Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories > Comparing Two Repository Files >

Using the Server Manager Command Line Interface to Start the SRF Differences Utility

You can use the Server Manager command line interface to start the SRFDiff Utility.

To use the Server Manager command line interface to start the SRF Differences Utility

  1. Open the Server Manager (srvrmgr) command line interface.
  2. Enter the following command:

    siebdev /srfdiff "pathname1" "pathname2" "output_pathname"


    • pathname1 is the full path and file name of the one of the repository files you must compare.
    • pathname2 is the full path and file name of the one of the repository files you must compare.
    • output_pathname is the full path where the utility saves the output file.

      For example, assume you must compare the siebel.srf file to the siebel_1.srf file, and that these files reside in the C:\Programs Files\Siebel Tools 8.1\OBJECTS\ENU\ directory. In this example, you enter the following command:

    siebdev /srfdiff "C:\Programs Files\Siebel Tools 8.1\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel.srf" "C:\Programs Files\Siebel Tools 8.1\OBJECTS\ENU\siebel_1.srf" "C:\Programs Files\Siebel Tools 8.1\OBJECTS\"

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