Element Attributes

Element Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be used with some of the elements described above.

Used in: coherence, cluster-config, logging-config, configurable-cache-factory-config, unicast-listener, multicast-listener, tcp-ring-listener, shutdown-listener, packet-publisher, incoming-message-handler, authorized-hosts, host-range, services, filters, filter-name, init-param (operational).

Attribute Required/Optional Description
xml-override Optional Allows the content of this elements to be fully or partially overridden with XML documents that are external to the base document.

Legal value of this attribute is the resource name of such an override document that should be accessible using the ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String name) by the classes contained in coherence.jar library. In general that means that resource name should be prefixed with '/' and located in the classpath.

The override XML document referred by this attribute does not have to exist. However, if it does exist then its root element must have the same name as the element it overrides.

In cases where there are multiple elements with the same name (e.g. <services>) the id attribute should be used to identify the base element that will be overridden as well as the override element itself. The elements of the override document that do not have a match in the base document are just appended to the base.
id Optional Used in conjunciton with the xml-override attribute in cases where there are multiple elements with the same name (e.g. <services>) to identify the base element that will be overridden as well as the override element itself. The elements of the override document that do not have a match in the base document are just appended to the base.
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Error formatting macro: rate: java.lang.NullPointerException
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