Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Performing the Siebel Incremental Repository Merge > Process of Upgrading the Siebel Development Environment from Siebel CRM Version 8.1.1.x (SIA Repository) >

Reviewing Conflicts at the Attribute Level

To review conflicts at the attribute level, perform the following task.

To review conflicts at the attribute level

  1. In Siebel Tools, from the Screens menu, choose Application Upgrader, and then Application Upgrade Attribute List.

    By default, you can see only the critical conflicts in the Application Upgrades Attribute differences screen. You must review the critical conflicts. To view informational conflicts, right-click and select Show Non-Critical Conflicts. Noncritical conflicts include conflicts of attributes, such as Sequence number, Comments, Layout, and so on.

  2. In the Application Upgrades list, select the record of the successful merge.
  3. In the Attribute Differences list, click Query.
  4. In the Attribute Differences list, click in the Conflict field so that a check mark appears.
  5. Click Enter to run the query.

    The query displays a list of all object properties in which there is a conflict.

  6. For each record, review the entry in the Resolution field.
  7. To change the resolution, click in the Override field.

    A check mark appears that changes the value of the object property in the merged repository. Avoid overriding conflicts for the following object properties. Review the following properties in the upgraded application before changing them: Left, right, top, height, and width.

Marking Conflict Resolution as Complete Using Siebel Tools

Perform the following task.

To mark conflict resolution as Complete using Siebel Tools

  1. After you have resolved all conflicts, execute the following command from the tools\bin directory on the command prompt:

    siebdev.exe /u username /p password /d "ServerDataSrc" /c <directory path to tools.cfg> /l primary language /IRM UpgDeltaMerge /iPackmode

  2. After Siebel Tools is started, select the Conflict Resolution Completed check box shown in the following figure.
  3. Click Finish.

    Clicking Finish creates an entry in S_INST_UPG_HIST table, indicating that the merge and conflict resolution steps have been completed. If this step is not executed, then the next phase of upgrading the custom database schema (upgphys) produces an error in the first step.

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