Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Tuning the Siebel Upgrade Files >

Transferring UNIX Files for Use by Siebel Upgrade Tuner

Environments: Production test environment only. Does not apply to production environment.

Platforms: UNIX only.

Upgrade Tuner is part of the Siebel Server and runs only under Windows. To tune production upgrade files on a UNIX computer you must do the following:

  • Transfer upgrade files needed by Upgrade Tuner from the UNIX host to a Windows host on which a Siebel Server is installed.
  • Run Upgrade Tuner on the Windows host using the UNIX files as input.
  • Transfer the modified upgrade files from the Windows host back to the UNIX host.

Scripts generated by the Logparse utility during the production upgrep on the UNIX host simplify the file transfer process:

  • upgtuner_ftp_get.txt. This script moves upgrade files from a UNIX host to a target directory on the Windows host.
  • upgtuner_ftp_put.txt. This script moves the upgrade files from the Windows host to a target directory on the UNIX host.
Requirements for the UNIX Host
Requirements for the Windows Host
  • You must have installed a Siebel Server. You do not have to install the Siebel Database Server.
  • The Windows host can be a Siebel Server on which have performed upgrades. Tuning upgrade files from a UNIX host does not interfere with upgrade files already on the Windows-based Siebel Server.
  • To run the upgtuner_ftp_put.txt script, you must be able to FTP from the Windows host to the UNIX host.

The following procedures use FTP to transfer files. If FTP is not available, you can use other methods for transferring files.

Transferring Files from the UNIX Host to the Windows Host

To run Upgrade Tuner on UNIX upgrade files, you must first transfer the files to a Windows host.

To transfer files from the UNIX host to the Windows host

  1. Windows host. Create a target directory for the UNIX upgrade files, and share the directory.
  2. UNIX host. Copy the following scripts using FTP to the Windows computer target directory:
    • upgtuner_ftp_get.txt
    • upgtuner_ftp_put.txt

      The files are located in $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin.

  3. Windows host. In both scripts, replace placeholder parameters with actual values, as described in the following table.


    This value is the IP address of UNIX computer.


    This value is the username used to open an FTP session with the UNIX computer (for example sadmin).

  4. Windows host. Use FTP and upgtuner_ftp_get.txt to move the files shown in the following table from the UNIX host to the target directory on the Windows host.
    Location on the UNIX Host



    For example, $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/upgrep_prod_8x/summary.xml



    For example, $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin/master_upgrep_prod_8x.ucf



    For example, DBSRVR_ROOT/Oracle/schema.ddl, schema_t1.ddl, schema_t2.ddl



    For example, DBSRVR_ROOT/Oracle/upgrade/V8_x/driver_upgrep_prod_8x.ucf



    For example, DBSRVR_ROOT/Oracle/upgrade/V8x/pret.sql, preschm.sql

  5. Windows host. Navigate to the target directory containing the UNIX upgrade files, and open the summary.xml file in a text editor.
  6. Windows host. Near the beginning of the file, locate the element <SIEBEL_ROOT>, and edit the value to be the absolute path to the target directory containing the UNIX files that you copied to the Windows host.
  7. Windows host. Save the file, and exit.
  8. Windows host. Start Upgrade Tuner, and tune the UNIX upgrade files.

    Specify the target directory containing the UNIX upgrade files. The summary.xml file contains a flag that tells Upgrade Tuner to look for all the upgrade files in the target directory. You do not have to move the files.

Transferring Files from the Windows Host to the UNIX Host

After you have tuned the UNIX upgrade files, transfer them back to the UNIX host.

To transfer files from the Windows host to the UNIX host

  1. UNIX host. Create a target directory for the UNIX upgrade files that will be transferred from the Windows host.

    Alternative: Use the FTP upload directory for the UNIX host.

  2. Windows host. Use FTP to copy the UNIX upgrade files from the target directory to the UNIX host.
  3. UNIX host. Move the upgrade files to their proper locations.

    The path for <SIEBEL_ROOT> in the summary.xml file is used for the Windows host and thus is incorrect for the UNIX host. The next time you run logparse, it will overwrite summary.xml and include the path for SIEBEL_ROOT on the UNIX host.

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