

There are several terms which are used to describe the ability of multiple servers to work together to handle additional load or to survive the failure of a particular server:

It is worth noting that the terms federated server model, server clustering and server farming are often used loosely and interchangeably.

Tangosol Coherence supports both homogenous server clusters and the federated server model. Any application or server process that is running the Coherence software is called a cluster node. All cluster nodes on the same network will automatically cluster together . Cluster nodes use a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that any cluster node can talk directly to any other cluster node.

Coherence is logically sub-divided into clusters, services and caches. A Coherence cluster is a group of cluster nodes that share a group address, which allows the cluster nodes to communicate. Generally, a cluster node will only join one cluster, but it is possible for a cluster node to join (be a member of) several different clusters, by using a different group address for each cluster.

Within a cluster, there exists any number of named services. A cluster node can participate in (join) any number of these services; when a cluster node joins a service, it automatically has all of the information from that service available to it; for example, if the service is a replicated cache service, then joining the service includes replicating the data of all the caches in the service. These services are all peer-to-peer, which means that a cluster node typically plays both the client and the server role through the service; furthermore, all of these services will failover in the event of cluster node failure without any data loss.