full uninstallation of the module. After a full uninstallation has completed successfully, you might have to restart your computer. Afterwards, you can safely delete the remaining directories. (Do not delete any installation directories after you perform a rollback uninstallation.)
  • Siebel modules must use the same version after a rollback uninstallation. If you roll back to the previously installed version for Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, then you must also perform a similar rollback uninstallation for all of the other Siebel modules sharing the same Siebel Enterprise and Siebel database. For more information about the features in the current release and in prior releases, see the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support. After you roll back, then see earlier applicable versions of the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using for information about the new current release level.
  • To perform a rollback uninstallation for Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, you must have retained the previous installation. When you installed the current release, Siebel CRM version or version, as a migration installation, the existing installation directory was renamed. You must retain this installation directory in order to be able to roll back to the version that it represents. During a migration installation:
    • The original Siebel Enterprise Server installation directory is renamed from OriginalName to OriginalName_pre8. or OriginalName_pre8. For example, if the original directory name was ses, then this directory is renamed to ses_pre8. or ses_pre8. (The new Siebel Enterprise Server installation directory is named OriginalName, such as ses.)
    • The original SWSE installation directory is renamed from OriginalName to OriginalName_pre8. or OriginalName_pre8. For example, if the original directory name was sweapp, then this directory is renamed to sweapp_pre8. or sweapp_pre8. (The new SWSE installation directory is named OriginalName, such as sweapp.)
  • For Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE, you must use the correct rollback uninstallation method for your situation. Different rollback installation methods are provided for different situations. You must use the correct method for your situation, as follows:
    • If you originally installed Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 (using the InstallShield installer) and are now rolling back to Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 through version, then you must use the Oracle Universal Installer uninstallation option to roll back the current version. (You must use this method because it removes the defined Oracle home, which no longer applies after the rollback in this case.)
    • If you are rolling back to Siebel CRM version or later or Siebel CRM version 8.2.2 or later, then you must use the manual steps to roll back the current version. (You must use this method because it does not remove the defined Oracle home, which still applies after the rollback in this case. If the Oracle home is removed, then the rollback process is incomplete and your original installation cannot be used in its current state.)
  • After a rollback uninstallation, you must restore the Siebel Repository. New functionality and bug fixes associated with the current release are no longer available after a rollback uninstallation. After you roll back the current release, you must remove any configuration changes and restore the Siebel Repository and the SRF files to the state when you first installed current release.

    NOTE:  After you installed Siebel CRM version or version as a migration installation, you would have used the Incremental Repository Merge feature to update the Siebel Repository and to make other Siebel database changes. For more information about Incremental Repository Merge, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

  • After a rollback uninstallation, refer to earlier versions of the documentation. After you roll back the current release, you must refer to the documentation that applies to the Siebel CRM version that you revert to. For example, if you revert to Siebel CRM version, then for information about your new effective version you must refer to version 8.1, Rev. A of the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. This version of the guide is available from 1461732.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. See also the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.
  • After a rollback uninstallation, verify the software version. After a rollback uninstallation, verify the version number of the installed software that you revert to. See the documentation that applies to your new effective version. See also Verifying Installation for the Siebel Enterprise Server and related topics.
  • After a rollback uninstallation, configure Oracle Configuration Manager (if necessary). If Oracle Configuration Manager was not configured before you performed a migration installation of Siebel Enterprise Server, then, after a rollback to the original installation, you must configure this instance of Oracle Configuration Manager manually in order for it to function properly. For more information about Oracle Configuration Manager, see About Oracle Configuration Manager.
  • Clustered nodes present special requirements. Clustered nodes present special requirements that might change part of the installation and uninstallation process from what is described in this guide.

The following recommendations apply to performing a full uninstallation:

  • Uninstall Database Configuration Utilities only after backing up files. Before you uninstall an instance of Siebel Enterprise Server that includes the Database Configuration Utilities and Siebel Server, it is strongly recommended that you back up relevant files, such as summary.html and summary.txt in the DBSRVR_ROOT directory and the files in the log directory under SIEBSRVR_ROOT.
  • Uninstall Database Configuration Utilities only after removing configuration data. Before you uninstall an instance of Siebel Enterprise Server that includes the Database Configuration Utilities and Siebel Server, it is strongly recommended that you first remove the Siebel Enterprise configuration or the Siebel Gateway Name Server.
Related Topics

About Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages

Uninstallation Options for Siebel Modules

Limitations for Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications

Related Books

Siebel Database Upgrade Guide

Version 8.1.1.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 880452.1 (Article ID)

Version 8.2.2.x Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support, 1441523.1 (Article ID)

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