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Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users
Version 7.9.6

Part Number E14216-01
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8 Configuring Oracle Sales Analytics

This section describes how to configure Oracle Sales Analytics used with a Siebel CRM source system. It contains the following topics:

8.1 Overview of Oracle Sales Analytics

Oracle Sales Analytics includes a wide range of tasks, analytics and engagement tactics that maximize the value of the customer relationship and contribute to sustainable revenue growth. Oracle Sales Analytics also includes Usage Accelerator for Siebel Sales Applications.

8.2 Configuration Required Before A Full Load

This section contains configuration steps that you need to perform on Oracle Sales Analytics before you do a full data load. It contains the following topics:

8.2.1 How to Deploy Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are a group of SQL statements that perform particular tasks on the database. For example, stored procedures can help to improve the performance of the database. You deploy stored procedures by copying the stored procedure files from your Oracle BI Analytics installation and deploying them to the target data warehouse.

Note: Some sessions may fail if these procedures are not compiled in the database before running the workflows.

To deploy stored procedures

  1. Navigate to the OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\Stored_Procedure_Scripts folder.

  2. Open one of the folders based your database platform, and copy the source code from the file FIND_AUDIT_VALUES.sql into the target data warehouse schema.

  3. Compile the stored procedures in the target data warehouse database.

Note: If you have problems deploying the stored procedures, see your database reference guide, or contact your database administrator.

8.3 Configuration Steps for Controlling Your Data Set

This sections contains additional configuration steps for Oracle Sales Analytics. It contains the following topics:

8.3.1 How to Configure the Snapshot Frequency in the Pipeline Fact

Even though the snapshot of Pipeline is captured every time ETL is run, you can choose to persist daily snapshots, or weekly snapshots or monthly snapshots or even yearly snapshots. There is one parameter 'GRAIN' you need to modify to configure for this.

The GRAIN parameter has a preconfigured value of 'DAY'. The possible values for the GRAIN parameter are:

  • DAY

  • WEEK



  • YEAR

To configure the snapshot frequency in the Pipeline fact

  1. In DAC, go to the Design view, and select your custom container from the drop-down list.

  2. Click the Tasks tab, and query for the SIL_PipelineFact task.

  3. Click the Parameters subtab, and create a parameter called $$GRAIN, and enter an appropriate parameter value.

8.4 Configuring Usage Accelerator

This section explains how to configure Usage Accelerator. It contains the following topics:

8.4.1 What is Usage Accelerator?

Usage Accelerator enables sales organizations to measure and manage user adoption and effectiveness of Oracle's Siebel Sales. Every level of the sales organization benefits from the richer understanding of how each member of the team is contributing to the overall objective. Usage Accelerator provides a comprehensive set of management dashboards and prebuilt metrics that deliver rich information to help accelerate organizational usage, and drive alignment and increase the overall ROI of CRM implementations. Configuring Usage Accelerator

This section provides an overview to configuring Usage Accelerator. Tracking of Targeted Users

In order to optimize the storage space required for the application data, Usage Accelerator enables you to choose which users you want to measure. Usage Accelerator determines the users that you want to measure through the use of a new responsibility called 'Usage Accelerator – Tracking'. This new responsibility will need to be associated to each user in the operational Siebel application. Other Siebel Required Responsibilities

Usage Accelerator introduces six new responsibilities. Three of the responsibilities will be used by all organizations except for Siebel Financial Services customers. Siebel Financial Services customers use three responsibilities that are targeted specifically for their user groups. The responsibilities determine which dashboards a user will see when they use Usage Accelerator. These responsibilities need to be assigned to users in the operational Siebel CRM application. The responsibilities are:

Table 8-1 User Accelerator Responsibilities

Usage Accelerator Responsibilities Usage Accelerator Responsibilities (for Siebel Financial Services)

Usage Accelerator – Sales Rep

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Usage Accelerator - Sales Manager

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Executive


You must not remove a Responsibility for a User and later add the same Responsibility for that user in Siebel CRM Administration View 'Responsibilities'. If you do so, the related ETL will fail (for more information, see the troubleshooting section in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users.

The following table illustrates the dashboards and data-level security that are assigned to each Usage Accelerator responsibility. For more information about security in Oracle BI Applications, see Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Security Guide.

Table 8-2 Dashboards and data-level security that are assigned to each Usage Accelerator responsibility.

User Responsibility Data Level Security Dashboard Name (View) Dashboard Page

Usage Accelerator - Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Score Card

Individual Scorecard

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Account Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Contact Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Opportunity Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Financial Account Coverage (Team) - FINS Only

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Account Completeness (Team)

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Contact Completeness (Team)

Usage Accelerator - FINS Sales Rep

Primary Position Data Level Security

Action Plan

Opportunity Updates (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Score Card

Team Scorecard

Usage Accelerator - Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Score Card

Individual Scorecard

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Account Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Contact Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Opportunity Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Financial Account Coverage (Team) – FINS Only

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Account Completeness (Team)

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Contact Completeness (Team)

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Opportunity Updates (Team)

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security


Account Coverage

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security


Contact Coverage

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security


Opportunity Coverage

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security


Financial Account Coverage - FINS Only

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security


Account Completeness

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security


Contact Completeness

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

Opportunity Updates

Opportunity Updates

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

User Adoption

Active Users

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

User Adoption

Application Usage - Excluded for FINS

Usage Accelerator – FINS Sales Manager

No Position Based Security

User Adoption

Application Usage - FINS Only

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Team Scorecard

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Individual Scorecard

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Account Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Contact Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Opportunity Coverage (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Financial Account Coverage (Team) – Fins Only

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Account Completeness (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Contact Completeness (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Action Plan

Opportunity Updates (Team)

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Account Coverage

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Contact Coverage

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Opportunity Coverage

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Financial Account Coverage – FINS Only

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Account Completeness

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security


Contact Completeness

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

Opportunity Updates

Opportunity Updates

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

User Adoption

Active Users

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

User Adoption

Application Usage - Excluded for FINS

Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

No Position Based Security

User Adoption

Application Usage - FINS Only About Deployment Date

Usage Accelerator module needs to be calibrated with a Deployment Date variable that determines the time that you want the Analysis to commence. This date will default to the date you create in the data warehouse, but you can change the date by changing the UA_DEPLOY_DT variable. Please note that if you set the Deployment Date earlier than the current calendar date, metrics that rely on the Last Updated Date (e.g. # of Updated Records, # of Logins, # of Sync's, etc.) of a record may be inaccurate. For this reason we recommend setting the Deployment Date to the current Calendar Date. About Metric Definitions and Variables

This section explains Usage Accelerator metric definitions and variables. User Adoption Metrics

User Adoption Metrics provide visibility into the behavioral attributes and usage patterns of those using the system. These metrics enable you to quickly identify areas in need of improvement and individuals who require additional help to meet the company's CRM standards.

Table 8-3 User Adoption Metrics

Metric Category Description Variables

Active User

Identifies users that have not logged in or synced in the last two rolling period.

Number of logins needed is currently set to 2. Variable Name is: ACTIVE_NUMLOGINS.

Number of Syncs needed is currently set to 0. Variable Name is: ACTIVE_NUMSYNCS.


Measures the number of days the user's login. Note – Only one login a day will be captured for each user.

Not Applicable


Measures the number of days the user's sync. Note – Only one sync a day will be captured for each user.

Not Applicable

Records Created

Tracks the number of Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Activities, Quotes created by each user and group. FINS version also tracks number of Financial Accounts and Policies Created.

Not Applicable

Records Updated

Tracks the number of Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Activities, Quotes updated by each user and group. FINS version also tracks number of Financial Accounts and Policies Created.

Not Applicable Opportunity Updates Metrics

Opportunity Updates Metrics deliver reliable information to organizations that use Opportunity Management for tracking their pipeline and sales forecasts. The metrics provide a focus on opportunities by ensuring that current and accurate information is in place.

Table 8-4 Opportunity Updates Metrics

Metric Category Description Variables

Opportunity Updates

Identifies Opportunities that have not been modified in the time period specified or have a close date that has passed.

Opportunity Updated Needed is currently set to 90 Days. Variable Name is: OPT_OUTDATED_NUMDAYS Completeness Metrics

Completeness Metrics assist in the completion of contact and account information by highlighting what is missing in an individual entry or in a set of entries.

Table 8-5 Information Completeness Metrics

Metric Category Description Variables

Account Completeness

Looks for the presence of information in each of the primary Account Address fields.

Address Line 1





Contact Completeness

Looks for the presence of information in each of the primary Contact Address fields.

Address Line 1




Work Phone

Email Address

Title Coverage Metrics

Coverage Metrics monitor sales activity against Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities and Financial Accounts. It is not envisioned that you will need to use all of these metrics just the ones that are in alignment with your sales process.

Table 8-6 Coverage Metrics

Metric Category Description Variables

Account Coverage

Determines whether an account has had a contact and activity associated to it in the time frame specified.

Activity Needed is currently set to 90 Days.

Variable name is: ACC_NEED_ACT_NUMDAYS.

Contact Needed is currently set to 180 Days. Variable name is: ACC_NEED_CON_NUMDAYS.

Contact Coverage

Determines whether a Contact has had an activity associated in the time frame specified.

Activity Needed is currently set to 90 Days.

Variable Name is: CON_NEED_ACT_NUMDAYS.

Opportunity Coverage

Determines whether an Opportunity has had a contact and activity associated to it in the time frame specified.

Activity Needed is currently set to 90 Days.

Variable name is: OPT_NEED_ACT_NUMDAYS.

Contact Needed is currently set to 180 Days. Variable name is: OPT_NEED_CON_NUMDAYS.

Financial Account Coverage & Insurance Policy Coverage (FINS)

Determines whether a Financial Account or Insurance Policy has had an Activity Associated to it in the time frame specified

Activity Needed is currently set to 90 Days.

Variable name is: AST_NEED_ACT_NUMDAYS.

8.4.2 About the Usage Accelerator Execution Plan

If you want to create a new execution plan or modify an existing execution plan to include a Usage Accelerator Subject area, then it should include a preceding task 'Create View For Usage Accelerator'. This is already done for the subject areas delivered out of the box. This step is also required if you are using any customized subject area containing Usage accelerator warehouse tables for your execution plans. These tables are prefixed with 'W_UA*'.

8.4.3 Using Usage Accelerator with Siebel 7.5.3 Applications

This section explains how to install and use Usage Accelerator with Siebel 7.5.3 Applications.


This section only applies if you are planning to use Usage Accelerator with Siebel CRM 7.5.3 applications. Usage Accelerator Application Integration with Siebel 7.5.3 CRM Application

The Usage Accelerator installation process consists of installing Usage Accelerator and importing seed data into the transactional database. You install Usage Accelerator using the standard Oracle Business Intelligence installer. The installation options that are available to you depend on the license key you enter.

To integrate Usage Accelerator

  1. Import repository objects to enable embedded Analytics.

    Use Siebel tools to imports 'SRW_753_UA_Integration_objects.sif' file into tools repository.

  2. Lock the following projects:

    • Analytics

    • ERM

    • Siebel Field Service

    • Siebel Marketing Enterprise

    • Siebel Channel

    • Siebel Sales Enterprise

    • Siebel Service Enterprise

    • Siebel Universal Agent


    Do not apply the schema in the transactional database after importing these objects in tools repository. You might see some tables created in this step. These tables would have been applied in the transactional database.
  3. Recompile the srf file, as follows:

    1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to \tools\objects\enu, and create a copy of siebel.srf under a different name.

    2. In Oracle's Siebel Tools, navigate to Tools, then Compile Projects, and select the Locked Projects radio button.

    3. Under the Siebel Repository, select the new SRF file you created in Step a, and click Compile.

    To see the Usage Accelerator screen in your application, the new SRF file must replace the siebel.srf file you were using.

  4. Confirm the Analytics Server name to run Embedded Analytics.

    1. Log in to the Siebel application as the administrator.

    2. Navigate to Site Map, then Administration - Integration, then WI Symbolic URL List.

    3. In the Administration - Integration screen, from the visibility filter, select Host Administration.

    4. In the Host Administration list, locate the record Name=[AnalyticsServerName].

    5. Change [AnalyticsServerName] to the name of the machine hosting your Analytics Server.

  5. Import language-independent Siebel seed data, as follows:

    1. Copy the appropriate seed data files:

      Table 8-7 Seed data files

      File name From To



      Local machine

      seed_753_<xxx>_UA.inp where xxx corresponds to the database platform you are using


      Local machine

    2. Open a command line, and go to the same directory where you copied the .dat and .inp files.

    3. Replace each of the connection parameters with the values appropriate to your database environment, and then run the appropriate import command from the following table:

      Table 8-8 Import commands

      Database Platform Run Import Command


      $SIEBELSERVERROOT\bin\dataimp /u $UserName /p Oracle $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $DatabaseOwner /f seed_753_UA.dat /w y /q 100 /h Log /x f /i seed_753_ora_UA.inp /lseed_753_ora_UA.log


      $SIEBELSERVERROOT\bin\dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $DatabaseOwner /f seed_753_UA.dat /w y /q 100 /h Log /x f /i seed_753_db2_UA.inp /lseed_753_db2_UA.log


      $SIEBELSERVERROOT\bin\dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $DatabaseOwner /f seed_753_UA.dat /w y /q 100 /h Log /x f /i seed_753_mssql_UA.inp /lseed_753_mssql_UA.log

  6. Associate the new Usage Accelerator responsibilities with the users whom you want to see the Usage Accelerator screen.

    The Usage Accelerator responsibilities are as follows:

    • Usage Accelerator Tracking

    • Usage Accelerator - Sales Rep

    • Usage Accelerator - Sales Manager

    • Usage Accelerator - Sales Executive

    • Usage Accelerator – Administrator


    The first responsibility has to be associated with any transaction application user whom you want to be tracked in Usage Accelerator reports. Usage Accelerator-Analytics Adapter Files

The contents of each of the files included in the OracleBI\dwrep folder are shown in the table below.

Table 8-9 Usage Accelerator Analytics Adapter Files

File Description


Siebel Seed Data file containing language- independent seed data records for the following tables: S_WI_SYMURL, S_WE_SYMURL_ARG, S_RESP, S_APP_VIEW, S_APP_VIEW_RESP.




Import file used to control the import of the seed_753_UA.dat file to a particular database platform.