Using Siebel Tools > Customizing Objects > Creating, Modifying, Copying, Validating, and Deleting an Object >

Copying an Object

This topic describes how to copy an object. For guidelines on copying an object, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

To copy an object

  1. In the Object List Editor, locate the object you must copy.

    For more information, see Locating and Modifying an Object Definition in the Object List Editor.

  2. Choose the Edit menu, and then click Copy Record.

    Siebel Tools inserts a new record above the record you copied. This new record includes all of the same values as the record you copied except the Name is empty and the Changed property contains a check mark. Siebel Tools also creates a copy of any child objects that exist for the record you copied. For example, if you copy the Account business component, then it creates a new business component that includes several hundred fields.

  3. Enter a new value for the Name property.
  4. If necessary, modify other properties and child objects.
  5. To save your modifications, click anywhere outside of the new row.
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