Real Time Desktop - RTD


The Coherence Real Time Desktop provides secure and scalable client access from desktop applications into a Coherence Data Grid. Coherence RTD extends the Data Grid to the Desktop, providing the same core API as the rest of the Coherence product line. As of Coherence 3.2, Coherence RTD is licensed as Coherence Real Time Client.

Connectivity into the Coherence Data Grid is achieved via Coherence*Extend technology, which enables a client application to connect to a particular server within the Data Grid. Since the connections are load-balanced across all of the servers in the Data Grid, this approach to connectivity can scale to support tens of thousands of desktop systems.


The primary use case for Coherence RTD is to provide desktop clients with read-only/read-mostly access to data held in a Coherence cluster. Clients can query clustered caches and receive real-time updates as the data changes. Clients may also initiate server-side data manipulation tasks, including aggregations (using com.tangosol.util.InvocableMap.EntryAggregator) and processing (using com.tangosol.util.InvocableMap.EntryProcessor).

Cache Access

Normally, desktop applications are granted only read access to the data being managed by the Data Grid (delegating cache updates to Data Grid Agents), although it is possible to enable direct read/write access.

Local Caches

While the desktop application can directly access the caches managed by the Data Grid, that may be inefficient depending on the network infrastructure. For efficiency, the desktop application can use both Near Caching and Continuous Query Caching to maintain cache data locally.

Event Notification

Using the standard Coherence event model, data changes that occur within the Data Grid are visible to the desktop application. Since the desktop application indicates the exact events that it is interested in, only those events are actually delivered over the wire, resulting in efficient use of network bandwidth and client processing.

Agent Invocation

Since the desktop application will likely only have read-only access, any manipulation of data is done within the Data Grid itself; the mechanism for this is the Data Grid Agent, which is supported by the InvocableMap API.

Desktops may invoke tasks, aggregators and processors for server-side cached objects using InvocableMap.

Connection Failover

If the server to which the desktop application is attached happens to fail, the connection is automatically re-established to another server, and then any locally cached data is re-synced with the cluster.

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