Using Siebel Tools > Checking Out and Checking In Projects and Objects > Using Check Out and Check In >

Checking Out Projects from the Server Repository

This task is a step in Roadmap for Setting Up and Using Siebel Tool.

This topic describes how to check out projects from the server repository.

To check out projects from the server repository

  1. To enable object check out, make sure the following parameter in the Siebel section of the tools.cfg file is set it to TRUE:


    If this parameter does not exist in the Siebel section, then add it now. For more information, see About the Configuration Files.

  2. Log in to Siebel Tools, connected to your local repository.
  3. Make sure the project allows object locking.

    For more information, see Allowing Object Locking for a Project.

  4. Click the Tools menu, and then click Check Out.
  5. In the Project Check Out dialog box, make sure you choose the correct repository.

    For more information, see Elements of the Project Check Out Dialog Box.

  6. Choose the projects you must check out, and then click Options.
  7. In the Development Tools Options dialog box, make sure the Server and Client data sources are specified correctly, and then click OK.

    For more information, see Specifying the Data Source That Siebel Tools Uses.

  8. In the Check Out dialog box, click Check Out.

    Siebel Tools does the following:

    • Locks all objects in the server repository that reference the project. This lock prevents another developer from checking out these objects.
    • Copies all objects it locked from the server repository to your local repository. These objects remain locked on your local repository. You can edit them.
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