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Oracle® Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide

Part Number E14057-01
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26 Known Issues of Generic Technology Connectors

Known issues related to generic technology connectors are divided into the following categories:

26.1 Names of Generic Technology Connectors and Connector Objects

This section describes the following known issues related to the names that you specify for generic technology connectors and connector objects:



During the creation or modification of a generic technology connector, various objects are automatically created or modified by the generic technology connector framework. You are prompted to specify names for the generic technology connector and process forms. The framework automatically generates names for the remaining objects. These autogenerated names are based on the name that you specify for the generic technology connector.

When you specify a name for the generic technology connector, you must ensure that the name is unique across all object categories (such as resource objects and IT resources) for that Oracle Identity Manager installation. Similarly, you must also ensure that the process form names are unique. This guideline must be followed even while importing a generic technology connector XML file to a different Oracle Identity Manager installation. You must ensure that the names of objects defined in the XML file are not the same as the names of objects belonging to the same category on the destination Oracle Identity Manager installation. For example, the name of the scheduled task defined in the XML file must not be the same as the name of any other scheduled task on the destination Oracle Identity Manager installation.

The scope of this guideline covers all connector objects, regardless of whether the object is used by a predefined connector or a generic technology connector on the destination Oracle Identity Manager installation.

If you do not follow this guideline, then existing objects that have the same name as imported objects are overwritten during the XML file import operation. No message is displayed during the overwrite process, and the process leads to eventual failure of the affected connectors.

This point has also been discussed in the "Connector Objects" section.

26.2 Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration Page

This section describes the following known issues related to the input that you specify on the Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration page:

26.3 Multilanguage Support

This section describes the following known issues related to the Multilanguage Support feature:

26.4 Connector Objects

This section describes the following known issues related to the connector objects that are automatically created by the generic technology connector framework:

26.5 General Known Issues

This section describes the following known issues that do not fall under any of the preceding categories: