Siebel System Administration Guide > Administering Server System Services > Administering the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service >

Administering the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service on UNIX

This topic describes how to start, stop, and check the status of the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX. This topic is part of Administering the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service.

Starting the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service on UNIX

This procedure describes how to start the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX.

To start the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX

  1. Log in as the Siebel Service owner user.
  2. Run the or siebenv.csh script to set Siebel environment variables. For more information about these scripts, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.
  3. Enter the following command:


    With some of the available command-line flags, you can do the following:

    • To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r flag, as follows:

    start_ns -r siebel_root

    Typically, you do not have to use this flag, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script. If the variable is not set, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Gateway Name Server runs.

    • To start the Siebel Gateway Name Server only if currently marked with the autostart attribute, use the -a flag, as follows:

    start_ns -a

    Typically, use this flag only when invoking the start_ns script from an autostart script. For more information about the autostart script, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.

    • To force the startup, use the -f flag, as follows:

    start_ns -f

    This command can be used to make sure that the Siebel Gateway Name Server starts even if it was not previously shut down completely. This flag is typically not needed.

Stopping the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service on UNIX

This procedure describes how to stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX.

To stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX

  1. Log in as the Siebel Service owner user.
  2. Run the script in the current shell process, as follows:

    . ./

  3. Enter the following command:

    stop_ns -r siebel_root -f

    With some of the available command-line flags, you can do the following:

    • To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r flag, as follows:

    stop_ns -r siebel_root

    Typically, you do not have to use this flag, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script. If the variable is not set, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is running.

    • To force the shutdown, use the -f flag, as follows:

    stop_ns -f

    This flag causes the Siebel Gateway Name Server to shut down sooner, but it might not shut down completely. In general, use the -f flag only if the Siebel Gateway Name Server did not respond to the unforced shutdown in a timely manner.

Checking the Status of the Siebel Gateway Name Server System Service on UNIX

This procedure describes how to check the status of the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX.

To check the status of the Siebel Gateway Name Server system service on UNIX

  • Enter the following command:


    To specify the Siebel root directory, use the -r flag, as follows:

    list_ns -r siebel_root

    Typically, you do not have to use this flag, because the SIEBEL_ROOT environment variable is set by the siebenv.csh (or script. If the variable is not set, then you must specify the Siebel root directory to indicate the Siebel installation under which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is configured.

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