Multicast Test

Multicast Test Utility

Included with Coherence is a Multicast Test utility, which helps you determine if multicast is enabled between two or more computers. This is a connectivity test, not a load test, each instance will by default only transmit a single multicast packet once every two seconds. For network load testing please see the Datagram Test.


To run the Multicast Test utility use the following syntax from the command line:

java <command value> <command value> ...

Command Options

Command Optional  Description  Default 
 -local  True  The address of the NIC to transmit on, specified as an IP address
 -group  True  The multicast address to use, specified as IP:port. 
 -ttl  True  The time to live for multicast packets.
 -delay  True  The delay between transmitting packets, specified in seconds.
 -display  True  The number of bytes to dispaly from unexpected packets.

Usage Example

java -group

For ease of use, and multicast-test.cmd scripts are provided in the Coherence bin directory, and can be used to execute this test.

Note: prior to Coherence 3.1 the following syntax was used, and scripts were not provided:

java <ip-addr> <multicast-addr> <port> <ttl> <delay-secs>


Let's say that we want to test if we can use multicast address, port 9000 (the test's defaults) to send messages between two servers - Server A with IP address and Server B with IP address

Starting with Server A, let's determine if it has multicast address port 9000 available for by first checking the machine or interface by itself as follows:

From a command session, type in: -ttl 0

After pressing ENTER, you should see the Multicast Test utility showing you how it is sending sequential multicast packets and receiving them as follows:

Starting test on ip=servera/, group=/,ttl=0
Configuring multicast socket...
Starting listener...
Tue Jan 17 15:59:51 EST 2006: Sent packet 1.
Tue Jan 17 15:59:51 EST 2006: Received test packet 1 from self.
Tue Jan 17 15:59:53 EST 2006: Sent packet 2.
Tue Jan 17 15:59:53 EST 2006: Received test packet 2 from self.

Once you have seen a number of these packets sent and received successfully, you can hit CTRL-C to stop further testing.

If you do not see something similar to the above, then multicast is not working. Also, please note that we specified a TTL of 0 to prevent the multicast packets from leaving Server A.

You can repeat the same test on Server B to assure that it too has the multicast enabled for it's port combination.

Now to test multicast communications between Server A and Server B. For this test we will use a non-zero TTL which will allow the packets to leave their respective servers. By default the test will use a TTL of 4, if you believe that there may be more network hops required to route packets between Server A and Server B, you may specify a higher TTL value.

Start the test on Server A and Server B by entering the following command into the command windows and pressing ENTER:

You should see something like the following on Server A:

Starting test on ip=servera/, group=/, ttl=4
Configuring multicast socket...
Starting listener...
Tue Jan 17 16:11:03 EST 2006: Sent packet 1.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:03 EST 2006: Received test packet 1 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:05 EST 2006: Sent packet 2.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:05 EST 2006: Received test packet 2 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:07 EST 2006: Sent packet 3.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:07 EST 2006: Received test packet 3 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:09 EST 2006: Sent packet 4.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:09 EST 2006: Received test packet 4 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:10 EST 2006: Received test packet 1 from ip=serverb/, group=/, ttl=4.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:11 EST 2006: Sent packet 5.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:11 EST 2006: Received test packet 5 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:12 EST 2006: Received test packet 2 from ip=serverb/, group=/, ttl=4.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:13 EST 2006: Sent packet 6.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:13 EST 2006: Received test packet 6 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:14 EST 2006: Received test packet 3 from ip=serverb/, group=/, ttl=4.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:15 EST 2006: Sent packet 7.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:15 EST 2006: Received test packet 7 from self.

and something like the following on Server B:

Starting test on ip=serverb/, group=/, ttl=4
Configuring multicast socket...
Starting listener...
Tue Jan 17 16:11:10 EST 2006: Sent packet 1.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:10 EST 2006: Received test packet 1 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:11 EST 2006: Received test packet 5 from ip=servera/, group=/, ttl=4.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:12 EST 2006: Sent packet 2.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:12 EST 2006: Received test packet 2 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:13 EST 2006: Received test packet 6 from ip=servera/, group=/, ttl=4.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:14 EST 2006: Sent packet 3.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:14 EST 2006: Received test packet 3 from self.
Tue Jan 17 16:11:15 EST 2006: Received test packet 7 from ip=falco/, group=/, ttl=4.

You can see that both Server A and Server B are issuing multicast packets and seeing their own and each other's packets. This indicates that multicast is functioning properly between these servers using the default multicast address and port.

Note: Server A sees only its own packets 1-4 until we start Server B and it receives packet 1 from Server B.


If you are unable to establish bidirectional multicast communication please try the following:

If multicast is not functioning properly, you will need to consult with your network administrator or sysadmin to determine the cause and to correct the situation.

Error formatting macro: rate: java.lang.NullPointerException
Error formatting macro: rate: java.lang.NullPointerException
Unknown macro: {rate-table}